中文摘要 | 本計畫執行期程為111年2月15日至112年12月15日,期間共提送88家確認屬未登記業者,並已輔導完成登記。另已完成111年及112年廢乾電池回收設施之秘密訪查作業,以及乾電池、照明光源歷年未登記業者查核成果新聞稿、圖卡及廢乾電池、廢照明光源回收宣導圖卡製作。完成學校、辦公室及機關單位3種廢乾電池回收筒圖案設計,並推動擴大設置作業方案。 檢測10組乾電池成分組成檢驗部分,顯示3C產品用鋰電池皆為鋰鈷電池,車用動力鋰電池則以鋰三元電池為市場主流。另蒐集彙整電動車及儲能系統之二次鋰電池市場趨勢、歐盟國家車用動力二次鋰電池回收管理模式及趨勢(如歐盟新版電池法)、國內外廢二次鋰電池回收貯存安全規範、國內外廢二次鋰電池處理技術、國內外二次鋰電池降階使用發展趨勢及安全相關規範,以作為我國處理體系及管理策略精進之參酌,並針對1公斤以上二次鋰電池責任業者列管範圍修正建議。另提出回收清除處理費率修正建議方案及國內二次鋰電池處理高值化之分級補貼建議方案。 在強化廢照明光源回收處理體系方面,已蒐集彙整國內外照明光源租賃相關資訊、LED責任物及非列管LED之市場趨勢、種類用途分布調查、國內外LED廢照明光源相關處理規範及技術,並針對擴大列管一體成型LED照明光源責任業者列管範圍修正建議。另參酌歐盟照明光源回收率計算方式,分析國內營業量分母妥適性,並提出LED照明回收率及照明回收率公式修正之計算結果。在檢討照明光源費率部分,已協助彙整分析照明光源信託基金、整體營業量、回收量及回收率變化、回收市場收購價格及回收成效變化。並已輔導潔懋興公司取得LED廢照明光源受補貼機構資格,以拓展我國LED去化管道。 在國際限汞趨勢及環保政策方面,已蒐集彙整國內外含汞照明光源及含汞廢棄物處理方式、國內外乾電池重金屬減量管理,並分析比較國內含汞照明光源境內處理及輸出日本境外處理之運作模式、國際法規、相關費用等,以研議相關廢棄物未來之去化。另協助指定電池汞、鎘含量確認文件之輔導作業。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 回收處理、費率與補貼費率、電池成分檢驗、汞水俁公約 |
專案計畫編號 | 111A055 | 經費年度 | 111 | 計畫經費 | 11713.946 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2022/02/15 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/12/15 | 專案主持人 | 曾明捷 |
主辦單位 | 循環署回收基金管理會 | 承辦人 | 蔡雅如 | 執行單位 | 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 111A055.pdf | 19MB | 111A055成果報告 |
High-Value Treatment and Efficiency Improving for Waste Batteries and Waste Lamps Recycling
英文摘要 | The project period was from Feb 15, 2022 to Dec 15, 2023. 88 unregistered entities had been inspected and consulted by MOENV. Both the 2022 and 2023 examinations of battery recycling bin had been held. The press releases and policy posters for the recycling of waste batteries and lamps had been designed, as well as the design of battery recycling bin. The testing results of 10 secondary lithium batteries showed that most 3C products’ battery type is LCo battery, while most electrical vehicles are using ternary lithium battery. The information of secondary lithium batteries had been investigated and analyzed for domestic references, including market trend analysis of EV batteries and ESS batteries, the EU collection management system (e.g., EU Battery Regulation 2023/1542) and trend of EV batteries, the recycling technologies and the appropriated safety storage rules for secondary lithium batteries, and the development and safety rules for retired EV batteries reusing. The draft recommendation that focuses on over 1 kilogram cell was proposed. Also, the draft of levy rates and differential subsidy for secondary lithium batteries were proposed. The information of lamps had been investigated and analyzed for domestic references, including the case studies of LaaS (light as a service), scope and market trend analysis of LED lamps, the recycling technologies and rules for LED lamps. The draft recommendation that focuses on integrated LED lighting was proposed. A new formula has been modified from EU, so that LED recovery rate can be calculated appropriately. To adjust the rates of LED lamps, the fund, sales, and recovery had been analyzed. JMX environmental Co., Ltd. had been consulted for joining the LED lamps processing. In terms of Minamata Convention on Mercury, the treatment and management of mercury wastes (include batteries and mercury lamp) had been investigated. Two way that includes domestic or the export of mercury lamp to Japan had been analyzed benefits and drawbacks of each, to evaluate for future final disposal. Also, research team consult for companies with HWMS. | ||
英文關鍵字 | collection and recycling, the fee rate and subsidy rate, concentrations testing, Minamata Convention on Mercury |