

中文摘要 為瞭解民眾對行政院環境保護署各項施政滿意度、支持度及對我國環境品質之感受,藉以提供未來釐訂政策或檢視過去施政成效之參考。本調查採住宅電話與手機電話調查並行之方式訪問全國20歲及以上民眾,採分層隨機抽樣方法,並分為兩次調查。第1次為政策面調查,調查期間為111年7月1日至7月10日,有效樣本數共1,089人;第2次為感受面調查,調查期間為111年10月31日至11月7日,有效樣本數共1,087人。在95%信心水準下,兩次調查整體的百分比估計值最大抽樣誤差均不超過2.97個百分點。 第一次調查結果摘要分析如下: 1. 23.2%的民眾認為目前所居住地區「空氣品質」有改善,58.3%表示維持不變,15.8%表示退步。民眾認為空氣品質會發生嚴重惡化的原因(可複選)以「交通污染增加」占53.6%最高,「工廠污染增加」占44.9%居次,餘依序為「天氣型態所造成」27.8%、「境外污染物增加」25.5%、「其他人為活動污染增加」19.5%。 2. 民眾感受空氣品質變化的主要依據以「天空能見度」占40.8%最高,「環境異味」20.6%居次,餘依序為「身體不適」14.1%、「空氣品質指標或監測值」11.8%、「第三方資訊(新聞、網路資訊)」11.5%。65.4%的民眾認為周遭露天燃燒紙錢情形有改善,27.8%表示維持不變,5.0%表示有退步。 3. 環保署推動「加油槍自動跳停不強迫加油」政策,67.7%民眾認為油氣味道有改善,23.8%表示維持不變,3.1%表示有退步。 4. 民眾不想選用電動車或覺得電動車最大缺點以「公共場所充電設施不足」占34.4%最高,「車輛價格過高」占26.1%次之,餘依序為「家用充電設備裝置不易」21.6%、「電池安全疑慮」13.1%。 5. 75.4%的民眾表示目前所居住地區「烏賊柴油車」有改善,18.1%表示維持不變,4.7%表示退步。 6. 52.2%民眾表示環保署使用「聲音照相」科學儀器來取締高噪音車輛是有效的。 7. 51.9%民眾知道環保署正在推廣「全民綠生活」相關政策,高於不知道的48.1%,知道此政策民眾中有79.6%對環保署推廣的努力表示滿意,19.4%表示不滿意。 8. 90.8%民眾願意優先選購具有綠色標籤之低碳產品,8.4%不願意。 9. 74.4%民眾知道連鎖飲料店、便利商店、速食店及超級市場在顧客自備飲料杯購買飲料時須提供至少5元價差的優惠,25.6%不知道。 10. 對於自備飲料杯至少5元價差政策,有84.5%民眾願意自備,14.9%不願意。不願意者中,有71.8%民眾表示主要原因為「攜帶不便」,其次有17.6%因為「清洗麻煩」。 第二次調查結果摘要分析如下: 1. 74.1%的民眾了解秋冬季節空氣品質會受到風向、風速、下雨及紫外線等氣象條件影響,24.9%表示不了解。 2. 68.4%的民眾認為目前居住地區的「烏賊柴油車」有改善,19.1%表示維持不變,5.6%認為有退步。 3. 52.3%的民眾表示「不知道」哪些管道可以提供手機回收的服務,知道者占47.6%,其知悉的回收管道有17.8%是「一般通訊行」,17.3%是「7-11及全家便利商店」,13.9%是「電信業者門市」,11.2%是「清潔隊(資源回收車)」,餘均不及一成;民眾選擇回收手機的主要管道以「7-11及全家便利商店」占26.4%、「電信業者門市」20.1%、「清潔隊」19.5%較高。 4. 74.6%的民眾表示願意將不使用的手機拿去回收,24.7%不願意;不願意回收手機的主要原因為「擔心個人資料外洩」占44.9%,「當備用機」占25.6%居次。 5. 70.3%的民眾對目前居住地區「飲用水水質」表示滿意,27.9%不滿意;60.0%的民眾對目前居住地區「河川環境及水質」表示滿意,35.7 %不滿意。 6. 90.1%的民眾對目前居住地區「垃圾清理」服務表示滿意,9.0%不滿意;89.0%的民眾對目前居住地區「資源回收」服務表示滿意,9.7%不滿意;80.5%的民眾對目前居住地區「環境整潔」表示滿意,19.3%不滿意。 7. 68.3%的民眾對目前居住地區「居家生活安寧(噪音)」表示滿意,31.6%不滿意;60.1%的民眾對目前居住地區「空氣品質」表示滿意,39.6%不滿意。 8. 70.8%的民眾對目前環保署施政表示滿意,25.0%不滿意;與過去一年比較,民眾認為環保署施政有進步的比率為52.2%,35.3%表示維持不變,8.8%認為有退步。
中文關鍵字 環境保護、民意調查、滿意度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 598 千元
專案開始日期 2022/06/13 專案結束日期 2022/12/05 專案主持人 黃河
主辦單位 統計室 承辦人 蔡依倫 執行單位 故鄉市場調查股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年環保施政意向調查成果報告(含兩次調查報告).pdf 2MB 成果報告(含兩次調查報告)

2022 Environmental Policy Intentions Survey

英文摘要 This environmental policy intentions survey was conducted to understand the perception of citizens who are over 20 years old toward environmental quality domestically. It adopted stratified proportional sampling method basing on the residential telephone and mobile phones interview. There are two surveys, and the first survey was conducted from July 1 to July 10, 2022 with 1,089 valid samples. The second survey was conducted from October 31 to November 7, 2022 with 1,087 valid samples. Under 95% confidence level, maximum sampling errors of both surveys are less than 2.97 percentage points. The followings are the results of the first survey: 1. 1. 23.2% of the people believe that the "air quality" has improved near home, 58.3% said it has remained unchanged, and 15.8% said it has regressed. The reasons for the serious deterioration of air quality are considered by the people to be “increased traffic pollution” at 53.6%, followed by “increased pollution from factories” at 44.9%, The lower rate was 27.8% for "caused by weather patterns" and , 25.5% for "increase in foreign pollutants", and 19.5% for "increase in pollution from other anthropogenic activities". 2. The main basis for people's perception of changes in air quality is "sky visibility" at 40.8%, followed by "environmental odor" at 20.6%,The lower rate was 14.1% for "physical discomfort", and 11.8% for "air quality index or monitoring value", 11.5% for "third-party information (news, Internet information)". 65.4% of the people believe that the situation of burning paper money in the open air around them has improved, 27.8% said it remained unchanged, and 5.0% said it has regressed. 3. The Environmental Protection Agency promotes the policy of "refueling guns automatically trip and not force refueling ". 67.7% of the people believe that the smell of oil and gas has improved, 23.8% said it has remains unchanged, and 3.1% said it has regressed. 4. The people who do not want to use electric vehicles or feel that the biggest disadvantage of electric vehicles is "insufficient charging facilities in public places" with the highest rate of 34.4%,followed by "vehicle prices are too high" at 26.1%, and "the installation of household charging equipment is not easy" at 21.6%. The lowest rate was "Battery Safety Concerns" at 13.1%. 5. 75.4% of the people believe that the "black smoke from diesel vehicles" has improved near home, 18.1% said it remains unchanged, and 4.7% said it has regressed. 6. 52.2% of the people said that the EPA's use of "sound photography" scientific instruments to outlaw noisy vehicles is effective. 7. 51.9% of the people know that the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting the "Green Life for All" policies, and 48.1% said they don't know. Of the people who know that the policy, 79.6% are satisfied with the EPA's efforts to promote the "Green Life for All", and 19.4% are dissatisfied. 8. 90.8% of the people expressed their willingness to give priority to low-carbon products with green labels, and 8.4% said they were not willing. 9. 74.4% of the people said they knew that when buying drinks in chain beverage stores, convenience stores, fast food stores and supermarkets, they must provide at least 5 yuan for those who did not bring their own drink cups, and 25.6% said they did not know. 10. 13. 84.5% of the people said they were willing to bring their own drink cups, and 14.9% said they were not willing. Among those unwilling people, 71.8% said that the main reason is "inconvenience to carry". The followings are the results of the second survey: 1. 74.1% of the people said that they understand that poor air quality in autumn and winter is mainly affected by weather such as wind direction, wind speed, rain and ultraviolet rays, and 24.9% said they don't understand. 2. 68.4% of the people believe that the "black smoke from diesel vehicles" has improved near home, 19.1% said it remains unchanged, and 5.6% said it has regressed. 3. 52.3% of the people said that they "don't know" which channels can provide mobile phone recycling services, and 17.8% of the channels that can provide mobile phone recycling services are "general Mobile", and 17.3% are "7-11 and Family Mart convenience stores ", 13.9% are "telecom operator' outlets", 11.2% are "Cleaning Unit ", and 9.0% are "others (such as charities, community resource recycling stations, waste pickers)". 26.4% of "7-11 and Family Mart convenience stores", 20.1% of "telecom operators' outlets" and 19.5% of "Cleaning Unit " choose to recycle mobile phones. 4. 74.6% of the people expressed their willingness to take their unused mobile phones for recycling, and 24.7% expressed their unwillingness. The main reason why people are unwilling to take their mobile phones for recycling is "worried about personal data breach", with 44.9%, followed by 25.6% for "serving as a backup phone". 5. 70.3% of the people are satisfied with the "drinking water quality" near home, and 27.9% are dissatisfied. 60.0% of the people are satisfied with the "river environment and water quality" near home, and 35.7% are dissatisfied. 6. 90.1% of the people are satisfied with the "garbage recycling " near home, and 9.0% are dissatisfied. 89.0% of the people are satisfied with the "recycling" status near home, and 9.7% are dissatisfied. 80.5% of the people are satisfied with the "clean environment" near home, and 19.3% are dissatisfied. 7. 68.3% of the people are satisfied with the "home life (noise)" near home, and 31.6% are dissatisfied. 60.1% of the people are satisfied with the "air quality" near home, and 39.6% are dissatisfied. 8. 70.8% of the people are satisfied with the current administration of the Environmental Protection Agency, and 25.0% are dissatisfied. Compared with the past year, 52.2% of the people believe that the Environmental Protection Agency’s governance has made progress, 35.3% said it has remained unchanged, and 8.8% said it has regressed.
英文關鍵字 Environmental protection, Survey, Satisfaction