

中文摘要 水污費111年徵收家數為10,881~10,977家,徵收金額約4億7,713萬元,其中事業(不含畜牧業)及工業區污水下水道系統費額約占76%,畜牧業約占23%;其他指定地區或場所污水下水道系統約占1%。各徵收項目費額比例以COD(約占78.6%)及SOx(約占12.4%)最高。104年開徵迄今徵收金額共計31億3,354萬元。 在排放量變化方面,COD及SS排放量均呈略減趨勢,8 項有害健康物質各年度排放量略有差異,惟大致呈減少趨勢,因其排放量主要來自大型事業及工業區下水道系統,易受到排放水量大及單一污水下水道系統檢測申報值變動之影響。 本計畫完成2,965家申報案件複審作業及154家現場查核作業。辦理水污費徵收帳目核對作業,並委託會計師執行水污費帳目查核及出具專業查核報告。擴充申報系統逾期90日未申報案件管理專區及建置申報案件智能複審等相關功能,並符合環保署資通安全作業之要求。 研議精進水污費收費辦法修正草案,包含增加氨氮徵收項目、調整徵收項目費率、調整水污費申繳期程等,建議考量產業衝擊、申報系統建置及宣導等相關作業所需時程,辦理後續法制作業。
中文關鍵字 水污染防治費、申報案件審查、勾稽檢核、申報暨查詢系統


專案計畫編號 MOE044111001 經費年度 111 計畫經費 12593 千元
專案開始日期 2022/09/07 專案結束日期 2023/07/31 專案主持人 李任翔
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 彭詠綺 執行單位 康城工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 水污染防治費申報審理及查核管理計畫(本文).pdf 18MB

Inspection, Review and Management Project for Water Pollution Control Fee Collection Operation

英文摘要 Water pollution control fees were collected from 10,881-10,977 companies during 2022; the total of approximately NT$477.13 million collected, enterprise (not including livestock operations) and industrial area wastewater sewage systems accounted for roughly 76%, and livestock operations accounted for roughly 23%; and other wastewater sewage systems for designated areas or premises accounted for approximately 1%. The collection items accounting for the largest shares of total fees were COD (accounting for roughly 78.6%) and SOx (roughly 12.4%). A total of NT$3.13354 billion has been collected since the start of fee collection in 2015. With regard to changes in emissions volume, COD and SS emissions volumes displayed slight decreasing trends. While there have been minor year-to-year differences in emissions volume for 8 types of substances hazardous to health, they have generally had decreasing trends. Because emissions of these substances are chiefly derived from the sewage systems of large enterprises and industrial areas, their emissions volumes tend to be influenced by variations in the reported inspection values for individual wastewater sewage systems with large effluent discharge volume. This project completed review work for the reports submitted by 2,965 companies and on-site audits at 154 companies. With regard to water pollution control fee collection account checking, a CPA was hired to audit water pollution control fee accounts and issue professional audit reports. The reporting system's functions relating to controlled areas whose reports were overdue by more than 90 days and smart reporting case review functions were expanded, and were made compliant with the Environmental Protection Administration's information security operating requirements. The revised draft water pollution control fee collection regulations included such improvements as the addition of an ammonia nitrogen fee collection item, adjustment of fee item rate, and adjustment of water pollution control fee reporting and fee payment schedule. It is recommended that future legal revision efforts take the impact on industry and the time needed for reporting system establishment and awareness tasks into consideration.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution Control Fee, declaration case review, intercomparison and inspection, Declaration and Inquiry System