

中文摘要 本工作團隊執行「111年事業增訂氨氮放流水限值稽查管制計畫」,計畫執行期間每月5日提交前一月份工作月報,因應環保署氨氮加嚴管制政策,為讓業者了解法規之變革及實廠處理方法,本計畫辦理4場次法規說明會邀請專家學者進行相關內容講授,共計174人次參與;另針對臺南市轄內259家氨氮加嚴管制對象進行稽查採樣工作,稽查率100.0%,但受嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Covid-19,以下簡稱新冠肺炎)疫情影響,採樣僅138家,採樣率僅53.3%,共計17家事業放流水不符合放流水標準。 本計畫亦執行三爺溪流域執行重點查核工作,針對三爺溪79家列管事業已執行稽查146家次、採樣75家次,共計6家事業放流水有不符合放流水標準情形;另針對三爺溪流域7處採樣點每月執行一次水質採樣工作,此7處測站水質屬中度污染至嚴重污染程度,比對保護人體健康相關環境基準,有5測站出現銅超標、1測站出現鎳超標情形;另為瞭解三爺溪流域污染來源熱區,分別於枯、豐水期布放樹脂包,以監測重金分布概況,分析結果顯示,枯水期之網寮橋一帶、豐水期之新田工業區一帶較可能違規區域,可為後續強化稽查管制之規劃參考。 本計畫選定近三年曾有裁處紀錄且為氨氮加嚴管制對象5家、三爺溪列管事業5家進行深度查核,並邀請專家學者至現場稽查輔導,彙整深度稽查常見之問題,以加藥量添加過量最多,另亦有水處理程序操作條件設定或設計處理程序有誤情形,導致處理程序效能降低之情形,其餘則是硬體設備(如散氣盤阻塞、沉澱池設計不佳等)狀況不佳,皆為導致廢水處理程序不彰之因素。 臺南市共計40隊水環境巡守隊,本計畫本年度輔導並推派極具在地特色的「龍崎永續水環境守護 志工隊」代表臺南市參加環保署「 111年全國優良水環境巡守隊評選會議」之評選;此外,本年度志工通報案件共計 137件,並陪同巡守志工進行49家次事業廢水稽查,截至目前已完成 5件違反水污法案件裁處工作,裁處金額計36萬 8,600元;另協助各志工隊伍參與多項活動,計畫期間共辦理 4場次淨灘、淨溪活動,合計 246人參與,共清理一般垃圾 136公斤、資源回收 67公斤;本計畫亦辦理「首長與巡守隊有約活動暨說明會」,以了解志工需求,此次巡守隊伍共提出7個議題,此些議題皆依會議決議辦理並獲得解決方案;此外,為強化志工參與知能,特 辦理志工基礎訓練及特殊訓練,並培訓 20名巡守志工種子教師,以提升受訓學員對於志願服務核心價值的認同感,並充實服務知能與增進服務品質。 本計畫上、下半年針對臺南市轄內103處社區污水下水道分別稽查一次,已完成206家次稽查工作,達成率100.0%,所稽查之社區污水下水道皆符合相關規定;此外,亦協助臺南市水肥列管對象清除及申報之彙整及通知工作,及辦理生活污水源頭污染減量宣導會,共計辦理10場次,總計646人參與;因應民眾陳情之地面水體異常狀況,本計畫協助執行水體採樣藻類鑑定工作,共執行2件,皆為氮、磷等有機營養鹽大量釋出導致藻類增生呈現優養化之現象。
中文關鍵字 氨氮、放流水加嚴


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 7227 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/18 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 楊詔棻
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 周益琳 執行單位 南台灣環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年氨氮計畫期末報告.pdf 24MB

Tainan City-111-year business adds ammonia nitrogen discharge limit value audit control plan

英文摘要 According to the changes in regulations and how to deal with them in the factories, this project held 2 regulation briefing sessions and invited experts and scholars to give lectures on relevant content, with a total of 174 people participating. In addition, 259 companies under the jurisdiction of Tainan City under the strict control of ammonia nitrogen were inspected. Sampling work, audit rate 100.0%. In addition, this plan also implements the key inspection work in the Sanyexi River Basin. It has carried out 146 inspections and 75 samples of 79 enterprises listed in the Sanyexi River Basin, and has checked 102 unregulated enterprises in the Sanyexi River Basin. Complete the location of its discharge outlet and confirm whether it is a project listed in the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law; and conduct water quality sampling once a month for 7 sampling points in the Sanye River Basin. The water quality of these 7 measuring stations is moderately polluted to seriously polluted. Comparing the environmental benchmarks related to the protection of human health, there were 6 stations with copper exceeding the standard and 5 stations with nickel exceeding the standard; in addition to water quality, this plan also selected 6 points in Sanye River to implement copper, chromium and lead in the sediment. , cadmium, zinc, nickel, mercury, arsenic, etc., except for cadmium, all other items have exceeded the upper and lower limit values of the sediment quality index items. Cooperate with the in-depth inspection mechanism of the Environmental Protection Bureau, select 10 manufacturers who have a record of sanctions in the past three years and are subject to stricter control of ammonia nitrogen for in-depth inspection, and invite experts and scholars to the site for inspection and guidance, collect common problems in in-depth inspections, and use the amount of dosing Adding too much is the most, and there are also situations where the operating conditions of the water treatment program are set incorrectly or the design of the treatment program is wrong, resulting in a reduction in the efficiency of the treatment program. Poor, are all factors that lead to poor wastewater treatment procedures. In the first and second half of the year, 103 community sewage and sewers under the jurisdiction of Tainan City will be inspected once respectively. 206 inspections have been completed, with a success rate of 100.0%. All the community sewage and sewers inspected comply with relevant regulations; The city’s water and fertilizer management objects were cleared and declared, and the collection and notification work, as well as the promotion of domestic sewage source pollution reduction, have been held for 10 sessions, with a total of 646 participants. In response to the abnormal situation of the surface water body reported by the public, this plan assists in the implementation A total of 2 projects were carried out for the identification of algae in water sampling, all of which were caused by the release of a large amount of organic matter, resulting in the phenomenon of eutrophication of algae proliferation.
英文關鍵字 Ammonia Nitroge, wastewater