

中文摘要 本計畫因應環檢法草案的二次預告,配合中央行政機關法制作業應注意事項,草擬法律制定案時,對於應訂定之法規命令,應一併規劃並執行先期作業,原則上於法律公布施行後6個月內完成發布。 法令制度面部分,本計畫提出環檢法9項應優先研擬之子法草案並經環檢所核定,且已完成該9項子法草案之完整條文及相關說明,依序為一、「環境檢驗測定機構分級適用辦法」,重點為等級有所差異之檢驗室所負有之權利義務應有所區別,同時可創造檢驗室向上提升等級之誘因及良性競爭環境;二、「環境檢驗測定許可申請審查及管理辦法」,重點為整併檢測機構、測定機構及環保檢驗室之許可申請要件、個別性管理及共通性管理規定;三、「環境檢驗測定法施行細則」,重點為針對檢驗室於設立階段、營運階段及展延階段所涉及之細節性管理事項作明確定義;四、「環境檢驗測定設備查驗管理辦法」,重點為執行設備查驗作業時之檢查流程、應具備性能及認可合格附加標示等規範;五、「環境檢驗測定申報及管理辦法」,重點為主管機關得依政策需求逐步公告相關環保法令之指定檢測項目,再配合規劃檢測費用代收轉付之作法,以強化檢測機構獨立檢測空間;六、「環境檢驗測定技術人員設置及管理辦法」,重點為規劃不同職級區分技術人員取得合格證書之級別;七、「指定檢測項目定型化契約」,重點為記載雙方權利義務事項,建構一致性之締約及履約架構;八、「檢驗室管理準則」,重點為促使執行環境檢測之檢驗室維持良好管理系統;九、「品質管制準則」,重點為提升檢驗室整體組織之運作管理績效。 訪談執行面部分,透過問卷設計另搭配線上討論之方式共計蒐集完成124個單位對於環境檢驗測定法及相關子法研擬作業之意見回饋,其中屬於檢測機構所提出之意見約占78.2%,並較集中於第二章檢測管理與第五章罰則之部分;地方主管機關提出之意見約占14.5%,亦偏重於第二章及第五章;事業單位或公私場所約占6.4%,惟意見較集中於第三章指定檢測項目及申報管理之部分;而公會僅占0.9%。 行政支援面部分,本計畫已協助辦理完成10場次環境檢驗測定法之利害關係人研商會議;9場次環境檢驗測定法相關子法專家學者諮商會議及12小時之專業法律諮詢,各場次會議所蒐集之回饋意見,均作為本團隊執行相關法制作業研擬之參考依據。
中文關鍵字 環境檢驗測定法;環境檢測機構;檢測申報制度


專案計畫編號 EPA154111005 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/28 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 謝嘉鴻
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 林何印 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境檢測施行成效評析與涉環境定檢制度精進策略計畫.pdf 23MB 環境檢測施行成效評析與涉環境定檢制度精進策略計畫成果報告

The Project of Evaluation of Environmental Testing Implementation Effect and Refinement Strategy for Environmental Regular Inspection System

英文摘要 This project responds to the second notice of the draft Environmental Testing and Analysis Act, and cooperates with matters needing attention in the legal production of central administrative agencies. When drafting a law, the preparatory work about the laws and regulations should be planned and implemented together. The release will be completed within six months after the announcement. Regarding the legal system, nine sub-law drafts had been proposed that should be research first and were approved by Environmental Analysis Laboratory, and the nine sub-law drafts had been proposed successively with complete articles. Related explanations are as follows: 1. "Environmental Testing and Analysis Organization Grading Application Regulations" focuses on the rights and obligations of different grades laboratories, and could create an incentive for laboratories and a healthy competitive environment to upgrade their grades. 2. "Environmental Testing and Analysis Permit Application Censorship and Management Regulations" focuses on the integration of the permit application requirements, individual management and common management regulations for testing organization, analysis organization and environmental protection laboratories. 3. "Enforcement Rules of Environmental Testing and Analysis Act" focuses on defining the detailed management items involved in establishment stage, operation stage and extension stage of laboratories. 4 "Environmental Testing and Analysis Equipment Inspection and Management Regulations", focuses on specifications for the inspection process, the required feature and the additional marking of approval qualification when implementing equipment inspection operations. 5. "Environmental Testing and Analysis Reporting and Management Regulations" focuses on that competent authority could announce the designated testing items of the relevant environmental protection regulations progressively in accordance with policy requirements, and strengthen the independent testing space of testing organization through the plan of the collection and transfer of testing fees. 6. “Regulations for Environmental Testing and Analysis Technician Setup and Management” focuses on planning different ranks and distinguishing the level of technician to obtain qualification certificates. 7.”Stereotyped Contract for Designated Testing Item” focuses on recording the rights and obligations of both parties, and building a consistent contract framework for signing and performance. 8."Laboratory Management Guidelines” focusing on maintaining a good management system for environmental testing and analysis laboratories. 9.”Quality Control Guidelines” focusing on improving the operational management performance of the laboratory. Regarding the interview execution, a total of 124 units' feedback on Environmental Testing and Analysis Act and related sub-law had been collected through questionnaire and online discussion. Among them, about 78.2% are the opinions raised by testing organization, and they are more concentrated in Chapter 2 Testing Management and Chapter 5 Penalties. The opinions raised by local authority are about 14.5%, with emphasis on Chapter 2 and Chapter 5. Opinions of business unit and public or private premises are about 6.4% which only focus on Chapter 3 Designated Testing Items and Reporting Management. Only 0.9% opinions were raised by the guild. Regarding administrative support, this project had assisted in 10 study meetings of stakeholder on Environmental Testing and Analysis Act, 9 consultation meetings of experts and scholars on Environmental Testing and Analysis Act and its sub-law, and 12 hours of professional legal consultation. The feedback that collected at each meeting is used as a reference for our team to implement the research and development of legal progress.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Testing and Analysis Act;Environmental Testing and Analysis Organization;Testing and Analysis Reporting System