

中文摘要 本計畫以「深耕環境教育」為執行目標,在現有環境教育網絡基礎上,藉由多元環境教育學習管道,結合政府、學校、民間團體、社區、環境教育設施場所、環境教育機構等群體之環境教育資源與成果,將環境議題普及與生活化,使環境教育向下扎根,永續發展成長茁壯,達到「永續世代」之目標。 (一) 推動環環境教育相關活動,啟發市民瞭解在地環境、生態、人文,增進環境教育之知識、技能、態度及價值觀。 配合環境季辦理相關環境教育活動,辦理「地球日-無塑環保野餐趣」、「國際生物多樣性日-認識外來入侵物種導覽活動」及世界環境日「減碳愛地球 永續城市在我嘉」宣導活動,使環境教育呈現多元面向,擴大參與機會,皆獲熱烈回響,進而提升環境知識廣度。 為促進環境教育知識普及與推廣,並向下扎根環境教育,辦理環境教育繪本、環境教育暑期營隊及環境知識競賽初賽及支援全國賽;今年度環境教育繪本共徵得13件作品,得獎作品於10月配合行政院環境保護署辦理繪本嘉年華會展出;暑期營隊辦理2梯次各3天活動,共計40人參與。經統計高達9成的學員對於活動表示非常滿意,並有意願再次參與相關活動;環境知識競賽報名人數為410人,於11月19日帶領各組前5名參與全國賽,並在國小組獲全國第1名、國中組獲全國第4名。 支援本市第8屆國家環境教育獎決選單位,其中志航國小獲得優等佳績,並尋訪具參與第9屆國家環境教育獎之潛力單位。 為深耕社區環境教育,輔導5處申請112年「社區環境調查及培力計畫」及1處申請「環保小學堂計畫」,並協助111年4處獲補助社區提交季報表、成果報告與核銷。 協助嘉義市環境教育設施場所垃圾焚化廠推廣環境教育,今年共辦理15場次課程於焚化廠,累計482人次。 嘉義市政府環境保護局網頁資訊及臉書粉絲專頁揭露,完成登錄41筆環境教育活動、刊登環境教育相關議題及新聞共34則,讓環境教育遍布於生活中,以發展永續未來。 (二) 提升環境教育志工專業解說能力,凝聚環保志工向心力以提升熱忱與行動力。 協助轄內環境教育推動,推廣正確的環境教育觀念予民眾。今年辦理實體環境教育志工基礎訓練7場次、特殊訓練3場次及增能訓練1場次。為展現團隊合作、向心力及活動力,辦理環保志(義)工群英會初賽及參與全國賽,報名隊伍共有18個小隊,共計287人參與競賽,並於10月29日帶領獲勝隊伍參加全國決賽,其中保福小隊獲環保金頭腦特優佳績。 (三) 落實環境教育法,促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係,達到尊重生命、社會正義。 為落實環境教育法第19條,機關、公營事業機構、高級中等以下學校及政府捐助基金累計超過百分之五十之財團法人,每年推展環境教育,本計畫於4月22日辦理環境教育法規實體與視訊並行說明會,共計65個提報單位參與;並於5月底完成13處單位實地查核輔導作業。 為提升環境講習案件授課達成率及受疫情影響,今年辦理方式視案件數不定期採小班制辦理環境講習,共辦理環境講習9場次,舊案清理率為99.2%、新案清理率為90%。 5月受疫情升溫影響,環境教育審查會議採以書面審查方式辦理;環境教育基金管理會議於7月4日辦理,落實健全環境教育法推動依據。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、永續發展


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳韋志
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭積文 執行單位 志欣環保工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111環境教育宣導整合成果報告.pdf 43MB

2022 Chiayi City Environmental Education Promotion and Integration Project

英文摘要 This project is aimed at “in-depth environmental education”. Based on the existing environmental education network, we integrated the resources and performances of environmental education among the government, schools, non-government organizations, communities, environmental education facilities, and institutes via diversified environmental education learning channels, popularizing and bringing environmental issues into our daily lives. We aim to deliver environmental education to younger generations, enhance and strengthen sustainable development, as well as achieve the goal of sustainable generations. (I) Promote environmental education-related activities, inspire the residents to understand the local environment, ecology, and humanities, and enhance the knowledge, skills, attitude, and values of environmental education. We organized environmental education activities in conjunction with the environmental season, such as “Earth Day - Plastic Free Picnic Fun” , “International Biodiversity Day - Guided Tour of Invasive Species” and “World Environment Day - Reduce Carbon, Love the Earth, Sustainable in Chiayi City”. Making environmental education more diverse and expanding opportunities for participation, all the activities has received enthusiastic responses, thereby improve the breadth of environmental knowledge. To popularize and promote environmental education and deliver it to younger generations, we organized activities for environmental education picture books, environmental education summer camps, and a preliminary round of the Environmental Knowledge Competition while also providing support to the National Competition. We received 13 environmental education picture books this year. The award-winning works were exhibited at the Picture Book Carnival held on October in cooperation with Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. We had two sessions of 3-day summer camps, totaling 40 participants. Statistics showed that over 90% of the students are satisfied with the activity and are willing to participate in related activities in the future. Four hundred and ten people registered in the Environment Knowledge Competition. We led the top 5 winners of each group in the preliminary round to participate in the National Competition on November 19. Among them, a team won first place in the National Competition for Elementary School Students, and a team won fourth place in the National Competition for Junior High School Students. We supported the 8th National Environmental Education Award and selected the finalists to participate. Among them, Jhih Hang Elementary School received the Excellence Award. We seek potential units to participate in the 9th National Environmental Education Award. To increase efforts in community environmental education, we counseled 5 communities to apply for 112 years “Community Environmental Survey and Empowerment Program” and 1 community to apply for “Environmental Protection Primary School Program” this year we assisted and monitored 4 communities that received subsidies about the submission of the seasonal reports, performance reports, and write-offs. We assisted the Environmental Education Facilities Garbage Incineration Plant, Chiayi City, to promote environmental education, and held 15 sessions of the workshop at the Incineration Plant this year, totaling 482 participants. We regularly update the website information and the Facebook Page of Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City. We logged 41 environmental education activities and posted 34 environmental education-related issues and news, spreading environmental education in our lives and developing a sustainable future. (II) Improve the professional interpretation ability of environmental education volunteers, organize team-building events for them, and enhance enthusiasm and execution ability. We assisted in promoting environmental education in the region and enabled the correct concept of environmental education to the public. This year, we organized 7 sessions of basic in-person training for environmental education volunteers, 3 sessions of special training, and 1 session of empowerment training. To demonstrate teamwork, team-building efforts, and activity engagement, we organized the preliminary round of the Environment Protection Volunteer Assembly. Then we participated in National Competition with 18 teams registered, totaling 287 people participating in the competition on October 29, 2022. Bao-Fu Team received the High Distinction Award for Environment Protection Gold Brain. (III) Implement the Environmental Education Act, promote citizens to understand the interdependence among individuals, society, and the environment, and achieve respect for life and social justice. To fulfill Article 19 of the Environmental Education Act, institutions, state-run business institutions, high schools, secondary schools, and statutory bodies with over 50% of the funds sponsored by the government shall formulate environmental education programs every year to promote environmental education. In this program, we organized the Hybrid Orientation for Environmental Education Act on April 22, with 65 participating units. We completed on-site check and counseling operations at 13 institutes before the end of May. To improve the achievement rate of environmental lecture cases and consider the impact of the epidemic, we organized environmental seminars in small groups of participants from time to time, depending on the number of cases this year. To promote environmental education in the region and promote the correct concept of environmental education to the public, we organized 9 sessions of environment workshops with the old case clearance rate of 99.2% and the new case clearance rate of 90%. Affected by an escalation of the outbreak in May, the Environmental Education Meeting held on May 23 was changed to a written review case. In addition, the Meeting governing Environmental Education Funds was held on July 4 to implement and improve the Environmental Education Law.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education, Sustainable development