
111 年環境教育繪本親子劇推廣專案工作計畫

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署將環境教育主題之故事劇本以親子劇方式進行宣導, 以《來自北極的一封信》、《何處是我家?幫領角鴞蓋個家》及《緣來蛙抵 嘉》3 本現有環境教育繪本為素材,編撰環境教育故事劇本,創作成立 體的舞台劇演出, 名為「拯救地球你我他」, 內容串聯「生態環 境」、「動物保育」、「氣候變遷」及「對未來的期待」等議題。 111 年 7 月 23 日於臺北市兒童新樂園首場表演後,陸續於臺北市、高雄 市、屏東縣、臺南市、桃園市、嘉義縣、新北市、雲林縣、臺中市和 臺東縣辦理演出,總參與人次達 3,411 人,一同在劇場內, 學習如何簡 3 約過生活,與大自然共存、共榮的生活方式。 環境問題其實與每一個人息息相關。上從國家的政策法律,下至改變個 人的生活方式與對待自然的心態, 環境應是國家最重要的議題。若我 們能從小就開始培養對待環境的正確態度,透過舞台劇演出將環境教 育繪本的理念,向下扎根至幼兒及學童, 以加強其環境保護的觀念, 把對環境關懷的種子播種在他們心中。 這麼一來,人人都關心自己生長的這片土地, 老百姓的生活品質才能提 升, 身體才能健康, 並且找到一個與自然共存共榮的永續之路。
中文關鍵字 環境教育; 環境知識; 繪本舞台劇


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5980 千元
專案開始日期 2021/12/22 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 趙自強
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 張育禎 執行單位 雲豹國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111A021.pdf 56MB

The project of Environmental Picture Book Stage Drama in 2020-2021

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan determined to educate people through children’s theater. It adapted four children illustration storybooks of, “a letter from the Arctic”, “building a house for collared scops owls”, and “The treefrog’s journey” to make a new environment educational play. The new play is called “Protecting OUR environment”. The content includes climate change, environmental protection, energy policy and expectations for the Future. After the first performance at Taipei Children’s Amusement Park on July 23rd, 2020, the show was free of charge to audience continued in Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, Pintung County, Tainan City, Taoyuan City, Chiayi County, New Taipei City, Yunlin County, Taichung City, and Taitung County. The total number of audience reached 3,411 people. During the performance, the audience learned how to live a simple life and coexist with the nature. Environmental issues are actually closely related to everyone. From the country’s policies to everyone’s lifestyle and attitude towards nature, the environmental issue should be the most important topic for any country. It’s the best that we can cultivate the correct attitude towards the environment from an early age. We can teach environmental education to our children through stage performances, and picture books to strengthen their concept of environmental protection and sow the seeds of environmental care in their hearts. In this way, everyone cares about the land where they grew up. Only the quality of life can be improved, the body can be healthy, and find a coexistence way to live with the nature.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Knowledge, Picture Book Stage Drama