

中文摘要 本計畫持續維護「移動污染源相關管制系統」,透過E化方式提供服務,包含:移動污染源管制系統、機車排氣定期檢驗資訊管理系統、柴油車不定期檢驗資訊系統、使用中汽車排放空氣污染物檢舉及獎勵管理系統等13個系統。將移動污染源各計畫建立的資料進行有效整合、應用及統計,並經環保署授權後,定期或不定期提供移動污染源管制資料供其他業務計畫應用,如柴油車排氣檢測值原始資料、機車污染排放政策相關統計及AIS/MTNet2.0介接資料等。 本(111)年度配合環保署針對老舊機車淘汰補助政策,與回收基管會之回收獎勵金合併申請與撥款,讓民眾可以共同申請補助以及同時收到款項之便民措施。因此本計畫除需建置系統檢核機制、車籍系統資料介接以及查詢後台之外,還需與廢車回收一站通進行多項資料交換作業,包含資格查詢、案件收錄、審查、造冊以及撥款等各項服務介接。另外,亦配合微軟公佈將於明年度(112)年10月10日停止Window Server2012/R2安全性更新,於本計畫所維運之主機中有13台需進行主機OS升級至Window Server 2019。 於資料即時性的部分,111年-112年1月於本計畫維護之系統持續提供全國環保單位人員進行「車籍資料查詢」,以辦理移動污染源通知、到檢、稽查、告發、處分及補助審核等作業,包含機車排氣定期檢驗資訊管理系統、柴油車不定期檢驗資訊系統及車籍查詢系統以提供各車種類別與需求之作業進行,其查詢數量共計為84,091,459筆。另外,持續提供機車定檢站及柴油車動力檢測站檢驗資料即時上傳服務,以避免因資料延遲傳輸而影響車主權益或造成重複檢驗浪費資源及擾民等問題。現行各系統每日平均可順暢處理約24,000筆的資料量,共完成9,180,847筆即時檔檢測資料收錄,包含機車9,055,206筆與柴油車125,641筆。 於資料正確性的部分,在違反機車及柴油車管制處分作業,協助環保單位檢核並批次拋轉未完成定檢處分案件至環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS),共完成告發116,399筆及裁處52,438筆。其中已針對牌照狀態不使用、車主姓名異動、車號異動等情形者,系統自動檢核並排除至不處分,成功攔阻不正確的開立罰單數達66,938筆。 另外,本計畫配合環保署(機車定檢補助、柴油車多元補助)與全國環保局(機車汰舊換新補助)之系統檢核或補助撥付,建置申請資格檢核機制及電子金流撥款程序,以加快審驗速度並提升資料正確性:透過臺灣銀行電子金流平臺撥付機車定檢補助款6億4,843萬8,480元(43,485筆);系統協助檢核補助資格與撥付柴油車多元補助款(含汰舊換新、調修燃油控制系統及加裝空氣污染防制設備)共38億8,514萬9,445元(14,830筆);協助檢核符合環保署淘汰老舊機車補助資格案件264,703筆,共5億2,940萬6,000元。 本計畫於今年度需完成功能需求會議以及業務聯繫會各1場次,已於111年5月27日完成功能需求會議,而業務聯繫會則已於111年12月19、20日舉行。讓全國環保機關業務人員,藉由會議針對本業務進行意見交換,並於會議上直接為全國環保局相關問題提供專業回覆。 本計畫亦提供各項檢核機制、檢測資料即時傳輸及機車/柴油車等移污各項資料整合,完成4項系統功能建置與13個系統維護作業,並與5個外部單位系統進行介接服務,在全國移污管制作業上達成數位化構建及轉型。此外,為維持系統之友善性及有效性,亦持續進行溝通與協調共計有10,248筆通聯紀錄,以達到與外部單位密切合作、環保署委辦計畫之橫向溝通及與全國地方環保局之垂直聯繫,在辦理環保業務上可更加精準及便捷。 綜上所述,本計畫在環保署主要係扮演資料收集與提供的資訊系統服務角色,協助彙整移動污染源相關資訊,並依照需求評估整理後提供移污數據供全國環保局或環保署平行計畫做為空污統計及相關移污政策研擬之應用。自111年1月1日至112年1月31日止,透過大型柴油車多元補助方案及淘汰老舊機車兩大移動污染管制,機車共計減少264,703輛車及TSP約 96噸、NOx 261噸、NMHC 1,189噸、CO 3,246噸;柴油車共計減少18,776輛車及TSP約 887噸、NOx 10,632噸、NMHC 959噸、CO 3,723噸。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源,機車排氣定期檢驗,淘汰老舊大型柴油車、高污染車輛、淘汰老舊機車補助


專案計畫編號 111A138 經費年度 111 計畫經費 19250 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/28 專案結束日期 2023/01/31 專案主持人 林明弘
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 王傑霖 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111A138公開版V2.pdf 15MB 成果報告公開版

Mobile source control information system integrated management plan 2022

英文摘要 This plan continues to maintain the services of thirteen mobile sources of air pollution management systems, inclusive of “Mobile Sources of Air Pollution Information Management System”, “Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Inspection Database System”, “High-Polluting Vehicle Reporting System” and so on. The databases of management systems, established under the various Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) projects relating to mobile sources of air pollution, proffered to implementing collation, statistical compilation and statistical analysis. The multiple data is also provided to another projects with authorization from EPA, including test data of diesel vehicles, air pollution statistical analysis of motor vehicles and data from AIS/MTNet2.0. In FY2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a subsidy policy for motors scrapped. This subsidy can be applied and appropriated with the recycling incentive fund of the recycling foundation. Therefore, the system which includes verification mechanism, data interfacing and searching was established. The system also provides several data interchange service elements, including qualification affirmative, application, review, tabulation, and appropriation. Furthermore, Windows Server 2012/R2 will stop releasing windows update after October 10, 2023. There are 13 server host which are maintained in the project need to update to Windows Server 2019. On the immediacy part of key performance, the systems, which support notification, air pollutant emission testing, disciplinary, punishment and subsidy review, supply Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) with 84,091,459 vehicles registration information inquiry records this year. Additionally, air pollutant emission testing results of motor vehicles and exhaust inspection results of diesel vehicles can be uploaded into the systems immediately. The mechanism of immediacy uploading prevents vehicle owners from impairment of vested right. There are 9,180,847 exhaust inspection records uploading during the year. On the accuracy part of key performance, the systems switch 116,399 disciplinary and 52,438 punishment records to “Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS)”. Also, the mechanism of automatic inspection, including vehicle scrapped, transfer and vehicle registration plate changed, was constructed in the system to deter EPB from 66,938 invalid disposition records. In addition, the systems support accuracy review and appropriations with subsidy qualifications approving and electronic payment flow. About 0.648 billion NT dollars are appropriated for air pollutant emission testing of motors. About 3.885 billion NT dollars are appropriated for subsidy of diesel vehicles. Assisting EPA with qualifications approving of motors scrapped subsidy has 264,703 review records. As stated above, the plan compiles multiple mobile pollution source databases, e.g., air pollutant emission testing results of motor vehicles, exhaust inspection results of diesel vehicles and vehicle registration information. This plan builds 4 new system functions, continues to maintain the services of 13 mobile sources of air pollution management systems and connect with API services of external systems. For keeping the convenience and effectiveness of systems, there are 10,248 records in communicating with EPA, EPA projects, EPB and others. The plan plays a service role in collecting and offering databases, and it assist EPA projects and EPB with providing integrated data about mobile sources of air pollution. Owing to subsidy of motors scrapped, it reduces 264,703 vehicles, TSP emissions by 96 metric tons, NOx emissions by 261 metric tons, NMHC emissions by 1,189 metric tons and CO emissions by 3,246 metric tons during 2022 to Jan 2023. The subsidy of diesel vehicles scrapped reduces 18,776 high-polluting emission vehicles, TSP emissions by 887 metric tons, NOx emissions by 10,632 metric tons, NMHC emissions by 959 metric tons and CO emissions by 3,723 metric tons during 2022 to Jan 2023.
英文關鍵字 Mobile pollution source , regular motorcycle exhaust inspection ,eliminating old heavy-duty diesel vehicle , high polluting vehicles , eliminating old motorcycle subsidy