中文摘要 | 本計畫協助金門縣環境保護局推動各鄉鎮清淨家園行及海岸環境清理相關作業,包含環境衛生管理稽查落實居家環境內外髒亂點之清理整頓(含觀光景點與公廁),強化維護環境衛生,並促進縣民正確環境整潔行為,進行辦理環境衛生管理查核,以提升各鄉鎮及村里的環境品質,並帶動整體觀光資源。截至111年12月止,完成各工作項目量化工作執行成果均如期達到進度。 一、環境衛生管理作業 巡查本縣環境、觀光景點以及列管公廁,發現37次垃圾包棄置情形,確定裁處案件為18件,好發地點大都集中在金寧鄉及金城鎮。觀光景點環以及 列管公廁巡檢作業境清潔及衛生維護,均相當良好。並協助環保局垃圾包棄置及畜牧業環境污染陳情案件之查核及後續處理。 二、岸際垃圾清理稽查維護 協助巡檢海岸線段,以金沙鎮海岸發現髒亂為最多。111年共計5件海岸陳情案件。助執行4次寶特瓶高低密度監測紀錄以及ICC淨灘行動紀錄監測作業紀錄。並於春秋季各辦理1次淨灘活動。 三、協助辦理環境衛生評比及考評工作 地方政府環境清潔維護考核計畫經實地及書面考核完畢,總成績以烈嶼鄉最高。 四、推動民間、企業認養環境 已成功輔導45個社區認養海岸,5企業認養7處海岸,另今年共計有64間業者簽署道路認養同意書。今年新增1家企業及1個社區發展協會認養公廁,共計有8企業認養25座公廁。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 清淨家園、海岸環境清潔維護、公廁考評、ICC淨灘行動紀錄 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 111 | 計畫經費 | 2994 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2022/01/27 | 專案結束日期 | 2022/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 謝孟宏 |
主辦單位 | 金門縣環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 翁明己 | 執行單位 | 大立環保科技有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 202302201159060458.pdf | 11MB |
Salute to the Sea in 111 Years - Coastal Cleaning and Maintenance Program
英文摘要 | The main objective of this project is to help the Kinmen County Government Environmental Protection Bureau . continue to promote "Ecolife Clean Hometown and coastal areas environmental managemen"Maintenance and improvement of scenic spots , environmental cleanliness maintenance and environmental beautification and beautification competitions, environmental protection department local government environmental cleanliness maintenance assessment program To assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in carrying out inspections of the cleanliness of public toilets and the surrounding environment of tourist attractions. Up to December, the number of inspections To contractual standards: inspection of public to assist the environmental protection and maintenance quality and environmental landscaping competition to assist the EPA in cleaning competition assessment related work Cooperate with environmental Protection Department for local government environmental cleaning and Maintenance assessment Plan the project team cooperated with the Environmental Protection Bureau for the "Clean Homes for all national sports Plan" Local Government Environment assessment. Assist with the cleaning of coastal areas Continuing to promote the adoption of coastal areas , the implementation of inspection and simple clean-up operations after adoption of adoptions, the completion of and having assisted clean coastal areasin the completion For beach activities. | ||
英文關鍵字 | coastal cleanup , maintenance of environmental ,public toilet |