中文摘要 | 本行政執行協助計畫之3項計畫目標包括:1. 精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染防治管理。2. 強化自動監測(視)設施管制。3維運並提升自動監測連線傳輸系統服務品質。 為達上述三項目標,本計畫之工作內容包括:(1)精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染防治管理(2)強化自動監測(視)設施管制(3)維運並提升自動監測連線傳輸系統服務品質(4)其他行政協助事項等四類工作。 本計畫執行期間完成相關行政管制工作之協助與規劃,包括:(1)完成工業區近3年(108〜110年)管制資料分析、彙整工業區污水下水道系統上、下游水質測站濃度,並對下游濃度增加者分析其排放量占比、辦理5場工業區現場訪查、追蹤工業區因應110年放流水標準改善狀況、配合工業區自評報告填表建議格式規劃相關系統功能、研擬與彙整工業區水污染防治計畫與成果(2)研擬廢(污)水自動監測管理計畫、執行15家自動監測設施系統性及功能性查核(含3場平行比對)、研訂自動監測(視)設施系統性與功能性查核手冊(3)提供每月或每季連線對象數據異常名單輸出功能、提供單一事業連線狀態說明資料輸出功能、新增儀器校正及相對誤差測試查核(RATA)申報狀況檢查及業者端提醒功能、新增環保局端原始連線資料輸出功能、新增關鍵字查詢功能、廢(污)水自動監測設施措施說明書與確認報告書登錄系統新增由設備商查詢連線對象名單功能及相對誤差測試查核登載介面之對應誤差判斷及顯示功能、評估連線資料以雲端資料庫方式保存之優缺點及提出建議、重大點源放流水自動連續監測資訊公開查詢系統新增無障礙網站標章、路徑導覽列、站內搜尋服務等功能、協助相關系統維運與故障排除(4)應設置自動監測設施對象之設置進度追蹤與相關技術諮詢、辦理2場教育訓練、分析工業區近5年重金屬排放變化趨勢、許可與定檢異常勾稽即地方環保局複查追蹤成果彙整、統計受委託機關審查水污染防治措施計畫執行成果、配合辦理自動監測數據資料公開界接事宜、協助蒐集彙整無聯合污水廠工業區之相關資料蒐集彙整與撰擬說帖。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 工業區污水下水道系統、自動監測(視)系統、系統性與功能性查核、許可與定檢勾稽、自評報告、雲端資料庫、無障礙網站標章、5都直轄市之都市計畫無聯合污水廠工業區域 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 111 | 計畫經費 | 6200 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2022/03/03 | 專案結束日期 | 2022/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 王立祥 |
主辦單位 | 水保處 | 承辦人 | 程凱麟 | 執行單位 | 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 111年工業區成果報告公開版.pdf | 30MB | 111年工業區成果報告公開版 |
Promote Management of Industrial Parks Sewerage Systems and Transmission Quality of Continuous Waste Water Monitoring Systems (CWMS) Project
英文摘要 | This is an administrative assisting project with the following 3 goals: 1. To better water pollution prevention and management of industrial parks sewerage systems (hereafter refer as industrial parks) . 2. To strengthen the control of the continuous wastewater monitoring system (hereafter refer as CWMS) . 3. To maintain and improve service quality of CWMS. In order to accomplish the above 3 goals, this project’s contents including:(1)bettering water pollution prevention and management of industrial parks(2)strengthening the control of CWMS(3)maintaining and improving service quality of CWMS(4)assisting administrative relevant works. During the project execution period, we had assisted and planned relevant administrative control tasks, including:(1)finishing relevant analysis of control data of industrial parks for the past 3 years(year 2019~2021), analyzing concentration data of water quality station upstream and downstream industrial parks and whose pollution ratio if the downstream median concentration is growing, making 5 on-site inspections in industrial parks, tracking improvement status of industrial parks according to the new effluent standards since 2021, cooperating with industrial parks self-assessment report to fill in the suggested format to plan related system functions, drafting industrial parks’ water pollution prevention and control plans and consolidating implementation results.(2)developing CWMS management plan for local competent authority, conducting 15 systemic and functional inspections of CWMS (3 parallel comparisons inspections included).(3)offering CWMS atypical data’s facilities list output function by monthly or quarterly, supplying single facility connecting status description data output function, adding instrument calibration and RATA declaration status check and industry-side reminder functions, adding the original connection data output function of the local competent authority, adding keyword searching function, adding the function of querying the list of connection facilities by the equipment manufacturer and RATA posting interface’s error judgment and display function of the waste (sewage) water automatic monitoring facility measure instruction and confirmation report log-in system, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of storing connection data in a cloud database and make suggestions, adding functions such as accessible website badge, route guides, and in-site search services of Continuous waste water monitoring open data system, assisting related system maintenance and troubleshooting.(4)tracking the regulated facilities’ CWMS installing progress, holding 2 education trainings, analyzing heavy metals effluent change trends of in industrial parks over the past five years, auditing permit/DMR of industrial parks and tracking results by the EPB, adding up the commissioned agency to review the implementation results of the water pollution prevention and control measures plan, cooperating with the Open Data connection of relevant systems, and assisting gathering relevant data and drafting wastewater treatment suggestions about urban planning industrial area without united wastewater treatment works in 5 municipality. | ||
英文關鍵字 | industrial park sewerage system, Continuous Waste Water Monitoring Systems (CWMS), permit and DMR auditing;self-assessment report, systematic and functional inspection;self-assessment report, cloud database, Accessible Website Badge, urban planning industrial area without united wastewater treatment works in 5 municipality |