

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包含:稽查未定檢車、定檢率提升作業、低污染車輛推廣、定檢站管理、新設及既有充電站維護作業及辦理宣導活動等。計畫執行期程為自111年1月1日起至111年12月31日止,經統計至111年12月份各項工作之初步執行成果如表I所示。 計畫期程內需稽查未定檢車5萬輛,統計至111年12月共完成未定檢車稽查50,000輛,分別為使用車牌辨識系統稽查46,887輛、路邊巡查3,113輛及使用中車輛不定期攔檢306輛。計畫期程內需寄發定檢通知明信片37萬張,截至本年度12月份已寄發達37萬張、催檢通知目標數7萬件,業已完成寄發7萬張催檢通知。目前屏東縣機車定檢率達78.4%,其中琉球鄉定檢率達到83.7%;而不定期機車攔檢作業已執行18場,總計攔檢306輛燃油機車,其中檢驗數以屏東市最多,計有不合格數20輛,另攔檢不合格率以潮州鎮12.5%較高,平均檢驗不合格率為10.1%。 依環保署定檢資料中,以本縣到檢機車數進行統計,截至11月份共有303,690輛完成檢驗,其二、四行程機車定檢比例分別為3.4%及96.6%,二行程不合格率為9.4%,四行程不合格率為3.7%,平均定檢不合格率為3.9%;另以環保署列管之老舊機車改善納管率,目前已有77,956輛完成檢驗,現階段的老舊車輛納管成果為59.55%,依據環保署規劃之目標達成率為77.64%。 為維護定檢站檢驗品質,本年度需完成定檢站定期查核並執行實車查核70站次,統計至111年12月止,總計完成定期查核定檢站383站次、實車及氣體查核70站次。其中,有缺失情況之檢驗站為9家,檢驗站缺失比例為3.1%,主要缺失項目以「未依規定開立複驗單」為主要缺失項目之一,「檢測場地未標示清楚」之情形仍有所見。而實車查核部分,已針對特定對象列出清冊,以攔檢不合格追溯、稽查異常及經局內列管或建議指定的檢驗站為主要查核對象,目前已完成54次實車查核。本計畫另針對定檢站機齡較老舊之定檢站做列管並執行二次氣體比對作業,現已全數輔導完成並改善;針對上半年度定檢率異常情形之站家20家執行親訪,瞭解其是否有特殊作為並給予相對輔導。對於高污車輛,更強化及導入HC污染減量評比,提高不合格車輛複驗改善,鼓勵業者落實維修,追蹤不合格未複驗車輛加強管制,全縣定檢站減量率提升佔比達52.9%,複驗合格率達99.76%,皆達推動成果新高。 為考慮偏鄉山區民眾機車排氣檢驗不易,因此本計畫執行「偏鄉機車排氣檢驗服務」,結合當地鄉公所、社區及機車公會,深入偏鄉地區共同服務民眾;此外,本局結合產官學合作,特別導入專業技師及內埔農工汽修科師生,針對高污染車輛提出改善建議,幫助當地民眾機車檢修以改善污染,以達媒合專業、產學合作、保檢合一之目的。截至111年12月底,共進行偏鄉服務24場次,服務機車排氣定檢達351件。 在今年度本縣特地進行老舊車輛換購電動機車加碼獎勵,並藉由縣府各局處的支持推廣,提高本縣電動車輛使用之友善環境。其中在本縣共享運具推動項目上,已核准通過共享運具發展管理自治條例及辦法;由交旅處協助輔導委外業者,針對屏東市及東港鎮路邊停車收費作業,執行收費之工作車輛,全數改以電動機車為主;農業處協助輔導本縣果菜市場導入電能車款使用,舉辦大型推廣活動並實施高污染運具管制;麟洛果菜市場管理單位,經輔導後自主編列獎勵預算,已淘汰高污染運具換購電能車,電能車汰換率達70%,不合格車輛之列管改善率達100%;城鄉發展處將於土地招商作業中,協請業者於工廠設置充電設施,和鼓勵員工購買電動機車;獲得教育局處和各級學校的認同,支持推動校園反怠速示範專區設置,現已有26所學校響應並成為示範專區,為全國最多處校園怠速專區推廣之縣市;獲得全縣學童數最多之仁愛國小教職員支持,同意本局協助規劃該校區推動空品維護區之劃設,並已著手進行學童家長的問卷調查;綠能校園部分亦獲得教育局支持及各級學校的認同,強化周邊道路及停車場設置綠能車格和充電環境。截至本年度10月,本縣電動機車數量已再次提升達18,945輛,為非六都電動機車設籍數中第二高之縣市,而較往年同期之16,856輛共增加12.4%。 屏東縣環保局設置之電動機車充電站總計325站,其中今年已增設10站,而本計畫需完成每半年維護作業一次,包含民眾陳情之修復充電站,統計至111年12月共計完成維護382站次。 為維護空氣品質並宣導民眾車輛熄火之觀念,計畫期間已於屏東縣轄內易怠速地點、主要路段、校園周邊等,執行車輛怠速熄火勸導作業,共計完成786輛次怠速勸導;亦針對屏東市區學校等15所學校推動示範區宣導作業並完成宣導告示牌安裝,加上111年本縣於九如鄉推動之11所學校,使本縣成為全國最多校園怠速熄火示範專區之縣市。 今年度增加機動車輛噪音科技執法及使用中車輛稽查作業,現階段已執行69場次,包括於里港鄉、九如鄉、內埔鄉等地,以及春吶活動期間前往台26線處和墾丁大街等熱點路段,配合警察稽查勤務等共攔查/檢354輛車次;另完成車輛噪音檢測共127輛車次,並針對車輛有改裝情形再實施排氣檢驗雙檢驗計有32輛次,其中排氣檢測合格輛數為21輛次,合格邊緣輛數為2輛,不合格輛數則為9輛次,以噪音車輛有明顯改裝再施以排氣檢驗之結果來看,初步執行的排氣檢驗不合格率達25%。 本計畫依本縣環境保護局規劃,基於保護學童健康為出發點,擬定以學生人數最多之仁愛國小劃設為空維區前導站,若管制成果得宜則研擬擴大至其他校園。其管制對象主要以出廠滿五年須於期限內定檢之燃油機車為主,預計於112年3月1日開始實施,現已完成協商會及公聽研商會。冀望透過實施移動污染源管制以改善區域空氣品質,使孩童有個健康的學習環境。 今年度首度以果菜市場運具列為低污染車輛推廣進行試辦,並以鄰近本市的麟洛果菜市場為優先輔導單位,針對銷售業者運具執行排氣檢驗之結果,檢驗不合格率達20%,除告知業者不合格車輛將列管追蹤改善情形外,並與管理單位討論及提出市場內高污染運具汰換之建議方案,首創民間自主獎勵並推行鼓勵汰換二行程車輛的換車獎勵措施。於本年度9月31日辦理麟洛果菜市場電能運具推廣活動,並輔導場內之高污染二行程運具進行改善,截至目前已輔導7輛進行汰換為電能車款,高污染運具汰換電能車之汰換率達七成,其餘之高污染車輛透過維修改善後,已能符合排放標準,整體改善率達100%。本計畫亦針對市場內空氣品質進行監測,在未使用電動三輪車前的CO2監測值為545ppm,PM10監測值為59.5μg/m3,經由淘汰高污車輛換成電動車款,及不合格車輛改善後,CO2監測值為438ppm,PM10監測值為49.3μg/m3,推動的初步成果已讓麟洛果菜市場成為本縣第一個電動運具示範專區。 自配合環保署各年度辦理推動汰舊新購獎勵補助措施至今,屏東縣內之二行程機車及1~4期的老舊車種已逐年減少。統計111年1~10月的車輛淘汰報廢情形,本縣共計淘汰13,698輛1~4期機車,其中2,496輛為二行程機車,初步的空氣污染物削減量成效,計提供污染排放削減量分別為TSP:5.45公噸、PM10:3.46公噸、PM2.5:2.65公噸、NOx:12.48公噸、NMHC:65.41公噸、CO:167.33公噸。
中文關鍵字 稽查未定檢車輛、定檢率、低污染車輛、定檢站管理、空氣品質維護區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 1350 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 薛進和
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 鍾和明 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度期末報告定稿_本文.pdf 12MB

Pingtung County Motorcycle Exhaust Pollution Inspection and Control Plan for 2022

英文摘要 The main tasks of this plan include: inspection of unscheduled vehicles, improvement of regular inspection rate, promotion of low-pollution vehicles, management of regular inspection stations, maintenance of new and existing charging stations, and publicity activities…etc. The implementation period of the plan is from January 1 , 2022 to December 31 , 2022. According to statistics , the preliminary implementation results of various tasks up to December 2022 are shown in Table I. During the project period, 50,000 unscheduled vehicles need to be inspected. According to statistics, a total of 50,000 unscheduled vehicles have been inspected by December 2022, including 46,887 inspections using the license plate recognition system, 3,113 roadside inspections, and as for irregular inspections of vehicles in use, 306 vehicles were stopped and inspected. During the project period, 370,000 regular inspection notice postcards need to be sent. As of November this year, 370,000 postcards have been sent, and the target number of reminder notices is 70,000. 70,000 reminder notices have been sent. Currently, Pingtung county scooter regular inspection rate reaches 78.4 %, of which Liuqiu township regular inspection rate reaches 83.7 %; unscheduled scooter inspection operations have been carried out in 18 vehicles, a total of 306 fuel scooters have been inspected, of which Pingtung City has the most number of unqualified vehicles, with 20 unqualified vehicles. Chaozhou township has a higher unqualified rate of 12.5 %, with an average unqualified rate of 10.1 %. According to the regular inspection data of the Environmental Protection Agency, the number of scooters inspected in the county is counted. As of September, a total of 230,539 scooters have completed inspections. The regular inspection ratios of second- and fourth- stroke scooters are 3.4 % and 96.6 %, respectively. The unqulified rate is 9.4%, the four-stroke unqualified rate is 3.7 %, and the average regular inspection unqualified rate is 3.9%. In addition, the old scooters listed by the Environmental Protection Agency have improved the management rate. At present, 77,956 vehicles have completed the inspection. The achievement of the management of old vehicles in the stage is 59.55%, and the target achievement rate according to the plan of the Environmental Protection Agency is 77.64%. In order to maintain the inspection quality of the regular inspection station, it is necessary to complete the regular inspection of the regular inspection station and carry out 70 stations of real vehicle inspections this year. Statistics until December 2022, a total of 383 stations of regular inspections of fixed inspection stations, real vehicles and gas check 70 station times. Among them, there are 9 missing inspection stations, and the ratio of missing inspection stations is 3.1 %. The main missing items include "failure to issue a re-inspection form in accordance with the regulations" as one of the main missing items, and "the inspection site is not clearly marked, ” which is still seen. As for the actual vehicle inspection part, a list has been made for specific objects. The main inspection objects are inspection stations that are unqualified and traced back to inspections, abnormal inspections, and designated by the bureau or recommended by the bureau. So far, 54 actual vehicle inspections have been completed. This project is also aimed at the regular inspection stations with older machines and performing gas comparison operations second time. All of them have been completed and improved; for the station, 20 the rate of whose regular inspection was abnormal in the first half of the year. The implementation of personal visits will be done to find out whether they have special actions and give relative counseling. For high-pollution vehicles, we strengthen and introduce HC pollution reduction evaluation, increase the re-inspection and improvement of unqualified vehicles, encourage the industry to implement maintenance, track unqualified vehicles that have not been re-inspected and strengthen control, and the reduction rate of regular inspection stations in the county has increased to 52.9 %, and the pass rate of the re-inspection reached 99.76%, both of which reached new highs in promotional achievements. Taking into consideration that it’s difficult for the inspection on the scooters owned by the people living in the remote area. Therefore, this project implements the "Exhaust Inspection Service for remote scooters and motorcycles" and combines local township offices, communities, and scooters and motorcycle associations to go deep into remote areas to serve the public; besides, government-university cooperation, especially the introduction of professional technicians and teachers and students of the Auto Repair Department of Neipu Agriculture and Industry School, put forward improvement suggestions for high-pollution vehicles, and help local people's scooter maintenance to improve pollution, so as to achieve the goal of professional matchmaking, industry-university cooperation, and integration of insurance and inspection purpose. As of the end of December 2022, a total of 24 rounds of outlying services have been carried out, and 351 regular inspections of the exhaust of service locomotives have been carried out . This year, the county will specially carry out an increase in rewards for replacing old vehicles with electric vehicles, and through the support and promotion of various bureaus of the county government, it will improve the friendly environment for the use of electric vehicles in this county. Among them, the self-government regulations and measures for the development and management of shared vehicles have been approved and passed in the promotion project of shared vehicles in this county; All working vehicles were replaced by electric vehicles; the Agriculture Department assisted in guiding the fruit and vegetable market in the county to introduce electric vehicles, held large-scale promotional activities, and implemented high-pollution transport control; the management unit of Linluo Fruit and Vegetable Market independently compiled rewards after guidance. It is estimated that high-pollution vehicles have been eliminated and replaced by electric vehicles. The replacement rate of electric vehicles has reached 70%, and the improvement rate of unqualified vehicles has reached 100%. The Urban and Rural Development Office will cooperate with the industry to set up charging stations in the factory during the land investment operation. We encourage employees to purchase electric scooters or motorcycles; obtained the recognition of the Education Bureau and schools at all levels, and supported the establishment of anti- idling demonstration areas on campus. Now, 26 schools have responded and become demonstration areas, which is the largest campus idling area in the country. The counties and cities where the promotion was carried out; the teaching staff of Renai Elementary School, which has the largest number of students in the county, agreed with the Bureau to assist in the planning of the school district to promote the designation of the air product protection area, and has begun to conduct a questionnaire survey on parents and students; the part of the green energy campus has also been awarded with the support of the Education Bureau and the recognition of schools at all levels, the surrounding roads and parking lots are strengthened to set up green energy vehicle grids and charging environments. As of October this year, the number of electric vehicles in this county has increased again to 18,945, making it the second highest number of registered electric vehicles in non-major-six-city counties and cities, and a total increase of 12.4% compared with 16,856 in the same period of the previous year. 325 charging stations for electric vehicles has been set up in Pintung, of which 10 stations have been added this year, and this plan needs to complete maintenance operations every six months, including the restoration of charging stations that have been complained by the public. A total of 382 station-times of maintenance were completed in the month. In order to maintain the air quality and publicize the concept of turning off the vehicle, during the project period, we have carried out the persuasion operation of idling and turning off the vehicle at places prone to idling, main road sections, and around the campus in Pingtung County, and completed a total of 786 times of idling Persuasion; 15 schools including schools in Pingtung city area promoted the publicity work of the demonstration area and completed the installation of publicity signs. In addition, the county promoted 11 schools in Jiuru Township in 2022, making this county the most in the country and the counties and cities of campus idling flameout demonstration zone. This year, we have increased motor vehicle noise technology enforcement and inspections of vehicles in use. At this stage, 69 sessions have been carried out, including in Ligang Township, Jiuru Township, Neipu Township and other places, as well as going by Taiwan Highway 26 to Kenting during Spring Scream event. A total of 354 vehicle trips were stopped /inspected in cooperation with police inspections and other hot spots on streets and other hot spots; 127 vehicle trips were also inspected for vehicle noise, and exhaust gas inspections were carried out for a total of 32 vehicles if the vehicle was modified. Among them, the number of vehicles that passed the exhaust gas inspection was 21 times , the number of vehicles that were marginally qualified was 2, and the number of unqualified vehicles was 9 times. Judging from the results of exhaust inspections on noisy vehicles after obvious modifications, the failure rate of the preliminary exhaust inspection was 25 %. According to the planning of the County Environmental Protection Bureau, based on the protection of the health of schoolchildren, Renai Elementary School, which has the largest number of students, is planned to be designated as the pilot station of the air quality maintenance area. If the control results are appropriate, it is planned to expand to other schools. The control objects are mainly fuel scooters that have been out of the factory for five years and must be inspected within the time limit. It is expected to be implemented on March 1, 2023, and the consultation meeting and public hearing and research meeting have been completed. It is hoped that through the implementation of mobile pollution source control, the regional air quality can be improved, so that children can have a healthy learning environment. This year, for the first time, the fruit and vegetable markets were listed as a low-pollution vehicle promotion trial, and the Linluo fruit and vegetable market adjacent to the city was given priority as the guidance unit, and the exhaust gas inspection results were carried out on the seller's vehicles, and the inspection failure rate up to 20%. In addition to informing the operators that unqualified vehicles will be tracked and improved, we will also discuss with the management unit and put forward proposals for the replacement of high-polluting vehicles in the market. It is the first initiative for private incentives and the promotion of encouraging the replacement of two-stroke vehicles exchange incentives. On September 31 this year, we organized the promotion of electric vehicles in the Linluo Fruit and Vegetable Market, and guided the improvement of the high-pollution two-stroke vehicles in the market. Up to now, we have guided 7 vehicles to be replaced with electric vehicles, and the high-pollution vehicles have been eliminated. The replacement rate of electric vehicles has reached 70%, and the remaining high-pollution vehicles have met the emission standards after maintenance and improvement, and the overall improvement rate has reached 100%. This plan also monitors the air quality in the market. Before the use of electric tricycles, the CO 2 monitoring value is 545ppm, and the PM 10 monitoring value is 59.5μg /m 3. After the qualified vehicles were improved, the CO 2 monitoring value was 438ppm, and the PM 10 monitoring value was 49.3μg/m 3. The preliminary results of the promotion have made Linluo Fruit and Vegetable Market the first electric vehicle demonstration area in the county. Incentive subsidy measures to promote the replacement of old and new purchases each year, the number of locomotives with two-stroke vehicles and the number of old vehicles in phases 1 to 4 in Pingtung County have decreased year by year. According to the statistics of vehicle obsolescence and scrapping from January to October 2022, the county eliminated a total of 13,698 scooters from stage 1 to stage 4, of which 2,496 were two-stroke scooters. The preliminary air pollutant reduction results are calculated by providing pollution emission reductions respectively. For TSP: 5.45 metric tons, PM 10 : 3.46 metric tons, PM 2.5 : 2.65 metric tons, NO x : 12.48 metric tons, NMHC: 65.41 metric tons, CO: 167.33 metric tons.
英文關鍵字 air quality maintenance area, inspection of unscheduled vehicles, regular inspection rate, low-pollution vehicles, management of regular inspection stations