

中文摘要 為有效管制嘉義市柴油車空氣污染,執行柴油車路邊攔檢及目視稽查,以及自主管理、校車及公務車管制、設置空氣品質維護區等相關管制措施,都是希望透過相關稽查管制,找出高污染車輛促進改善來達到污染減量,同時也透過車牌辨識系統找出未被納管之潛在污染柴油車輛通知到檢,有效的掌握行駛於嘉義市轄區中之柴油車輛之排煙污染情形,並鼓勵老舊大型柴油車主汰舊換新、調修保養車輛及加裝空氣污染防制設備並協助申請補助款,透過稽查、宣導及補助措施結合,針對柴油車輛加強管制,藉以督促車主加強車輛日常維修保養,讓使用中柴油車輛都能符合排放標準,提高環境空氣品質,以達清淨環境之目的。為了讓的檢測品質能有更好的提升,今年度也針對排煙檢測動力計進行更新,汰換使用已逾10年以上檢測設備,使本市柴油車輛的排煙檢測工作更加順遂,減緩柴油車所排放的污染對本市空氣品質所造成之影響。此外,針對轄區內易怠速地點執行停車熄火宣導與稽查作業;另外也配合執行原地噪音檢測工作,此外亦配合警察局執行夜間稽查等工作,降低機動車輛噪音產生,還給市民一個安靜的空間。 計畫自111年1月1日至111年12月15日止成果。 (1)到站檢測之柴油車共有2,483輛,其中檢測不合格61輛,不合格率2.5%;核發自主管理標章2,556輛。 (2)路邊攔檢工作執行篩選1,036輛,其中156輛進行檢測(一~三期柴油車佔73.7%),不合格數有70輛,不合格率為44.9%。 (3)柴油車目視判煙篩選通知204輛。 (4)執行車牌辨識稽查686,575輛,發出主動到檢通知2,156輛。 (5)停車熄火稽巡查共1,006輛;校園怠速宣導20場次,共計宣導509輛。 (6)動力計相關更新已於8月24日完成設備驗收,並於8月26日正式啟用。 嘉義市政府成立嘉義市清淨空氣推動委員會以來,致力於降低空氣污染對市民的健康危害,而移動源污染中柴油車所排放的廢氣也最為民眾詬病。本計畫透過各種稽查及宣導手段,迫使出入轄區內柴油車能夠接受檢測合格並進一步取得自主管理標章,希望確保進出嘉義市柴油車排煙狀況皆能符合排煙標準,以降低轄區內污染來源。今年度主要稽查對象為一、二、三期老舊高污染車輛,同時結合環保署老舊大型柴油車汰舊換新補助及調修燃油控制系統及加裝空氣污染防制設備補助政策加強宣導,雙管齊下來降低污染,以有效達成污染減量之目的。本計畫執行污染排放減量為PM10 11.92公噸、PM2.5 10.59公噸、NOx 158.55公噸、NMHC 14.31公噸、CO 55.53公噸
中文關鍵字 柴油車、空氣污染、自主管理、空氣品質維護區


專案計畫編號 1101161 經費年度 111 計畫經費 15100 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/15 專案主持人 吳書易
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王怡評 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年嘉義市柴油車計畫期末報告定稿-上傳.pdf 15MB 期末報告定稿

2022 Jiayi City Diesel Vehicle Air Pollution Control, Idling Stop Inspection, and Sampling & testing Station Equipment Renewal Project Abstract

英文摘要 To effectively control the air pollution of diesel vehicles in Chiayi City, the roadside stop-and-inspection and visual inspection of diesel vehicles have been enforced together with the implementation of related control measures, such as self-management, control of school bus and public service vehicles, and establishment of air quality maintenance zones. The related inspections and controls were enforced to discover the vehicles with high pollution and facilitate their improvement for pollution reduction. At the same time, a license plate recognition system was used to chase down the diesel vehicles with potential pollution that have not been incorporated into government management and request the presence of the subject vehicle for inspection with a notification issued. The control of the emission pollution from diesel vehicles driving around the municipal districts of Chiayi City is achievable. Also, the owners of the old and used heavy-duty diesel vehicles were encouraged to replace, tune & repair, and retrofit their vehicles with air pollution prevention devices, and apply for subsidies with assistance provided by the city government. By enforcing the inspection, advocation, and subsidy measures, the control over diesel vehicles was reinforced, and the vehicle owners were supervised and urged to enhance the routine maintenance & repair of their vehicles. Thus, all diesel vehicles in use can meet the emission standards that upgrade the ambient air quality and achieves the goal of a clean environment. In order to better upgrade the sampling & testing quality, facilitate and the tasks of emission sampling & testing for diesel vehicles in this city and mitigate the impact of the emission pollution of diesel vehicles on the air quality in this city, the renewal of the emission sampling & testing dynamometer was made to replace the sampling & testing equipment that has been using more than 10 years. Besides that, the advocation and inspection operation for the idling stop at the locations in the municipal districts where the idling of diesel vehicles is easy to appear. Furthermore, the task of noise sampling & testing was carried out locally as well; and also, the inspection at nighttime was enforced jointly with the police station to attenuate the noise generated from the motor vehicles and provide the citizens with a quiet space. The results of the project from January 1, 2022 to December 15, 2022 are as follows: (1)2,483 diesel vehicles were sampled & tested at the station; wherein, 61 vehicles failed the sampling & testing at a failure rate of 2.5%; and issued the self-management label to 2,556 vehicles. (2)1,036 vehicles were pulled over for screening and selection to enforce the roadside stop-and-inspection task; wherein, 156 vehicles were sampled and tested (73.7% of them are diesel vehicles in Phase I to III) with 70 vehicles failing the sampling & testing at a failure rate of 44.9%. (3)204 diesel vehicles were screened and picked by visual emission inspection with the notification issued. (4)686,575 vehicles were enforced the inspection by the license plate recognition system; wherein, 2156 vehicles were notified to be inspected at the station. (5)1,006 vehicles were enforced the idling stop inspection, 20 sessions of advocation for idling stop were made on campuses, and 509 vehicles in total received the advocation. (6)The dynamometer-related renewals were satisfactorily accepted on August 24 and officially put into use on August 26. Since the establishment of the Chiayi City Clean Air Promotion Committee, the Chiayi municipal government has committed to reducing the health hazards from air pollution to the citizens; and the emission from diesel vehicles among mobile pollution sources is also the most criticized by the public. Through various means of inspection and advocation, this project will force diesel vehicles entering and leaving the municipal districts to receive and pass the sampling & testing, and further obtain the self-management label. It is expected to ensure that the emission status of diesel vehicles entering and leaving Jiayi City can meet the emission standards and reduce the pollution sources in the municipal districts. This year, the mainly targeted vehicles were the old vehicles in Phase I, II, and III with high pollution. Meanwhile, an advocation to stress the subsidies for replacing old heavy-duty diesel vehicles offered by the Environmental Protection Agency, the subsidy policy for tuning & repairing the fuel control system, and the installation of air pollution prevention equipment have been jointly enforced to reduce pollution so as to effectively achieve the goal of pollution reduction. The pollution emission reductions enforced in this project are PM10 11.92 metric tons, PM2.5 10.59 metric tons, NOx 158.55 metric tons, NMHC 14.31 metric tons, and CO 55.53 metric tons.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicles, Air pollution, Autonomous management, air quality maintenance zone