

中文摘要   111年度契約各工作項目,期末成果摘要如下。 1. 已完成午沙港旁農田1點次農地土壤定期監測,監測結果重金屬全量分析測值均低於土壤污染監測標準,建議可停止監測。 2. 已完成北竿加油站1場次公告事業用地查證,結果顯示總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)均低於土壤污染管制標準。 3. 北竿鄉午沙廢棄加油站、莒光鄉田沃西營區及猛沃西營區,為控制計畫執行階段;另北峰車業、弘毅汽車保養廠、永順汽車保養所及秉欣企業社為應變必要措施執行階段,已完成12次巡查。 4. 地下水監測工作於完成15口次,其中5口(東引東湧運動場(Z00010)、福澳港加油站油槽旁簡易井(Z00018)、仁愛村電池山二號井(Z00077)、東引鄉中柱加油站(Z00092)及北竿鄉白沙加油站(Z00093))水質超過地下水監測標準;1口北竿掩埋場(Z00003)水質超過地下水管制標準。 5. 已針對縣內16口地下水監測井完成上、下半年巡查,並針對仁愛村電池山二號井(Z00077)及東引鄉中柱加油站(Z00092)辦理2口次井況評估後,依據井況評估結果擇定仁愛村電池山二號井(Z00077)完成1口次再次完井,東引鄉中柱加油站(Z00092)完成1口次異物排除;以及完成中正國中小(Z00076)及東莒國小(Z00085)監測井外觀維護,共計2口次。 6. 已完成南竿中山門加油站1場次測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測,測漏管編號2、4、5、6等測漏管之 PID/FID測值超過警戒值500 ppmV。 7. 已完成12站次地下儲槽符合管理辦法之輔導及稽查,稽查成果與歷年相同。 8. 已完成110年第3次、111年第1、2次及地下儲槽網路申報及資料審查,審查結果皆認可。 9. 已完成6站次新增事業法規符合度查核-儲槽系統,其中6處皆有輔導缺失並改善,輔導缺失大多為地上儲槽未設置防溢堤,或已設置但未達50公分、未辦理每月巡檢、現場未備防疏漏器材;其中中華電信馬祖會綜合大樓廠區內設置地下管線,若未於111年12月31日前完成改善,需於112年1月1日監測。 10. 已完成辦理1場次貯存系統法規宣導說明會、1場次種子講師培訓及4場次土地善管人宣導說明會。 11. 已完成土水宣導故事書印製400冊。 12. 議約事項-已完成第一~四季2口后沃水庫地下水採樣分析。 13. 議約事項-已完成專家學者諮詢會議1場次。 14. 議約事項-已完成第一、四季16口監測井巡視。 15. 緊急應變-已辦理農地土壤同步採樣及北竿掩埋場土壤調查。 16. 已於111年3月23日辦理第一季季報及軍事場址聯繫會議;111年6月22日辦理第二季季報;111年6月27日辦理第二季軍事場址連繫會議、111年9月22日辦理第三季季報及軍事場址聯繫會議、111年11月7日辦理第四季季報及軍事場址聯繫會議。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、污染調查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4080 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 劉曜文
主辦單位 連江縣政府環境保護局(停用) 承辦人 張偉晨 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111連江土水計畫.pdf 22MB

The Survey of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Lienchiang County in 2022

英文摘要   The plan has been executed from January 1th 2022 to December 20th 2022, and the results of implementation are summarized as follows , for the environmental sustainability, the program has been advanced, which involves: 1) The regular monitoring of farmland soil at 1 point of the farmland next to Wusha Port has been completed, and the monitoring results of the full analysis of heavy metals are all lower than the soil pollution monitoring standards. 2) The Beigan gas station has completed one announcement of business land verification, and the results show that the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) are all lower than the soil pollution control standards. 3) A total of 12 inspections have been completed at 3 control sites and 4 sites with necessary emergency measures. 4) The groundwater monitoring work has been completed 15 times, of which 5 water quality exceeds the groundwater monitoring standard; 1 water quality exceeds the groundwater control standard. 5) Completed inspections in the first and second half of the year for 16 groundwater monitoring wells in the county, completed 2 secondary well condition assessments, completed 1 secondary well completion, and 1 secondary foreign object removal; and completed the appearance maintenance of 2 monitoring wells. 6) Completed 1 leak detection tube function test and oil and gas detection at gas stations. The PID/FID values of the leak detection tubes numbered 2, 4, 5, and 6 exceeded the warning value of 500 ppmV. 7) Completed 12 stations of underground storage tank compliance with the guidance and inspection of the management method, and the inspection results are the same as previous years. 8) Completed 3 times of underground storage tank network declaration and data review, and the review results were all approved. 9) Completed 6 new business regulation compliance checks - storage tank system, 6 of which have guidance deficiencies and improvements. 10) Completed 1 publicity briefing session on storage system laws and regulations, 1 training session for seed instructors and 4 publicity briefing sessions on good land management personnel. 11) Completed the printing of 400 volumes of soil and water propaganda story books. 12) Negotiation matters - The groundwater sampling and analysis of Houwo Reservoir at Port 2 of the first to fourth seasons has been completed. 13) Negotiation items - 1 expert and scholar consultation meeting has been completed. 14) Negotiable matters - the inspection of 16 monitoring wells in the first and fourth seasons has been completed. 15) Emergency Response - Simultaneous sampling of farmland soil and soil survey of Beigan landfill have been completed. 16) The first to fourth quarter quarterly reports and the military site contact meeting have been completed.
英文關鍵字 Soil and Groundwater, pollution investigation