

中文摘要 本計畫於111年3月1日開始執行,工作內容包含監測設施設置及連線法規符合度查核、辦理連續自動監測設施連線數據檢核及現場查核作業、辦理連續自動監測設施系統功能查核及監督檢測作業、維護雲林縣CWMS整合平台及管理平台正常運作、維護行動監控大排廢水及建置資料庫主機伺服器並提供局端專有網際網路線路,本報告期間各項工作執行成果,主要如下: (1)完成30家次CWMS列管對象之法規符合度查核作業,查核意見均提請廠方改善。 (2)111年列管對象之異常管制圖顯示異常狀況主要為出現定值、超限值及0值之異常監測值,而對於0值之異常值常以正常值或超限值之狀態碼上傳至環保局,此將影響監測記錄值及有效率之真實性 (3)異常管制圖結果顯示共有四家事業單位於111年上半年度及下半年度皆有異常情形,分別為(1)鴻和皮革有限公司(第二廠)(P5104671):異常項目為SS、Temp;(2)雲生畜牧場(P6500097):異常項目為pH;(3)億山畜牧場(P5900084):異常項目為pH;(4)金海龍生物科技股份有限公司(P6001213):異常項目為D03之pH。 (4)完成9廠次之CWMS列管對象之提送措施說明書審查作業及21廠次之RATA檢測報告審查作業。 (5)完成5場次相對準確度測試查核(RATA)定檢監督作業,分別為合眾紙業股份有限公司林內廠(P5500191)、雲林科技工業區服務中心(竹圍子區)專用污水下水道系統(P46A1631)、經濟部工業局斗六工業區服務中心專用下水道系統(P4601715)、台灣化學纖維股份有限公司麥寮廠(P5801773)及長春人造樹脂股份有限公司麥寮廠(P5805271),檢測結果僅合眾紙業林內廠COD需重新採樣外,其餘均符合水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法附件三之相對誤差測試查核規定。 (6)完成5場次CWMS數據平行比對,分別為台塑勝高科技股份有限公司麥寮矽晶圓廠(P5801871)、長春人造樹脂股份有限公司麥寮廠(P5805271)、南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司麥寮總廠(P5801513)、台灣化學纖維股份有限公司麥寮廠(P5801773)及福懋科技股份有限公司(P4602196)之比對結果整體訊號分析結果與環保局訊號起伏狀態相符,並無太大落差,表示監測設施間至中控端數據相符,經傳輸至環保局資訊無異常。 (7)維護CWMS管理平台及整合平台,以維持連線正常傳輸及資訊安全管理。 (8)完成六組行動水資源監測站維護作業,並維持24小時監測。以及完成行動監測水資源監測站監測資料擴充至雲林縣環境資訊整合APP。 (9)陳情熱點區域(斗六工業區):顯示異常高值較常反應在pH及導電度上,溶氧則易受監測位置水流流動性差異相關,另外,降雨亦是影響水質因素之一,在降雨時,pH及導電度濃度較易被稀釋而降低,而溶氧量則上升。 (10)陳情熱點區域(麥寮鄉):監測結果顯示各測項於監測期間無異常高值發生,另外,由於此監測地點位於感潮帶,故溶氧及導電度亦受水溫、水體中鹽類濃度及畜牧廢水微生物分解影響,監測數據相對較高或無溶氧情況,且在巡查檢時,常有豬臭味,並帶有不明漂浮物。 (11)陳情熱點區域(口湖鄉):監測結果顯示各測項於監測期間無異常高值發生,另外,由於此監測地點位於感潮帶,故導電度亦受漲退潮及海水之水體中鹽類濃度影響,監測數據相對較高。 (12)污染排放熱點(虎尾鎮):監測結果顯示該測點之導電度及溶氧亦受上游工廠、水溫及水中微生物分解影響,而降雨過後pH測值偶有高值出現。
中文關鍵字 水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸系統、相對準確度測試查核、酸鹼度


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-111-034 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4890 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/01 專案結束日期 2023/02/28 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊寬裕 執行單位 捷思環能股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度雲林縣河川CWMS監測計畫_期末報告.pdf 18MB 111年度雲林縣河川CWMS監測計畫期末報告

Yunlin County Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS) Monitoring Plan for Rivers Plan in year 2022

英文摘要 This project starts on March 1, 2022. The tasks include the setup of the monitoring system and checking whether the connection conforms to the law, checking the connection figures of the CWMS and onsite inspection, checking and supervising the function of the CWMS, maintaining the operation of the CWMS integration and management platform of the county, maintaining the mobile monitoring of draining ditches, and the setup of the database server, as well as providing proprietary internet for the bureau. The results of the tasks are as the following: (1) Complete checking the conformity of the law for the controlled companies 30 times and giving feedback for the companies to improve. (2) The abnormities in the controlled companies' figures are constant, over-limited, and zero values. And the zero value is often uploaded to the Bureau as normal or over-limited values. This would affect the record of the monitoring and the authenticity of the effectiveness. (3) The abnormities in the figure show the results of 4 companies are abnormal in both the first half and second half of 2022. They are a. Hong Her Leather CO., LTD (P5104671), the second plant: abnormal in SS, Temp; b. Yun Shern Livestock Farm (P6500097): abnormal in pH; c. I Shan Livestock Farm (P5900084): abnormal in pH; d. King Hi Long CO., LTD. (P6001213): abnormal in the pH of D03. (4) Complete 9 reviews of CWMS-controlled companies’ measures description and 21 reviews of RATA test reports. (5) Complete 5 regular inspections for RATA. They are Union Paper Corporation Lin Nei Plant (P5500191), sewage system of Yun Lin Industrial Park Service Centre (Chu Wei Zi District) (P46A1631), Douliu Industrial Park Service Center.Dedicated sewer system (P4601715), Formosa Chemicals And Fibre Corporation. Mai Liao Factory (P5801773), Chang Chun Plastic CO., LTD. Mai Liao Factory (P5805271). The results show they all conform to Annex 3 of Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations regarding the relative error test except Union Paper Corporation Lin Nei Plant which requires a resample of COD. (6) Complete CWMS data parallel comparison of five factories. They are Formosa Sumco Technology Corporation Mai Liao Silicon Wafer Factory (P5801871), Chang Chun Plastic CO., LTD. Mai Liao Factory (P5805271), NAN YA PLASTICS CORPORATION Mai Liao Factory (P5801513),Formosa Chemicals And Fibre Corporation. Mai Liao Factory (P5801773), FORMOSA ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. (P4602196). The comparison results show the overall signal analysis conforms to the one of the Bureau without much difference. That means the figures from the monitoring system to the central control are the same. The transmissions to the Bureau are normal. (7) Maintain the CWMS management and integration platform to ensure the information connection is normal and safe. (8) Complete six maintenances of the mobile monitoring station of water resources and monitor them 7/24 hours. And completed the expansion of the monitoring data of the Action Monitoring Water Resources Monitoring Station to the Yunlin County Environmental Information Integration APP. (9) Hotspots for complaints (Dou Liu Industrial Park): the abnormally high value often reflects on pH and electrical conductivity. The dissolved oxygen is affected by the water fluidity difference in the monitored location. Besides, precipitation also affects water quality. pH and electrical conductivity are diluted and decline when it rains while the dissolved oxygen grows. (10) Hotspots for complaints (Mai Liao Township): the results of monitoring show all tests during the monitoring are normal without particularly high values. Besides, due to the monitoring locates in the estuary, the dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity are affected by the water temperature, salt concentration in the water and the microbial decomposition of the livestock wastewater. The figures are relatively higher or with no dissolved oxygen. In addition, there are odours of pigs and unidentified floating objects in patrols. (11) Hotspots for complaints (Ko Hu Township): the monitoring results show there are no particularly high values for all items during the monitoring. Besides, due to the monitoring locates in the estuary, the electrical conductivity is affected by ebbs and tides and the salt concentration of the water. The figures are relatively higher. (12) Hotspots for complaints (Hu Wei Township): the monitoring results show that the electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of the monitoring spot are affected by the upstream plant, water temperature and microbial decomposition in the water. There is a high pH value occasionally after rain.
英文關鍵字 Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS), Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA), Acidity and Alkalinity