

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容執行項目包含: 一、落實環保設施工程檢核制度;二、辦理提升工程品質教育訓練及經驗資訊分享;三、建構環保設施工程品質查核標準程序之執行體系;四、辦理工程施工查核小組品質管理系統ISO9001輔導及編制相關手冊;五、提供環境部有關改進工程施工查核作業之績效措施及創新作為等具體建議並協助執行,及配合環境部參與行政院公共工程委員會有關工程施工查核小組年度績效考核工作及印製相關書面資料;六、辦理環境部環境管理署交辦系統網頁維護、資料備份及更新、功能擴增相關事項。 查核等第統計分析發現,112年度甲等比例76.9%、平均分數81與111年度甲等比例80.4%、平均分數81相比,甲等比例略微下降,推測可能原因為112年度乙等共有11件,且皆為工程金額5,000萬以下之工程,5,000萬以下之工程共有36件,其中11件為乙等,該區間屬中小型工程,廠商最多、工程類型最多樣化,有建築物新建(改善)工程、掩埋場工程、資源回收貯存場工程、公廁工程、室內廳舍整修工程等等,工程類型較多且施工廠商也容易遇到經驗不足甚至第一次接觸工程案之廠商,因此品質也較不穩定,故發生缺失機率就會提高,而111年度乙等共有9件,工程金額5,000萬以下有28件,僅有6件乙等,故中小型工程案件數量將會間接影響該年度甲等比例,綜上原因112年度甲等比例也較111年度低。 除上述原因外,工程查核金額規模也對成績有部分影響,111年度共查核46件工程案件,其中以5,000萬以上工程為最多,比例為39%,最少為1,000萬以下之小型工程,比例為26%,112年度共查核47件工程案件,以1,000萬以下之小型工程為最多,有40.4%,最少為5,000萬以上之工程,比例為23.4%,這兩年查核比例剛好相反,推測為國家政策每年推動補助類型不同,今年中小型工程案件相對許多,尤其在公廁改建類型居多,可能也影響等第關係,故每年工程查核類型可能會因國家政策補助類型不同而影響不同金額之查核件數。 查核時文件常見缺失分析大致可分類如下:承攬廠商【】品管自主檢查表檢查標準未訂量化、容許誤差值及【】品管自主檢查表未確實記載檢查值的缺失最多,47件查核就有32件有上述缺失,佔全部比例的68%,顯見承攬廠商對於品質計畫撰寫及品管自主檢查表普遍不重視而流於形式,應依實際檢查情形量化填寫於自主檢查表;工程施工品質方面以【5.09.08】無工程告示牌或內容未符合規定為最多,47件查核有高達38件都有工程告示牌相關缺失,佔全部比例的80.8%,目前較常見的缺失為工程告示牌內容填寫錯誤或缺漏及電話號碼等等,另工程會於112年7月17日修正「工程告示牌及竣工銘牌設置要點」修改了工程告示牌部分內容格式,因多數廠商未注意有更新,故導致此缺失較常發生,後續查核時仍持續由工作人員於工程查核時至現地宣導。
中文關鍵字 環保設施工程、品管、檢驗


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5900 千元
專案開始日期 2022/09/15 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 張名毅
主辦單位 環管署一般廢棄物管理組 承辦人 蔡明翰 執行單位 尚竑工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111-112 成果報告(定稿版-V2).pdf 58MB 111-112 成果報告

Auditing Project of Construction Quality of the Environmental Protection Facilities of 2022 ~2023

英文摘要 The main objective of this project includes: 1、implement a project inspection system executed by environmental protection facilities,2、hold seminars and training course on the quality improving and experiment sharing of the construction,3、develop inspection system of engineering quality standard procedures for environmental protection facility,4、establish the ISO 9001 system for the quality inspection the of environmental construction, 5、provide necessary suggestion for improvement in construction quality and innovation ,and 6、manage the Web system for the quality control of environmental construction for Ministry of Environment . The statistical analysis of checking the grades found that the proportion of Grade A in 2023 was 76.9%, and the average score was 81. Compared with the proportion of Grade A in 2022, which was 80.4%, and the average score was 81, the proportion of Grade A dropped slightly. It is speculated that the possible reason is that there were 11 cases of Grade B in 2023 , and they are all projects with a project value of less than 50 million. There are 36 projects with a project value of less than 50 million, 11 of which are Class B. This section is a small and medium-sized project with the largest number of manufacturers and the most diverse types of projects. There are new buildings (improvements) ) projects, landfill projects, resource recovery storage site projects, public toilet projects, indoor hall renovation projects, etc. There are many types of projects and construction companies are prone to encounter those who are inexperienced or even those who are exposed to the project for the first time, so the quality is also It is relatively unstable, so the probability of missing will increase. In 2022, there were 9 B-level projects, 28 projects with a project amount of less than 50 million, and only 6 B-level projects. Therefore, the number of small and medium-sized project cases will indirectly affect the A-level projects in that year. The ratio is the same. Due to the above reasons, the proportion of first-class students in 2023 is also lower than that in 2022. In addition to the above reasons, the scale of project audit amounts also partially affects the performance. A total of 46 project cases were audited in 2022, of which the largest number were projects with a value of more than 50 million, accounting for 39%, and the least was small projects with a value of less than 10 million, with a proportion of 39%. 26%. A total of 40 construction cases have been inspected in 2023 , with the largest number being small projects of less than 10 million, accounting for 40.4%, and the least amount of projects involving more than 50 million, accounting for 23.4%. The proportion of inspections in the past two years is just the opposite. It is speculated that the national Policies promote different subsidy types every year. There are relatively many small and medium-sized project cases this year, especially in the public toilet reconstruction type, which may also affect the ranking relationship. Therefore, the type of project inspections each year may affect the number of inspections with different amounts due to different national policy subsidy types. The analysis of common document deficiencies during the inspection can be roughly classified as follows: the quality plan content of the contractor [] does not specify the quality management standards for each sub-project and [] the inspection standards of the independent quality control checklist do not specify the quantification and tolerance The error values are most missing. 28 out of 40 items inspected have the above defects, accounting for 70% of the total. It is obvious that contractors generally do not pay attention to quality plan writing and quality control self-checklists and become mere formalities. They should be inspected according to actual conditions. The situation is quantified and filled in the self-inspection form. The analysis of common document deficiencies during the inspection can be roughly classified as follows: the contractor's [] Quality Control Self-Checklist inspection standards are not quantified, the allowable error value is missing, and the [] Quality Control Self-Checklist does not accurately record the inspection values At most, 32 out of 47 inspections had the above-mentioned deficiencies, accounting for 68% of the total. It is obvious that contractors generally do not pay attention to quality plan writing and quality control independent inspection forms and become mere formalities. They should be filled in quantitatively based on the actual inspection situation. Independent inspection form; in terms of project construction quality, [5.09.08] has the most no project notice boards or the content does not meet the regulations. As many as 38 of the 47 inspections have defects related to the project notice boards, accounting for 80.8% of the total, which is currently relatively high. Common deficiencies include errors or omissions in the content of the project notice board, phone numbers, etc. On July 17, 2023, the project committee revised the "Key Points for Setting Up the Project Notice Board and Completion Nameplate" and modified the format of some of the content on the project notice board. Because most of the The manufacturer did not pay attention to the update, so this defect occurred more frequently. During subsequent inspections, staff continued to go to the site to promote the project during the project inspection.
英文關鍵字 Environment protection facilities, Quality control, Examination