

中文摘要 本年度建置平臺六大項執行主要成果如下: (一)維持平臺功能 1.主系統 依使用者意見優化平臺友善度,包含新增事業水污染申報報表、新增列印稽查單發文版有現場照片及列印稽查單調整等功能;透過其他業務資料加值服務,以加強資訊顯示豐富度。 2.GIS系統 依使用者意見強化GIS,為配合工廠管理輔導法生效後,執行臨時登記工廠之督察管理工作,滾動式更新臨登工廠查詢資料及圖層及新增擴充CCTV相關圖資,資料來源取得從民生公共物聯網資訊服務平臺取得3種領域資料如空氣品質、水資源以及防災,有助於在第一時間提供督察人員了解臨登工廠及環境即時狀況,強化了整體的督察效益,確實發揮GIS平臺建置目的。 3.子系統 今年度將子系統進行改版,以符合現行行動裝置資安規範,原本計畫106年所開發子系統(APP)採用Visual studio 中的PhoneGap套件,此套件後續已不再支援更新,因GOOGLE商店安全性規範,會影響APP功能存取的限制(如機碼、檔案存取權限);在考量新舊平板(Android 版本7、9、10問題);與CHROME版本不定時更新(權限及資料暫存等問題)以及繪圖及批次上傳照片的套件支援性問題,子系統需進行一定程度調整。 故,採其他開發軟體(Flutter)進行套件改版,Flutter是一個由Google開發的開源行動應用軟體開發套件,用於為Android、iOS、Windows、Mac、Linux、Google Fuchsia開發應用,開發整體較為彈性,且可使用套件多,符合本計畫使用情境,子系統改版已於8月5日正式上線供督察人員使用。 (二)確保資料介接正常運作 平臺已完成蒐集17個各業務單位資料,已全為自動介接方式取得,共445張資料表。 (三)研析潛勢行為邏輯 透過資深督察人員之專業知識、思維邏輯及多年經驗,並藉由電腦的進階分析,建立各種不同型態督察案件實績範例,以傳承現場督察經驗與提升督察效率,本計畫持續充實督察相關資料,建置事業異常資料分析平臺,以現有事業許可及申報資料為基礎建立分析模組,以利督察人員快速查找事業異常狀況並自動將分析結果導入子系統(APP)內,使其至現場時可依循異常項目進行督察。 (四)評估規劃地方環保局於稽查作業時所需數位化工作平臺及作業流程 今年8月11日辦理環保數位科技管理中心邁向數位新時代記者會,展示新一代環保稽查數位化平板及數位治理新作法,將過去稽查員抱一疊紙稽查作法升級成只要帶一臺數位平板就可以迅速掌握各項污染資訊,提高作業效率。並將數位稽查以逐步成功推廣3個縣市包含嘉義縣、臺中市以及桃園市等縣市環保局,作為該機關數位營造作法參考,讓現場電子督察作業更加便利,未來逐一推展至全國地方環保局,營造新式數位環保督察的量能。 (五)辦理平臺功能輔導服務與使用說明會 今年辦理三區環境督察大隊與地方環保局教育訓練,三區環境督察大隊採用實體方式,主要針對「現有系統功能之提升及其操作方式」與「系統新開發功能」為主以及說明異常邏輯整體架構,掌握事業資料及異常資料並解讀異常樣態,有效提升操作流暢度;地方環保局則採用視訊以及實體方式辦理,主要針對「地方版主系統」與「地方版子系統」整體操作功能為主,以利環保局快速了解稽查工作管理平臺。 (六)協調彙整客服意見及溝通管理 本計畫執行期間,仍秉持者服務精神繼續為使用者提供良好與暢通的服務管道進行意見反應或諮詢。持續進行其他行政作業,包含例行工作會議等行政事務工作處理。
中文關鍵字 督察、環保業務、資料取得、智慧邏輯


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5380 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/26 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 林洋玟
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 蕭一川 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年督察工作管理平臺維護及數位稽查推廣研析計畫-成果報告(部分公開版)不含附件.pdf 0MB

2022 Research and Analysis Project on Inspection Management Platform Maintenance and Digital Audit Promotion

英文摘要 The achievement of the six tasks for platform establishment this year is as follows: 1. Maintain the platform functions (1) Main System This project optimized platform user-friendliness according to user feedback. The improvements included adding industrial water pollution reporting forms, printing audit sheets with on-site photos, and adjusting the printing of audit sheets. The value-added services of other operation data improved the information demonstration. (2) GIS System The GIS system was improved based on user feedback. To cope with the inspection and management of temporarily registered factories after the Factory Management Act came into effect, the inquiry information, map layers, and extended CCTV layers of temporary factories were updated on a rolling basis. Three types of data were obtained from the Civil IoT Taiwan Data Service Platform, including air quality, water resources, and disaster prevention. These data assisted in providing inspectors with an immediate understanding of the situation of the factory and environment, enhancing the overall inspection effectiveness and fulfilling the purpose of the GIS platform. (3) Subsystem This year, the subsystem was revamped to comply with the current mobile device information security regulations. The original plan was to use the PhoneGap suite in Visual Studio for the subsystem (App) developed in 2017. However, due to the security regulations of Google Store, this suite will no longer be updated, thus affecting the access of the App function (such as code and file access). Considered the new and old tablets (Android ver. 7, 9, and 10) and Chrome irregularly updated (permission and data temporary storage), as well as the support of drawing and batch photos uploading suite, the subsystem should be adjusted to some extent. Therefore, this project adopted other development software (Flutter) for the suite revision. Flutter was an open-source mobile application development suite created by Google for developing applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, and Google Fuchsia. The overall flexibility of the development and the number of available suites fit the demand of this project. The revised subsystem was officially launched on August 5 for the inspectors. 2. Maintain the operation of the data connection The platform has completed data collection from 17 business units. All the data have been obtained through an automatic data connection, with a total of 445 datasheets. 3. Research and analyze the logic of potential behavior Through the professional knowledge, logical thought, and years of experience of senior inspectors as well as the advanced analysis conducted by computers, this project established examples of various types of inspector cases to pass on the experiences of on-site inspections and improve the inspection efficiency. This project continued to enrich the inspection data by establishing analysis modules based on the existing business permit and reporting data so that the inspectors could quickly identify the abnormal conditions of the enterprises and automatically import the analysis results into the subsystem (App). These functions enabled the inspectors to identify abnormalities on-site and conduct related inspections. 4. Evaluate and plan the digital platform and operation process required by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) during the inspection On August 11, this project organized a press conference for the Environmental Protection Digital Technology Management Center to showcase the new generation of tablets for environmental audits and new practices of digital governance. In the past, inspectors used paper to conduct audits, but now they only need a tablet to quickly access all pollution information, improving operational efficiency. This project successfully promoted digital audit to three counties and cities, including Chiayi County, Taichung City, and Taoyuan City, to serve as a reference for the digital practices of the Center. The digital operation brought convenience to the on-site e-inspection. In the future, the new technology will be applied by the EPDs nationwide to create a new capacity for digital environmental protection inspection. 5. Provide counseling services and organize seminars on the platform functions This year, this project provided education and training for the three regional environmental inspection teams and EPDs. Seminars for the three inspection teams were organized as physical meetings. Topics, the improvement of existing system functions and their operation as well as new function development, were introduced. The overall structure of abnormal logic was explained to assist the participants in grasping enterprise information and abnormal data as well as interpreting abnormal patterns to effectively improve the operation process. For EPDs, seminars were organized both online and in physical meetings. Two topics, including the main system for local agencies and the subsystem for local agencies, were introduced to facilitate the EPDs to rapidly understand the audit management platform. 6. Coordinate with customer service and communication management During the project implementation, the project team continued to provide users with a quality and smooth service to receive feedback or consultation. This project continued to implement other administrative operations, including routine work meetings and other administrative tasks.
英文關鍵字 Inspection, environmental protection operation, information access, smart logic