

中文摘要 淨零排放與轉廢為能議題是全球環保趨勢,更是攸關我國產業國際競爭力之經濟課題。本計畫探討在台灣創造廢機動車輛循環經濟之多元商業運作模式,並與全球SDGs、ESG及節能減碳的目標接軌。 基於環境友善及經濟循環考量,引入日本廢機動車輛回收處理方式(日本法律認可且有補助),將報廢車透過精緻解體,其中粗拆過程未能有效再利用的塑膠、玻璃、非鐵材料及中古部品拆解後分類貯存,並送往專業再利用廠商處理,分別應用製作成本集團內部塑膠週轉箱、玻璃建材等產品,可減少廢棄物處理並提高廢車資源回收再利用。 精緻拆解後之廢車殼規劃作為電弧爐煉鋼原燃料,並可降低碳排約150.28公斤CO2/台廢車,未來更期盼最終可循環回到汽車工業製造程序中 (Car to Car)。現階段為了建構廢車循環利用低碳商業運作模式進行本次測試計畫,針對各測試項目達成率近100%完成內容如下: 1. 廢車精緻拆解及廢車殼壓塊熔煉再利用:完成拆解共146台廢車殼熔煉製成合格鋼品並符合空污標準(戴奧辛規定0.5ng-TEQ/Nm3以下)。 2. 精解廢車衍生廢塑膠再利用:主要拆解PP廢塑膠零部件每台廢車約12公斤,並成功製作出14個物流週轉箱。 3. 精解廢車衍生廢玻璃再利用:完成每台廢車約15公斤之高值化玻璃微珠產品。 4. 精解廢車衍生廢鎳氫電池再利用:以116顆廢鎳氫電池組,成功精煉硫酸鎳結晶體約179公斤。 5. 精緻拆解後約可減少27公斤/台之ASR產生量 (廢塑膠部件及不含膠玻璃),而如將含膠玻璃的PVB膠與玻璃分離,可再為每台廢車減少約15公斤/台的ASR產生量。
中文關鍵字 廢機動車輛粉碎殘餘物、資源再利用、低碳商業模式


專案計畫編號 EPA-111-XA22 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4225.223 千元
專案開始日期 2022/06/01 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 李俊逸
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 劉秋菊 執行單位 台灣豐田通商股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-111-XA22.pdf 6MB

Construction of the waste vehicles recirculation and recycling with a low carbon business model

英文摘要 Currently the topics of net zero emission and waste-to-energy have become global environmental trends and economics issues that are critical to the competitiveness of various industries in Taiwan. Recycling of materials of dismantled scrap vehicles and improving recovery rate have been studied closely in environmental field. On the basis of the awareness of environmental friendliness and economic cycle, this recycling method is recognized and implemented in Japan that is environmental-friendly. The scrap car will be dismantled more refine. In the process, we will collect plastic, glass, non-ferrous materials and the recyclers will reuse those material and produce green products. With this process, the dismantled scrap car will be used as raw material for related industries. The car emission is expected to be reduced to 150.28KG per ELV. In future, we hope this material can be produced as car parts in the future (Car to Car) and to achieve a circular economy in a model of low carbon emission. In this research, we have achieved nearly 100% compared to planned target. 1. Reuse for refine dismantled scrap cars: completely dismantled 146 ELVs, smelted as steel products and passed air quality inspection test. (Dioxin 0.5ng-TEQ/Nm3 below) 2. Study for reused wasted plastic from scrap cars: for every ELV, the weight of wasted plastics was collected approximately 12 kg and we produced 14 pieces of green logistic boxes. 3. Study for wasted glasses from scarp cars: for every ELV, the weight of wasted glasses was collected approximately 15 kg and we produced green product as glasses bubbles. 4. Study for scrap Nickel-Hydrogen battery: dismantled 116 pieces batteries and successfully refined approximately 179 kg of nickel sulfate.
英文關鍵字 Automotive shredder residue, ASR, Resource recycling, Low carbon business model