

中文摘要 2021年蔡總統宣示跟進國際趨勢2050淨零轉型為臺灣目標,國發會並於2022提出本國2050淨零排放的路徑圖,提出建構並推動全民綠生活,發展淨零綠生活商業模式路徑將是推動淨零關鍵,讓未來整體經濟結構的轉型有所依循,帶領企業共同邁進2050年淨零排放目標。本計畫藉由推進全民了解行政院環境保護署現行推動之環保政策,以管理架構、實際行動與擴大影響力三方面來推動我國企業及民間邁向淨零碳排之目標,為全民建立綠生活的共同意識提升綠色生活理念並養成民眾綠色生活行為。並透過邀請駐臺使節實際參與淨零生活圈,將我國推動之成果顯現,提供未來與國際交流之契機。截至112年5月31日為止,團隊已完成6場次「淨零綠生活商業模式專家諮詢會議」、3場次「企業、民間團體、社區三方對話示範地區現勘」、7場次「企業、社區及民間團體三方對話正向循環地區說明會」、5場次「企業、社區及民間團體三方對話正向循環對話平臺會議」、1場次「淨零綠生活競賽專家諮詢會會議」、5場次「淨零綠生活競賽說明會」、1場次「淨零綠生活競賽評審原則會議」、3場次「淨零綠生活競賽初審會議」、30場次「淨零綠生活競賽現勘」、3場次「淨零綠生活競賽複審會議」、1場次「淨零綠生活競賽決審會議」、1場次「淨零綠生活競賽檢討會議」、1場次「淨零綠生活競賽頒獎典禮」、1場次「參與淨零綠生活圈駐臺使節現勘」、3場次「參與淨零綠生活圈駐臺使節座談會議」及3場次「淨零綠生活成果與具體措施專家諮詢會議」,推動淨零綠生活理念與行動為計畫主軸重點,持續推廣至企業、民間團體、社區等三方團體,達到全民參與淨零綠生活之目標。
中文關鍵字 淨零綠生活、企業與民間團體、淨零路徑


專案計畫編號 EPA-111A236 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6850 千元
專案開始日期 2022/06/23 專案結束日期 2023/06/30 專案主持人 游勝傑
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 潘嘉妤 執行單位 中原大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 綠生活成果報告_定稿_本文.pdf 17MB

2022-2023 Promotion Project of the Participation of Enterprises and Civil Associations in the Net Zero Green Living

英文摘要 In 2021, President Tsai announced to follow the international trend of 2050 net zero transformation as Taiwan's goal, and the National Development Council (NDC) proposed a 2050 net zero pathway for Taiwan in 2022, to develop and promote the green living for all people, and planning a net zero green living business model pathway will be the key to accomplish the goal of net zero, so that the future transformation of the overall economic structure can be followed, and leading enterprises to jointly move towards the 2050 net zero goal. This project promotes the understanding of the current environmental protection policies by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, and the goal of zero carbon emissions for the enterprises and the public in Taiwan through three aspects: management structure, practical actions, and expansion of influence. This project also promotes the concept of green living and the development of green-living behaviors for the public to build a common awareness of green living. By inviting ambassadors in Taiwan to participate in the Net Zero Living Circle, this project could exhibite the achievements by Taiwan's policy promotion and provide opportunities for the future international exchanges. Until May 31, 2023, the project has completed six "Net Zero Green Living Business Model Expert Consultation Meetings", three "Demonstration Area Visiting", seven “Enterprises, Civil associations and Communities Tripartite Platform Regional Seminar”, five “Enterprises, Civil associations and Communities Tripartite Platform Conversation Meeting”, one "Net Zero Green Living Competition Expert Consultation Meeting", five "Net Zero Green Living Competition Seminar", one " Net Zero Green Living Competition Judging Principles Meeting", three " Net Zero Green Living Competition Preliminary Review Meeting”, thirty “Field Survey of Competition Teams”, three " Net Zero Green Living Competition Second stage Review Meeting”, one "Net Zero Green Living Competition Final Review Meeting”, one "Net Zero Green Living Competition Review Meeting”, one "Net Zero Green Living Competition Awards Ceremony”, one “Ambassador Field Survey of Net Zero Green Living Area Participation”, three “Ambassador Meeting of Net Zero Green Living Area Participation” and three "Net Zero Green Living Project Result Expert Consultation Meetings". The main focus of the project is to promote the concept and action of net zero green living, and to continue to promote the participation of enterprises, civil associations and communities to achieve the goal of net zero green living for all.
英文關鍵字 Net Zero Green Living, Enterprises and Civil Associations, Net Zero Pathway