中文摘要 | 本計畫首先蒐研日本、美國、以及英國等國家住商部門總體減碳策略、推行背景與法源依據、標示系統介紹和推行成效,歸納可參採之減碳策略提供委託單位參考。取得美國能源之星的建築可減少35%的能源使用、降低35%的溫室氣體排放、每平方英呎可節省0.54美元之營運支出、並可創造更高的出租價值和使用出租率。英國則計畫在建築能效標示制度的基礎之上,更進一步規範未來新辦公室建築能耗需在2050年降至每年55kWh/平方公尺、住宅建築則需降至每年34kWh/平方公尺。此外,本計畫除了協助地方環保機關針對年溫室氣體排放量達一萬噸二氧化碳當量之住商服務業進行溫室氣體盤查,亦針對連鎖量販店和超商導入溫室氣體盤查作業,協助業者釐清自身邊界,並因應氣候變遷因應法相關子法之訂定,舉辦「溫室氣體自願減量專案管理辦法」草案公聽研商會議,研議並廣蒐各方意見與回饋。本計畫另按2022我國非生產性質行業能源大戶行業數量統計和行業代表性,擇定量販業與旅館業此二非生產性質能源大戶行業為其評估建築能效,達到宣傳與示範之效果。本計畫亦輔導辦公大樓與連鎖量販業者進行減碳作業,並設計製作住商部門微型抵換專案作業流程懶人包。於論壇辦理,本計畫協助籌辦「淨零轉型 攜手前行」以及「溫室氣體自願減量推動策略」論壇。兩場次之論壇皆有各領域專家出席進行討論,彙整之建議可作為後續推動減碳作業之參考。本計畫另派員至埃及沙姆沙伊赫市(Sharm el-Sheikh)參與第27 屆聯合國氣候高峰會COP27,瞭解IPCC提出之於設計、施工、使用、以及處置等各階段的住商建築減碳策略,以及預估可在2050減碳達61%之成效。本計畫蒐研與執行之成果經驗可作為後續住商部門的減碳精進依據,持續朝我國2050淨零碳排邁進。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 住商部門溫室氣體減量、建築能源效率、溫室氣體盤查 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-111-A182 | 經費年度 | 111 | 計畫經費 | 5958.902 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2022/05/09 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/09/30 | 專案主持人 | 蔡宏達 |
主辦單位 | 氣候署減量交易組 | 承辦人 | 葉宇珊 | 執行單位 | 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 202310301152596081.pdf | 12MB |
Project for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies in the Domestic Residential, Commercial, and Service Departments and the Policy Improvements for Voluntary Emission Reduction.
英文摘要 | This project first collected the overall carbon reduction strategies, implementation background, and legal basis of the building energy rating systems in Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, and summarized the carbon reduction strategies that can be used as reference for the government departments. The U.S. Energy Star labelled buildings can reduce energy use by 35% and greenhouse gas emissions by 35%, save $0.54 of operating expenses per square foot, and achieve higher rental value and occupancy rates. The UK government plans to build on the building energy rating system and further regulate that the energy consumption of new office buildings will be reduced to 55kWh/square meter per year and 34kWh/square meter per year for residential buildings by 2050. In addition to assisting local environmental departments in applying greenhouse gas inventories to residential and commercial entities whose annual greenhouse gas emissions amount to 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, the project also introduced greenhouse gas inventory to chain mass merchandisers and supermarkets to help them delineate the inventory boundaries. This project also held a public hearing and consultation meeting on the draft of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reduction Management Measures to collect opinions and feedback from all parties. Besides, by referring to the national statistic of 2022 large energy consumption non-industrial entities, this project selected two major non-industrial sectors as the targets of building energy efficiency evaluation for its demonstration and circulation. The project also advised office buildings and chain retailers on carbon reduction improvements and develops a handy carbon mini-offset workflow for residential and commercial entities to follow. This project also assisted in organizing forums on "Net Zero Transformation, Moving Forward Together" and "Strategy for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reduction". Experts from various fields attended and discussed together during the two forums, and the compiled feedback can be used as a reference for subsequent promotion of carbon reduction operations. This project also sent delegation to participate the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (COP 27) and collected the IPCC's carbon reduction strategy in design, construction, operation, and disposal stages for residential and commercial buildings. It is estimated that these strategies can help to reduce the carbon emissions by 61% by 2050. In summary, the results and experience of this projects can serve as reference for the subsequent carbon reduction improvement in the residential and commercial sector toward the direction of Taiwan's Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Residential & Commercial Department Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Building Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse Gas Inventory |