

中文摘要 綜效整合各項工作內容,本計畫共分為「研提空氣品質可行改善範圍及對應策略」、「區域聯防及總量管制法制與落實」及「推動科普溝通」三大類別,各項成果說明如下。 於研提空氣品質可行改善範圍及對應策略上,考量政策的推動需由科學支持,本計畫蒐研既有科學實證數據(如空品監測、模擬研究),顯示我國空品受區域涵容背景值、境外移入、本身季風地形等因素影響大,其中尤以O3,8hr全國均化約有66%濃度受影響,改善上具挑戰,本計畫建議得優先改善高值AQI>150站日數,排除颱風、境外因素主導者,策略上導入關鍵前驅物導向科學精準減量並連結淨零路徑共伴效益,為我國未來空品改善關鍵。基此,完成分析臭氧生成潛勢及濃度貢獻解析,併同剖析考量國家政策、產業發展、環境影響評估等面向,鑑別主要污染源,並據以提供產業、能源、運輸等策略建議。 於區域聯防及總量管制法制與落實工作上,本計畫將前述分析中具區域特徵之污染源,納入空污法好鄰居會商條款之作業重點規劃並建議2項相關配套文件修改方向,以供環保署後續督導地方污染防制計畫規劃工作上展開落實。另針對高屏總量管制區因應目前增量抵換額度流通性問題,完成1項抵換來源拍賣辦法研擬及其發布作業與程序,以及1項實際削減量差額申請審查作業指引,期確保總量管制區域不增量之功能持續有效發揮。目前高屏地區內各空氣污染排放量相對104年已改善37%,顯示空污法各項管制措施與總量制度相互搭配促成區域改善。 推動空氣品質改善措施不只需要投入管制措施,同時也需要循序漸進改變民眾的生活習慣,才能達到改善空氣品質的終極目標,本計畫已完成今年度高中組及大專組空氣品質科普知識競賽及其頒獎典禮,以及科普知識競賽成果論壇等活動辦理,活動納入空品與健康關聯、溫室氣體共利改善等相關科普知識專題分享,以貼近社會大眾方式,促進空品議題之重視,參賽者透過自編舞蹈、小短劇、繪畫、桌遊、教案及簡報等多元方式表達其對於生活中食、衣、住、行、育、樂與民俗文化之相關空氣品質議題想法,獨具巧思;透過競賽與論壇等多元管道,將科普知識傳遞擴散,普及空保意識,促進全民共減之共識,同時藉由各界的視野與思維,檢視空氣品質改善政策之盲點,型塑貼近民眾需求之政策作為。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、空品科普競賽、綜合管制策略


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 14380 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/28 專案結束日期 2023/03/27 專案主持人 陳怡君
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林芷昀 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111A142(公開版).pdf 21MB

The Plan of Air Quality Management and Popular Science Promotion

英文摘要 This project is divided into three categories: feasible domestic air quality improvement scope and strategy planning, enforcement of regional control strategies and Total Quantity Control (TQC) plan, and promotion of science popularization activities. Based on current scientific data and evidence (including air quality monitoring data, air quality modeling researches) and international air quality regulations and strategies, this project analyzes existing scientific evidence on air quality and suggests that 66% of the national average concentration of O3,8hr is affected by regional background values, external inputs, and monsoon, which causes challenges for improvement. This project recommends prioritizing the improvement of Air Quality index measurement days in value of more than 150. Strategies linking to net-zero co-benefits, and key precursor-oriented scientific precision reduction are key for domestic future air pollution improvement. This project recommends industry, energy and transformation improvement strategies based on the results of analyzing ozone formational potential (OFP) and concentration contribution, and reviewing national net-zero policy, economic development, and environmental assessment. This project implements regional control strategies and total quantity control (TQC) plan by according to the above results of key air pollution sources. In order to enforce regional control strategies, the project, including good neighbor consultation regulation’s operational focuses, recommends modifications toward 2 relative supporting documents. This project established 1 regulation for trading offsetting sources and 1 guideline for the actual emission reduction difference reviewing, which ensuring the controlling incremental quotas function of TQC. Currently, air pollution emission in Kaohsiung-Pingtung Area has reduced 37%, compared with 2015 baseline, which indicating how the Air Pollution Control Act measures and the TQC regulations coordinating, improving regional air quality. To achieve the ultimate goal of improving air quality, it requires not only reinforcing pollution control measurements, but also a gradual change in public habits and customs. This project assisted in the air quality science knowledge competition, seminars, awards ceremony and press conference for high school and college students. In order to promote air quality issues, this competition also shared information with contestants, including the relation of air quality and health and well-being, and the common strategy of both greenhouse gases and air pollution reduction. Contestants expressed their ideas on air quality issues from daily life, including food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and entertainment, folk culture through various creative, such as self-compiled dances, short plays, artwork, board games, teaching project and presentations, demonstrating unique and imaginative perspectives. Through the series of activities, this project promoted air quality protection and science information, while encouraging public awareness toward air quality issues and reduction the air pollution together. At the same time, referring to public’s perspective, this project reviewed the blind spots, and provide public-concern-basing practical policies.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality, Air Quality Popular Science Contest, Integrated Control Policy