

中文摘要 本計畫自111年2月24日至111年12月31日止,透過多元宣導方式與運用線上多媒體,推廣土壤及地下水品質保護概念。執行成果簡要說明如下: 1.研擬執行規劃書:於4月21日完成提送計畫各工作項目之執行規劃。 2.土水保護創意徵選活動:以大專校院和高中職學生為目標對象辦理青年創意徵選,包含商品設計、教學教案、行銷推廣等三大類別,鼓勵青年學生將土水議題結合創意,並融入永續發展指標。活動期間透過社群媒體、比賽平台、通路廣告等進行活動訊息露出與廣告投放,廣告曝光量超過60萬次。本次比賽合計共51隊伍報名,經過初選評審,共計22組隊伍進入複選,並於11月18日辦理複選暨辦獎典禮,提供青年學生共聚一堂展現優秀作品的機會,現場彙整成績後立即公布得獎名單,並進行頒獎,創造活動高潮。 3.土水環境教育宣導活動:以親子家庭為目標對象,將土壤與地下水保護觀念融入體驗活動,帶領孩子了解人類活動與環境友善共存的方式,並藉此了解土水污染帶來的危害。本工作項已於8月17、26日辦理環境教育推廣活動共2場次,合計共87人參與。活動設計採取互動問答融入土水保護觀念,更安排動手做和小遊戲提升孩子的投入度;亦特別製作專屬活動明信片,來延續活動的美好回憶,家長與孩子的反應皆相當良好,期望未來能持續辦理體驗活動,提供更多寓教於樂的機會。 4.土水保護桌遊體驗營:針對土污基管會第一款土水保護桌遊,鎖定第一線教學人員辦理桌遊體驗營,已於5月4日、11日、18日辦理共3場次,蒐集試玩意見並進行彙整,從「美編設計、卡牌內容、規則機制、外裝配件」等四個面向調整桌遊設計,並製作100份桌遊。另編撰桌遊教師手冊,從認識土壤及地下水污染、桌遊教學實際操作流程到最後的收斂回饋,協助教學人員立即上手運用桌遊進行教學。 5.多媒體宣導:經營管理FB與IG《土淨水清系列活動》粉專,按季製作圖文,並依核定排成發布貼文。3月至12月期間,FB與IG共發布92則貼文,合計觸及人數達753,756;8月至10月期間完成辦理共6場次粉絲互動活動,合計共增加1,007位粉絲。另與《空中英語教室》合作中英文課文教材,已於10月15日出版21萬冊紙本雜誌,並進行網路社群、廣播、電視等媒體推廣。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、土壤、地下水、宣導


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6600 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/24 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 葉雅馨
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 李翌綺 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111土水宣導計畫成果報告.pdf 48MB

Project of Soil and Groundwater Advocacy Business Promotion Plan of 2022

英文摘要 The project period is from February 24 to December 31, 2022. The abstract of implementation is as following: I. Developing the Implementation Plan: The implementation plan of the submitted work items was completed on April 21, 2022. II. Creative competition of soil and groundwater: The competition is held with college and high school vocational students, including three categories: product design, teaching plan, and marketing promotion. Students are encouraged to combine soil and groundwater issues with creativity and incorporate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The campaign was promoted through social media, competition platforms, advertisements, etc., and the advertisements were exposed more than 600,000 times. A total of 51 teams signed up for this competition. After the review, a total of 22 teams entered the re-selection, and the re-selection and award ceremony was held on November 18. After the results were collected on the spot, the winners list and awards were announced immediately. III. Environmental education activities of soil and groundwater: The target audience is parents and children, and the concept of soil and groundwater protection is integrated into the activity, so that children can understand the way of coexisting with the environment and understand the harm caused by soil and groundwater pollution. IV. Board game camp of soil and groundwater: For the board games of soil and groundwater, activities will be held on May 4, 11 and 18 with teaching staff. Collect opinions during the event, including "art design, card content, rules and mechanisms, and external accessories", and adjust board games and make 100 copies. V. Multimedia publicity: Operating FB and IG fan page and have released a total of 92 posts from March to December, 2022, reaching a total of 753,756 people, and 6 fans interaction activities were completed, adding a total of 1,007 fans. In cooperation with "Studio Classroom" for bilingual teaching materials, 210,000 copies of the magazine have been published on October 15, and promoted through various media, including online community, radio, TV, and other media promotion.
英文關鍵字 Soil, Groundwater, Promotion, Environmental Education