
屏東縣_111年度補助直轄市、縣﹙市﹚環境保護機關 辦理資源回收工作計畫

中文摘要 「屏東縣111年度資源回收工作計畫」摘要 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣111年度資源回收工作計畫」,本計畫執行期程為自111年1月1日至111年12月31日止,屏東縣資源回收率至111年10月份為止,回收率為55.7%,較110年度56.5%下降0.8%,一般廢棄物產生量減量率為1.5%。本計畫截至11月9日為止,各項工作均已完成,摘要如下列說明: 完成研擬本縣執行機關資源回收工作績效考核初核計畫草案,輔導110年度回收率較低5鄉鎮市,有獅子鄉、內埔鄉、霧臺鄉、高樹鄉、東港鎮,分析其每人每日資源回收量偏低之因素,並輔導其加強垃圾減量及資源回收工作。輔導33鄉(鎮、市)清潔隊訂定完整年度資源回收物標售契約。完成輔導公所其每項均應訂定完整年度資源回收物標售契約或提出資源回收物去化管道順暢無堆置情形。另執行分項分包之公所原已完成簽訂契約者,本計畫輔導17鄉鎮市公所其與合作回收商加簽補充約定,以達契約之完整性。完成辦理2場次資源回收業務交流檢討及業務人員教育訓練,會議重點包括提升資源回收率相關工作說明及執行機關資源回收工作績效考核初核計畫執行重點說明。 完成設置20個示範社區回收站之社區。另完成辦理52場次社區資源回收分類宣導說明會。推動社區資源回收種子教師培訓,輔導27名種子教師,完成辦理29場次宣導。 執行803件次之查核工作辦理資源回收責任業者重點管理稽查取締工作。執行310家次應設置資源回收設施13大行業販賣業者稽查取締工作,有18家次不符合規定,現場均完成輔導改善。辦理廢四機回收制度中之販賣業者管理稽查與輔導計122家,有63家次不符合規定,現場完成輔導改善。應回收廢棄物回收業計59家209家次查核作業,有7次有違規;應回收廢棄物處理業計執行12家46家次查核作業。 本計畫執行提報有迫切需求形象改造之鹽埔鄉、長治鄉等2鄉鎮市計2處回收點,;另目前已輔導15名個體業者進入社區服務。完成查報汽車409輛次、貨車15輛次及機車41輛次,計465輛次。 辦理資源回收宣導工作方面,完成辦理38場次資源回收宣導活動及說明會。配合環保局新聞發布期程規畫,完成新聞659則訊息強化民眾獲得環保資訊資管道。完成輔導2場具規模廟會加強資源回收,成立綠掃把志工隊、媒合個體業者進入分類資源回收。協助本縣各執行機關完成環保署年度績效考核初評作業。 「屏東縣111年度提升資源回收行動專案計畫」摘要 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣111年度提升資源回收行動專案計畫」,本計畫執行期程為自111年2月1日至111年12月31日止,屏東縣資源回收率至111年10月份為止,回收率為55.7%,較110年度56.5%下降0.8%,一般廢棄物產生量減量率為1.5%。本計畫截至11月12日為止,各項工作均已完成,摘要如下列說明: 執行垃圾強制分類破袋檢查,完成屏東市、潮州鎮、東港鎮、萬丹鄉、內埔鄉5個鄉鎮市垃圾強制分類稽查工作165次,查核垃圾袋包數1968包,整體符合率達77.5%。 執行村里資源回收站經營與輔導,針對105年至109年設置之53處村里資源回收站持續輔導,完成53個村里資收站167次現場輔導工作。另考量資收站的持續性營運,本計畫酌予提供兌換生活用品搭配村里資收站自行購置的生活用品進行資收站的運作,共發放53站村里資收站生活用品。包括環保衛生紙34,232包、環保洗衣精900瓶、環保洗碗精3,007瓶,鼓勵村里資收站提高之運作效益及永續經營。統計111年01月至111年10月止,運作中資收站資源回收量297,024公斤,變賣金873,770元,參與人數7,250人次。輔導各村里資源回收站每月10日前完成上網登錄前個月資源回收量。完成辦理3場次村里資源回收站推廣教育訓練之工作,各場次將邀請村里資源回收站村長與幹部及當地鄉鎮市清潔隊參加。另為提高村里民眾收集廢乾電池兌換意願,輔導村里資源回收站訂定資源回收兌換日為廢乾電池回收日,廢乾電池回收量達576公斤。並完成辦理辦理20場次垃圾減量資源回收宣導說明會。完成輔導鹽埔鄉之6個鄰近之村里資收站聯合變賣予回收商慈立行,並簽訂回收商同意書,輔導該回收商以高於市價之金額向村里資收站收購資收物,以提高資源回收站收益該6站111年6-10月之平均每公斤變賣金額為4.70元,較110年度該6站之平均每公斤變賣金額為4.35元提高0.35元。 加強人力進駐琉球鄉執行資源回收工作,定期派員協助辦理宣導、分類、巡查與地方溝通工作。在民宿業者部分,本年度查核100家次,合格有73家次,合格率73%,不合格有27家次,不合格率27%,在家戶部分,本年度查核105包,合格有83包,合格率79%,不合格有22包,不合格率21%。巡檢82家次民宿業者,其中81家業者有設置一般垃圾及資源回收設施且標示完整,1家業者僅設一個垃圾桶。另輔導媒合台灣島內回收商以較優惠價格收購琉球鄉個體兼買賣資源回收業者資收物。另公所亦自行編列預算酌量補貼,截至10月止4名個體兼買賣業者已提供708.6公噸之回收量。執行琉球鄉12處觀光景點資源回收設施現況調查並輔導公所進行改善。協助琉球鄉公所調查評估該鄉每月資源回收量基線資料及111年度清運回臺之資源回收量,評估琉球鄉平均每月資源回收量約208公噸,塑膠容器每月約回收42.5公噸,紙容器每月約回收5.1公噸。 清查本縣一定規模以下回收業並列冊(須含業者名稱、負責人聯絡資訊、回收場地址(地號)、GPS座標、面積、回收項目等項目)提報環保局。並巡查屏東縣轄內一定規模以下列冊應回收廢棄物回收業256家次。 本縣各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊之資源回收車資料,計有187輛資源回收車,經輔導已全數完成設置廢照明光源貯存設施。 完成設置佳冬鄉塭豐漁港回收站段完成辦理15場次,當地漁港船員漁民家屬均相當熱絡參與,共回收資源回收物共計8552公斤,活動收集之資收物皆由社區變賣回收。另辦理2場次廢容器回收宣導活動。 透過環保局辦理「資源回收業務交流檢討及業務人員教育訓練會議」,進行輔導執行機關執行垃圾強制分類查核,另亦個別輔導垃圾量偏高鄉鎮市公所清潔隊隊長,完成辦理8場次宣導說明會及2場次活動。 已於111年3月底前,於「資源回收管理資訊系統」完成建置屏東縣列管應設置紙餐具回收設施之販賣業者名單,計143家業者。經本年度清查,其43家業者因故解除列管,包括5家改用環保餐具、33家改為不提供內用、5家已停止營業中,100家列管業者皆已完成設置紙餐具回收設施。推估列管中之100家業者每年約可回收11970公斤紙餐具。另完成拍攝「紙餐具回收「清、分、疊」,資源循環又整潔」宣導影片。 完成辦理7場次廢電風扇回收兌換活動、7場次廢可攜式電腦、廢鍵盤及廢顯示器回收兌換活動、6場次飲料玻璃瓶回收兌換活動、11場次農藥廢容器回收兌換活動、3場次廢PS容器及廢PLA容器回收兌換活動。 結合屏東縣轄內鄉鎮市公所、村里資收站、大專院校、家樂福量販店及社區大樓等於9月份辦理為期1個月「回收乾電池 逗陣抽大獎」乾電池回收月活動,統計本活動共回收2,535公斤之廢乾電池。 環保署建置之「全國不用品藏寶地圖」,屏東縣轄內實體站點新增4處總計為88處,依服務類別區分,買賣站點計28處,捐送站點計53處,回收站點計7處。並完成登錄轄內5所大專院校所屬之二手物交換網站共5站,藉以使二手物價值延續,減少資源浪費。完成於屏東縣青創聚落建置定點定期定時二手物市集「來來去趣 二手物交換市集」,每月至少辦理1次以上交換活動,每次活動時間由下午14:00至18:30,每次至少招募20位二手物攤商。本年度計畫完成辦理10場「來來去趣 二手物交換市集」活動,共計參與人次約9230人,交換/交易二手物件數約4439件。於8/27結合屏東縣府活動完成辦理「來來去趣 舊愛零廢棄」二手物交換市集活動,推估約有10,000人次參加交換市集活動,約1,850件二手物商品延續生命週期,達到源頭減量、循環再利用的目的。 於家樂福屏東店及家樂福新屏店等2處設置「離情衣衣」全品牌舊衣回收站,並透過「來來去趣 二手物交換市集」活動中辦理舊衣回收兌換及「離情衣衣」全品牌舊衣回收站宣導活動,回收之舊衣媒合慈濟基金會屏東分會,進行舊衣回收清運作業,本年度舊衣回收量約5公噸舊衣,以每件舊衣400公克換算約12,500件。 每月掌握各公所廢輪胎儲存場堆置數量,每2週進行調查一次,調查重點內容包括輪胎堆置量、簽訂回收清運合約情形、合約委託量、委託回收業、回收商交付之處理廠、本月清運量等,本年度依據鄉鎮市公所清潔隊廢輪胎儲存場儲存現況與清潔隊實際需清運之需求進行協助清運廢輪胎,總計本年度清運,共清除20鄉鎮市公所95車次,進處理廠56車次,計清除處理廢輪胎297,760公斤。
中文關鍵字 資源回收


專案計畫編號 1101207-A 經費年度 111 計畫經費 7688 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 曾聰億
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 葉穎緻 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


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期末報告 屏東縣_111年度補助直轄市、縣﹙市﹚環境保護機關 辦理資源回收工作計畫--.pdf 12MB

Pingtung County_ 111 Annual Subsidy for Municipal and County (City) Environmental Protection Agencies to Handle Resource Recycling Work Plan

英文摘要 A Plan on Resource Recycling Work of Pingtung County in 2022 Abstract The execution period of " A Plan on Resource Recycling Work of Pingtung County in 202” is from January 1 to December 31, 2022. The resource recycling rate of Pingtung County was 55.7% as of October in 2022, which was 0.8% lower than the 56.5% in 2021. The reduction rate of general waste volume generated is 1.5%. As of November 9 of 2022, all the work items have been completed. The summary of the implementation results is as follows. The preliminary assessment plan for the performance evaluation of resource recycling work conducted by the executive agency of Pingtung County has been completed. According to the recycling rate in 2020, 5 townships, towns, and cities with the lowest recycling rate were coached, including Shi-Zi Township, Neipu Township, Wutai Township, Gaoshu Township, and Donggang Town. Analyze the factors that cause the low amount of resource recycling per person per day, and guide the Township Office to strengthen waste reduction and resource recycling work. Coach 33 township (town, city) cleaning squads to formulate a complete annual recyclables auction contract. Complete to guide the Township Offices should formulate a complete annual recyclables auction contract for each recycling item or propose that the subsequent recycling or recovery of recyclables are smooth and no piling up. In addition, the Offices, implemented the subcontract for each recycling item, has already signed the contract, the task team guides the 17 Township Offices and municipal Office to sign a supplementary agreement with the cooperative recycler to ensure the integrity of the contract. Completed 2 sessions of resource recycling professional work exchange review and professional personnel education and training. The key points of the meeting included work descriptions related to improving the resource recycling rate and the implementation focus of the primary assessment plan for the performance evaluation of resource recycling work of the executive agency. Complete the setting of 20 demonstration community recycling stations. In addition, 52 publicity briefing sessions on the sorting of community resource recycling were completed. Promoted the training of community resource recycling seed teachers, and tutored 27 seed teachers to complete 29 sessions of publicity. Carry out key management, inspection and banning work on resource recycling responsible operators, and complete a total of 803 cases. Conduct the inspection and banning tasks of the 13 major industry vendors who should be set up the resource recycling facilities. A total of 310 cases were completed, 18 of which did not meet the regulations. They all completed the improvements on the spot after guidance. Perform 122 times of management inspections and guidance for the vendors included in the waste four-machine recycling system, 63 of which were not in compliance with the regulations. They all completed the improvements on the spot after guidance. A total of 59 business or 209 inspections was carried out for the recyclable waste recyclers, of which there were 12 violations. A total of 12 business or 46 inspections was performed for the recyclable waste disposal business. The task team perform 2 recycling stations, which are reported and need image transformation urgently, in 2 townships, including Yanpu Township and Changzhi Township. A total of 15 self-employed individuals enter community for resource recycling service. Completed a total of 465 times of checks and reports of waste motor vehicles including 409 times of vehicles, 15 times of trucks, and 41 times of motorcycles. In terms of resource recycling advocacy work, 38 resource recycling publicity activities and briefing sessions have been completed. Cooperate with the press release schedule of Environmental Protection Bureau and has completed 659 news items to strengthen the public's access to environmental protection information. Completed the guidance of 2 large-scale temple fairs to strengthen resource recycling, set up a green broom volunteer team, and matched self-employed individuals to assist resource sorting and recycling. Assist all executive agencies in Pingtung County to complete the preliminary evaluation of the annual performance assessment of the EPA. The Action Project Plan on Promotion of Resource Recycling of Pingtung County in 2022 Abstract The task team executes “The Action Project Plan on Promotion of Resource Recycling of Pingtung County in 2022.” The execution period is from February 1 to December 31, 2022. The resource recycling rate of Pingtung County was 55.7% as of October in 2022, which was 0.8% lower than the 56.5% in 2021. The reduction rate of general waste volume generated is 1.5%. As of November 12, all the work items have been completed. The summary of the implementation results is as follows. Carried out bag-breaking inspections for mandatory garbage sorting, and completed 165 inspections in 5 townships, towns and city including Pingtung City, Chaozhou Town, Donggang Town, Wandan Township, and Neipu Township. The number of garbage bags inspected was 1,968, and the overall compliance rate reached 77.5%. Carry out the operation and guidance of resource recycling stations in villages, continue to provide coach for 53 resource recycling stations in villages set up from 2016 to 2020, and complete 167 times on-site coach. In addition, considering the continuous operation of the resource recycling stations, the task team provides some daily necessities with those purchased by the resource recycling stations in villages for exchange. Daily necessities were distributed to 53 resource recycling stations in villages, including 34,232 packs of eco-friendly toilet paper, 900 bottles of eco-friendly laundry detergent, and 3,007 bottles of eco-friendly dishwashing liquid, to encourage them to improve operational efficiency and achieve sustainable management. Data collected from January to October of 2022, the recycling amount of resource recycling stations in operation was 297,024 kilograms, and the amount of sale was NT$873,770. The number of participants was 7,250 person-times. Guiding the resource recycling station in each village to complete the report on the website of the resource recycling amount in the previous month before the 10th of each month. Completed to handle 3 sessions of education and training of the resource recycling stations in villages. In each session, the village chief and cadres of the resource recycling stations in villages, and local cleaning squads were invited to participate. Moreover, in order to enhance the willingness of the villagers to collect waste dry batteries and exchange them, the resource recycling station in the villages were instructed to set the resource recycling and exchange day as the waste dry battery recycling day, and the recycling volume of waste dry batteries reached 576 kg. Completed the handling of 20 sessions of garbage reduction and resource recycling publicity briefings. Completed the guidance for joint sale of recyclables of 6 adjacent village resource recycling stations in Yanpu Township to the Ci-Li recycler, and signed a letter of agreement with the recycler, and coached the recycler to purchase recyclables from the village resource recycling stations with a price higher than the market price, to increase the income of resource recycling stations. The average joint selling price per kilogram of the 6 stations from June to October 2022 was NT$4.70, an increase of NT$0.35 compared with the average sale price of NT$4.35 per kilogram to sell separately of the 6 stations in 2021. Strengthen manpower stationed in Liuqiu Township to implement the promotion of resource recycling tasks, and periodically send personnel to assist in propaganda, sorting, inspection and local communication. Implementation of the mandatory garbage sorting and bag-breaking inspections for homestay operators 100 times, of which 73 times were qualified with a pass rate of 73% and 27 times failed with a failure rate of 27%. In the bag-breaking inspections for household garbage, 105 bags were checked, 83 of which were qualified, with a pass rate of 79%, and 22 bags unqualified with a failure rate of 21%. The task team inspected homestay operators 82 times, of which 81 operators installed the general garbage bins and the resource recycling facilities, and the labels were complete. Only one homestay operator set up an ordinary trash can. In addition, the task team coaches and matches recyclers in Taiwan Island to purchase the recyclables of self-employed and bulk trade resource recycling operators in Liuqiu Township at a more favorable price. The Township Office also prepares its own budget to provide subsidies. As of October, 4 self-employed and bulk trade resource recycling operators have provided 708.6 tons of recyclables. Conducted a survey on the current situation of resource recycling facilities in 12 tourist attractions in Liuqiu Township and guided the Township Office to make improvements. Assist the Liuqiu Township Office to investigate and evaluate the baseline data of the township's monthly resource recycling volume and the total resource recycling volume cleared and transported back to Taiwan Island in 2022. The average monthly resource recycling volume of Liuqiu Township is estimated to be about 208 metric tons, of which plastic containers and paper containers are recycled about 42.5 and 5.1 metric tons per month, respectively. Inventory the recycling industry below a certain scale in Pingtung County and list it (including the name of the operator, the contact information of the person in charge, the address of the recycling site (land number), GPS coordinates, area, recycling items, etc.) and report it to the Environmental Protection Bureau. And inspected 256 recyclable waste recycling businesses below a certain scale within the jurisdiction of Pingtung County. Checked the resource recycling vehicle information of the cleaning squads of township and municipal offices in Pingtung County. There are 187 resource recycling vehicles in total. After guidance, all of them have completed the installation of waste lighting source storage facilities. Completed the establishment of the Yifeng Fishing Port Recycling Station in Jiadong Township and handled 15 sessions of exchange activities of recyclables. The families of crew and fishermen at the local fishing port participated enthusiastically. All the recyclables collected in the activities were sold and recovered by the community. In addition, 2 waste container recycling publicity activities were held. The “Resource Recycling Business Communication Review and Business Personnel Education and Training briefing” was held through the PTEPB this year to guide the enforcement agency in the implementation of mandatory garbage sorting inspection. In addition, the task team also individually coached the chief of the cleaning squad of the township and municipal office. Completed 8 publicity briefing sessions and 2 activities of mandatory garbage sorting. Before the end of March 2022, the establishment of a list of vendors in Pingtung County that should set up paper tableware recycling facilities on the "Resource Recycling Management Information System" had been completed, including 143 vendors. After the inventory of this year, 43 operators have been removed from the managed list due to the reasons, including 5 that switched to eco-friendly tableware, 33 that changed not to provide dine-in service, 5 that have ceased operations, and the other 100 of the operators in the list have completed the installation of paper tableware recycling facilities. It is estimated that the 100 businesses in the managed list can recycle about 11,970 kg of paper tableware every year. In addition, the filming of the "Paper Tableware Recycling, "Clear, Separate, and Stack", Resource Recycling and Tidy" promotional video was completed. Completed 7 sessions of recycling and exchange activities of waste portable computer, waste keyboard, and waste monitor. And completed 7, 6, 11, and 3 sessions of recycling and exchange activities of waste electric fan, waste drink glass bottle, waste pesticide container, and waste PS/PLA container, respectively. Combined with township and municipal offices, village resource recycling stations, colleges and universities, Carrefour Hypermarket and community buildings within the jurisdiction of Pingtung County, the one-month activity, waste dry battery recycling month, on "recycling dry batteries and drawing big prizes" was held in September, and the amount of recycled waste dry battery was 2,535 kg in total. Four physical stations within the jurisdiction of Pingtung County has been added on the "National Unused Treasure Map" established by the EPA, making a total of 88 sites, in term of the service types, of which 28 are buying and selling sites, 53 are donation sites, and 7 are recycling stations. And completed the registration of 5 second-hand exchange websites belonging to 5 colleges and universities in the jurisdiction, in order to continue the value of second-hand goods and reduce the waste of resources. Completed the establishment of a fixed-point, regular period and regular time second-hand goods market, "Come and Go to Fun Second-hand Goods Exchange Market", in the I/o studio in Pingtung County. At least one second-hand goods exchange event is held every month, and the time of each event is from 14:00 to 18:30 in the afternoon. And recruit at least 20 second-hand goods vendors each time. This year, the task team has completed 10 "Come and Go to Fun Second-hand Goods Exchange Market" activities, with a total of about 9,230 participants and about 4,439 second-hand items for exchange/trade. In conjunction with the activity of Pingtung County Government, the "Come and Go to Fun Love Old Goods for Zero Waste" second-hand goods exchange market activity was completed on 27 of August. It is estimated that about 10,000 people participated in the second-hand goods exchange market activity, and about 1,850 second-hand goods continued their life cycle to achieve the purpose of source reduction and recycling. Set up "be reluctant to part from the old clothes" all-brand old clothes recycling stations in two locations including Pingtung Store and Xinping Store of Carrefour Hypermarket. The recycled old clothes obtained from the "Come and Go to Fun Second-hand Goods Exchange Market" activity and the promotion of "be reluctant to part from the old clothes" all-brand old clothes recycling stations, are matched with Tzu Chi Foundation Pingtung to perform the recycling and transportation of old clothes. The amount of old clothes recycled this year is about 5 metric tons, which is about 12,500 pieces at 400 grams per piece of used clothes. Conduct a survey every 2 weeks to grasp the number of scrap tires stored in each Township and Municipal Office every month. The survey focuses on the amount of tires piled up, the status of signing a recycling and clearing contract, the entrusted volume in contract, the entrusted recycling industry, and the processing plant delivered by the recycler, and clearance volume per month, etc. This year, according to the current situation of the scrap tire storage site of the cleaning squad of the Township and Municipal Office, and the actual needs of the cleaning squad to clear and transport the scrap tires, a total of 95 vehicle trips were dispatched to 20 township and municipal offices to clear and transport the scrap tires, of which 56 vehicle trips into the processing plant. A total of 297,760 kg of scrap tires were cleared and processed.
英文關鍵字 Resource Recycling