中文摘要 | 本計畫共有兩大目標,分別是「一、辦理溫室氣體抵換專案推廣與輔導作業,提升溫室氣體抵換專案執行成效」、「二、研析產業需求及配合政策,建立本土化溫室氣體減量方法」,並協助溫室氣體抵換專案審查與相關行政配合工作事項。本年度工作成果如下: 一、為推廣住商部門申請抵換專案,共完成15家業者拜會,掌握其對於抵換專案申請意願、申請過程中遭遇困難或針對管理辦法之修法建議,並辦理2場次拜會專家諮詢會議;研析近年申請案件常見補正內容或常見之問答,供後續申請單位參考;建立6種類別之微型規模抵換專案範本,並辦理4場次專家諮詢會議。 二、為協助產業進行溫室氣體減量,已完成6個減量方法學之中譯、6個減量方法學之版次更新及2項本土化減量方法學草案,總共召開11場次專家諮詢會議,蒐集專家或委員對於減量方法學建立或翻譯之建議;另針對申請者及查驗機構擬定檢核事項之檢點表,已辦理1場次與查驗機構之座談會,作為後續執行抵換專案推廣之建議。 三、針對送審之抵換專案註冊及額度案件,已完成39件之審查,包括小組審查21場次、3場次審議會,與會人員合計434人。 四、配合計畫相關之行政作業,共完成34項主要臨時交辦庶務,包含簡報製作、政策研析或說帖擬訂等。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 溫室氣體管理、抵換專案、自願減量專案、減量措施、減量方法學 |
專案計畫編號 | 111A232 | 經費年度 | 111 | 計畫經費 | 5894.256 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2022/06/29 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/06/28 | 專案主持人 | 雷竣翔 |
主辦單位 | 氣候署減量交易組 | 承辦人 | 吳柏宏 | 執行單位 | 環興科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 00.全文(含附件)-公開.pdf | 54MB |
Promote the implementation effectiveness of Taiwan Offset Project and establishment of localized greenhouse gas Methodologies project.
英文摘要 | The project has two major goals, which are "1. Promotion the Taiwan offset program(TOP) and counseling companies improve the implementation effectiveness", "2. Studing and analyzing the needs of market and following the policies establish the Taiwanization methodologies”, and assist in the review of TOP and related administrative cooperation. The results of the project are as following: 1. In order to promote the application of the TOP for residential and commercial sector. To understand application willingness, difficulties in the application process and the suggestions for related regulations, 5 companies were visited and 2 sessions specialist consultant conference were held. According the case was registered in recent years, analyzed the common corrections or questions to build the response booklet for applicant. 6 types of micro-scale project example templates were established and 4 sessions specialist consultant conference were held. 2. In order to help the companies do GHGs reduction, 6 methodologies were translated, 6 methodologies were updated, 2 Taiwanization methodologies (draft) were built and 11 sessions specialist consultant conference were held. Designed the TOP checklist for applicant and designated operational entity(DOE) and 1 secession forum was held as suggestion of the project implementation. 3. In the project, 39 case were reviewed including 21 case group reviewed, 3 Executive Board(EB), 434 participants attended totally. 4. In the project, 34 major case in related administrative cooperation were ended including project presentation, policy analyzing and make speaking note. | ||
英文關鍵字 | GHG management, Taiwan Offset Project, Voluntary greenhouse gas reduction projects, Reduction measures, Methodologies |