

中文摘要 新竹縣轄內河川計有三大流域(頭前溪流域、鳳山溪流域及新豐溪流域),於中部山脈發跡後向西貫穿轄內腹地,途中匯集轄內生活污水、事業廢水及畜牧廢水,至下游沖積平原後出海。近年因縣治及工商業快速發展,人為活動所造成之環境負荷加劇,亦導致河川污染情事日亦遽增。 為掌握新竹縣河川流域水質變化,改善河川水體污染排放情形,新竹縣政府環境保護局遂公開甄選技術顧問機構辦理「111年度新竹縣水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核計畫及畜牧廢水氨氮回收推動計畫暨水污染防治許可審查計畫」,除延續以往水污染防治相關管制作業外,並透過列管專案稽查、專家現場輔導機制、設施功能評鑑等方式,提高對事業單位管制力度,促使業者正視廠內廢污水處置問題,杜絕僥倖心態及違法排放情事發生。有關現階段作業(統計期程111年1月1日至111年12月31日止)執行進度摘要說明如下: 一、 河川水質現況-統計111年1~9月河川污染指標(RPI)變化情形 1. 頭前溪流域:河川污染指標(RPI)平均值為1.0,RPI未稍受污染比例為100%,水體分類四項水質項目達成率為88.7%,水體六項重金屬達成率為100%。 2. 鳳山溪流域:河川污染指標(RPI)平均值為1.7, RPI未稍受污染比例為80%,水體分類四項水質項目達成率為17.5%,水體六項重金屬達成率為100%。 3. 新豐溪流域:河川污染指標(RPI)平均值為3.8, RPI未稍受污染比例為25.0%,水體分類四項水質項目達成率為4.2%,水體六項重金屬達成率為61.1%。 二、 列管水污染源稽查管制 1. 執行新竹工業區稽查專案44家次、茄苳溪流域稽查專案64家次,頭前溪流域稽查專案40家次、生活污水削減專案29家次、公共污水下水道稽查6家次、民眾陳情專案50家次、列管事業特殊項目檢測專案10家次及RATA稽查專案3家次等,合計228家次;共計執行水質檢測101家次。 2. 執行一般性稽查478家次,包括一般性現場稽查作業,其中包括一般事業171件(占35.8%)、營建工地183件(占38.3%)、公共及社區下水道124件(占25.9%)等;共計執行水質檢測32家次,其中5家次檢測結果超標。 3. 推動事業單位氨氮管理及輔導改善查核,已完成10場次氨氮稽查採樣作業,並篩選康普材料科技股份有限公司進行專家學者現場輔導,已於111年8月30日執行完畢,該公司後續於111年9月26日,提送削減改善計畫書;新竹工業區納管事業進行源頭調查;已完成10場次含銅之事業稽查採樣作業,並篩選旭德科技股份有限公司進行專家學者現場輔導,已於111年8月30日執行完畢,該公司後續於111年9月29日,提送削減改善計畫書。 4. 聘請專家學者協助完成10家次許可證現場,共計查獲10家許可現場與許可登載文件不符,均已發文要求事業單位提送許可變更。 5. 本年度技師簽證案件查核件數為4件,分別於6月份(2件)、9月份(1件)及10月份(1件)完成相關水污染簽證業務查核作業。 6. 已執行畜牧業稽查作業149家次,水質檢測34家次,不合格2家次(不合格率14%);另外,現場稽查常見缺失包括紅泥塑膠皮破損未修補或曝氣量不足、專用放流口告示牌不清楚或位置不明顯、缺漏水、水電抄表記錄等問題。 三、 關鍵測站流域重點管制 1. 截至111年12月底,新竹工業區放流口與雨水口共執行12次日、夜間採樣作業。 2. 關鍵測站(山崎橋測站)周邊之列管事業(新竹工業區污水廠及竹九自辦農村社區土地重劃區社區)已執行2家次稽查及採樣作業。 3. 茄苳溪流域列管含銅事業共執行12家次稽查及採樣作業,檢測結果均符合放流水標準。 四、 辦理事業廢(污)水處理設備功能評鑑 1. 已完成2家事業單位廢水處理設施功能評鑑初評作業,並於12月21日邀請專家學者辦理經濟部工業局新竹工業區服務中心及台寶樹脂股份有限公司第二階段複評作業,完成複評將持續追蹤改善結果。 五、 水質自動監測(視)及連線傳輸系統查核 1. 每日進行自動連續監測設施連線系統查核(12家),查核結果連線有效數比率均達90%以上。 2. 已完成竹北市水資源回收中心、正隆股份有限公司竹北廠及竹東鎮水資源回收中心等4家次RATA功能測試作業,其中竹東鎮水資源回收中心,因SS數值偏差值偏高,須定時校正相關檢測儀器以維持數據準確性,於111年10月25日再次進行採樣檢測SS數值準確性。 六、 水污染防治費徵收之管理、查核及催繳等相關工作 1. 已完成11101及11107期水污費申報及催補繳作業,應申報家數為349家,完成申報家數為349家,申報完成率為100%,總計徵收水污費4,403,316及6,063,264元。 2. 已完成32家環保署水污費勾稽異常名單現場查核,相關稽查結果將彙整後回報環保署系統。 七、 水污染防治許可相關管理業務 1. 統計許可審查案件依其申請類別分析,共計受理審查件數194件,包含水污染防治措施計畫76件、排放地面水體許可文件38件、貯留許可文件17件及簡易排放許可文件63件,截至111年12月底止,已完成審查126件。 2. 受理營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫申請共122件(新申請144件及變更8件),彙整統計目前已完成審查113件。 八、 畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣及相關推動事宜 1. 已完成11家沼渣沼液農地肥分使用計畫書撰寫,並於111年6月20日及8月30日發文至環保局核備,並偕同農業處辦理專家委員審查作業。 2. 本計畫已輔導4家畜牧業者辦理放流水回收澆灌植物措施,並協助辦理相關水質檢測、申請文件撰寫及許可證異動等,以上均已送縣竹縣政府農業處並審核通過。 3. 已於111年4月11號及9月19日已完成2場畜牧業法規相關宣導說明會會議,並調查雙方合作意願,作為後續媒合作業之基礎。 九、 水環境巡守隊經營作業 1. 於111年3月30日召開1場次水環境巡守隊招募會議,並且新增水月水環境巡守隊及北勢溪巡守隊兩支隊伍。 2. 已針對各隊物資需求進行調查及設備發放作業,並且完成取得志願服務手冊水環境巡守隊隊員共計197人之保險作業。 3. 辦理環保署111年水環境巡守隊考核作業,並協助新豐鄉水環境巡守隊爭取環保署優良水環境巡守隊之榮譽。 4. 於111年7月21日辦理水環境巡守隊參訪活動,認識各機能面向具體改善作法,作為持續改善參考。 十、 辦理河面垃圾攔除作業 1. 執行48次河面垃圾攔除作業(共計運用60人次),合計清除一般垃圾806.6公斤,寶特瓶113公斤,鐵鋁罐46公斤,玻璃瓶70.5公斤。 2. 每月執行8場次(每次1~2人)進行水域環境巡檢作業,並協助調查新豐溪流域環境調查及廢棄物分布情形並詳實紀錄,藉以提供每月水體垃圾攔除作業執行參考依據。截至111年12月31日止,共計執行271次巡檢作業。
中文關鍵字 111年新竹縣水污染稽查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6661 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 麥成瑋
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 施佩昀 執行單位 玖進股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 11101-期末報告定稿.pdf 20MB 11101-期末報告定稿

Hsinchu County-111 Annual Hsinchu County Water Pollution Source Inspection and Water Pollution Fee Collection Review Plan

英文摘要 There are three major river basins in Hsinchu County (Touqian River Basin, Fengshan River Basin and Xinfeng River Basin), which start from the central mountain range and run westward through the hinterland of the jurisdiction, collecting domestic sewage, industrial wastewater and animal husbandry wastewater on the way until you reach the downstream alluvial plain and go to sea. In recent years, due to the rapid development of county government and industry and commerce, the environmental load caused by human activities has intensified, which has also led to a sharp increase in river pollution incidents. In order to understand the changes in water quality in the river basins of Hsinchu County and improve the discharge of river water pollution, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Hsinchu County Government publicly selected technical consultants to handle the "111 Annual Hsinchu County Water Pollution Source Inspection and Water Sewage Fee Collection Review Plan and Livestock Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery" The Promotion Plan and Water Pollution Prevention and Control Permit Examination Plan", in addition to continuing the previous control operations related to water pollution prevention and control, and through the management of special inspections, expert on-site counseling mechanisms, and facility function evaluations, etc., strengthen the control of public institutions. Encourage the industry to face up to the problem of waste water disposal in the factory, and prevent the occurrence of fluke mentality and illegal discharge. A summary of the implementation progress of the current operations (statistical period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011) is as follows: 1. Current status of river water quality - Statistics on changes in river pollution indicators (RPI) from January to September 2011 1. Touqian River Basin: The average river pollution index (RPI) is 1.0, the proportion of RPI not slightly polluted is 100%, the achievement rate of four water quality items in water classification is 88.7%, and the achievement rate of six heavy metal items in water bodies is 100%. 2. Fengshan River Basin: The average river pollution index (RPI) is 1.7, 80% of the RPI is not slightly polluted, the achievement rate of the four water quality items of the water body classification is 17.5%, and the achievement rate of the six heavy metal items of the water body is 100%. 3. Xinfeng River Basin: The average river pollution index (RPI) is 3.8, the proportion of RPI not slightly polluted is 25.0%, the achievement rate of four water quality items in water classification is 4.2%, and the achievement rate of six heavy metals in water bodies is 61.1%. 2. Scheduled inspection and control of water pollution sources 1. Execute 44 inspections of Hsinchu Industrial Zone, 64 inspections of Qielong River Basin, 40 inspections of Tauqian River Basin, 29 domestic sewage reduction projects, 6 inspections of public sewage sewers, and public complaints 50 cases, 10 cases of special project inspections of listed management enterprises, and 3 cases of RATA audit projects, totaling 228 cases; a total of 101 cases of water quality testing were carried out. 2. Performed 478 general inspections, including general on-site inspections, including 171 general undertakings (accounting for 35.8%), 183 construction sites (accounting for 38.3%), and 124 public and community sewers (accounting for 25.9%) etc.; a total of 32 water quality tests were carried out, of which 5 times the test results exceeded the standard. 3. Promote the improvement and inspection of ammonia nitrogen management and counseling in public institutions. 10 ammonia nitrogen inspection and sampling operations have been completed, and Kangpu Materials Technology Co., Ltd. has been selected for on-site counseling by experts and scholars. The implementation has been completed on August 30, 2011. The company will follow up On September 26, 2011, the reduction and improvement plan was submitted; Hsinchu Industrial Zone accepted the pipe business to conduct source investigation; 10 rounds of copper-containing business inspection and sampling operations have been completed, and Xude Technology Co., Ltd. was selected to conduct on-site experts and scholars The counseling was completed on August 30, 2011, and the company subsequently submitted a reduction and improvement plan on September 29, 2011. 4. Experts and scholars were hired to assist in the completion of 10 license sites, and a total of 10 license sites were found to be inconsistent with the license published documents. All of them have issued documents requiring public institutions to submit license changes. 5. The number of technician visa cases checked this year was 4, and the relevant water pollution visa business checks were completed in June (2 cases), September (1 case) and October (1 case). 6. 149 animal husbandry inspections have been carried out, 34 water quality inspections, 2 unqualified (14% unqualified rate); in addition, common deficiencies in on-site inspections include damage to the red mud plastic skin or insufficient aeration, Issues such as unclear or inconspicuous location of the special discharge port notice board, lack of water leakage, and records of water and electricity meter reading. 3. Key control of watersheds at key stations 1. As of the end of December 2011, a total of 12 daily and night sampling operations were carried out at the discharge outlets and stormwater outlets of the Hsinchu Industrial Zone. 2. Two inspections and sampling operations have been carried out for the listed management enterprises around the key measuring station (Shanqiqiao measuring station) (Sewage Plant in Hsinchu Industrial Zone and Zhujiu Self-run Rural Community Land Rezoning Area Community). 3. A total of 12 inspections and sampling operations have been carried out for the copper-containing pipework in the Qielongxi River Basin, and the test results are all in line with the discharge water standards. 4. Handle functional evaluation of industrial waste (sewage) water treatment equipment 1. The preliminary evaluation of the function evaluation of wastewater treatment facilities of 2 public institutions has been completed. On December 21, experts and scholars were invited to handle the second-stage re-evaluation of the Hsinchu Industrial Zone Service Center of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taibao Resin Co., Ltd. The reassessment will continue to track the improvement results. 5. Water quality automatic monitoring (visual) and connection transmission system check 1. Daily automatic and continuous monitoring facility connection system checks (12), and the effective number ratio of the check results is over 90%. 2. Completed 4 RATA function tests at Zhubei City Water Resource Recycling Center, Zhenglong Co., Ltd. Zhubei Plant, and Zhudong Town Water Resource Recycling Center. Among them, Zhudong Town Water Resource Recycling Center, due to the deviation of SS value High, the relevant testing instruments must be calibrated regularly to maintain the accuracy of the data, and sampling was performed again on October 25, 2011 to test the accuracy of the SS value. 6. Management, inspection and collection of water pollution prevention and control fees, etc. 1. The 11101 and 11107 phases of water pollution fee declaration and reminder payment have been completed. The number of households that should declare is 349, and the number of households that have completed the declaration is 349. The declaration completion rate is 100%. The total collection of water pollution fees is 4,403,316 and 6,063,264 yuan . 2. The on-site inspection of the abnormal list of 32 EPA water pollution charges has been completed, and the relevant inspection results will be compiled and reported to the EPA system. 7. Management business related to water pollution prevention and control licensing 1. Statistical permit review cases were analyzed according to their application categories. A total of 194 cases were accepted for review, including 76 water pollution prevention and control measures plans, 38 permit documents for discharge of ground water, 17 permit documents for storage and 63 permit documents for simple discharge , As of the end of December 2011, 126 cases have been reviewed. 2. A total of 122 applications for construction site runoff wastewater reduction plans were accepted (144 new applications and 8 changes), and 113 applications have been reviewed according to the statistics. 8. Livestock manure, biogas slurry and residue and related promotion matters 1. Completed the writing of 11 biogas residue and biogas slurry farmland fertilizer use plans, and sent documents to the Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on June 20 and August 30, 2011, and handled the expert committee review work with the Agriculture Department. 2. This project has guided 4 livestock farmers to handle the measures of releasing runoff water to recycle plants, and assisted in handling relevant water quality testing, writing of application documents, and changes in permits. 3. Completed two briefing meetings on animal husbandry laws and regulations on April 11 and September 19, 2011, and investigated the willingness of both parties to cooperate as the basis for subsequent matchmaking operations. 9. Operation of Water Environment Patrol Team 1. On March 30, 2011, a water environment patrol team recruitment meeting was held, and two new teams, the Shuiyue Water Environment Patrol Team and the Beishixi River Patrol Team, were added. 2. The investigation and equipment distribution operations have been carried out for the material needs of each team, and the insurance operation for a total of 197 members of the water environment patrol team that has obtained the volunteer service manual has been completed. 3. Handle the 111-year water environment patrol team assessment of the Environmental Protection Agency, and assist the Xinfeng Township Water Environment Patrol Team to win the honor of the Environmental Protection Agency's excellent water environment patrol team. 4. On July 21, 2011, the visit of the water environment patrol team was held to understand the specific improvement methods of each function, as a reference for continuous improvement. 10. Handle river rubbish removal operations 1. Carried out 48 times of river rubbish removal operations (using a total of 60 person-times), and removed a total of 806.6 kg of general garbage, 113 kg of plastic bottles, 46 kg of iron and aluminum cans, and 70.5 kg of glass bottles. 2. Carry out 8 sessions per month (1 to 2 people each time) for water environment inspection operations, and assist in the investigation of the Xinfeng River Basin environmental investigation and waste distribution and record in detail, so as to provide monthly water body waste interception operations Reference. As of December 31, 2011, a total of 271 inspections were performed.
英文關鍵字 111 Hsinchu County Water Pollution Inspection