

中文摘要 『澎湖縣111年低碳永續家園建構推動計畫』執行期程自決標日111年1月22日起至111年11月30日,主要工作內容包含第2期溫室氣體管制執行方案撰擬、低碳永續家園成效管考、建構低碳社區、低碳永續家園宣傳活動辦理、溫室氣體盤查申報作業、每月發布2則新聞稿,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等規劃執行,而截至111年11月25日止,各項工作執行如下: 一、推動溫室氣體管制執行方案與執行成效管考相關作業 (一) 本計畫依「溫室氣體減量及管理法」評析轄區內溫室氣體排放現況與減緩策略推動方式、溫室氣體減量及低碳永續家園建構之執行情形,擬透過跨局處會議,彙整本縣110年~114年第二期「溫室氣體管制執行方案」執行成果,目前內容共分為9點執行策略,分別為發展再生能源、綠色產業、節能建築、節約能源、綠色運輸、永續農漁業、能資源循環利用、教育宣導及氣候韌性等,已於8月26日提交貴局核備。 (二) 為推動本縣低碳永續政策,特遴聘5位專家學者擔任「澎湖縣低碳永續家園推動專案辦公室諮詢委員會」委員,以有效整合縣府各局處推動低碳永續行動項目成果,進而研擬本縣低碳永續工作推動策略之工作。 (三) 於111年5月10日假環保局多媒體室辦理2場次「推動溫室氣體管制執行方案跨局處協調整合會議」(視訊會議),藉由本次會議召開,除讓各處局瞭解111年專案辦公室運作,並將重點置於本縣低碳永續家園評等推動成果報告、澎湖縣銀級認證規劃及第2期溫管方案規劃,確使111年低碳永續施政亮點工作成效能完整呈現。 (四) 依據大署管考要求,專案辦公室須於6月30日及12月31日前,彙整各局處低碳相關永續計畫登錄至「低碳永續家園資訊網系統平台」之管制考核系統,本計畫已於6月、11月至低碳永續家園資訊網進行填報,包含附件2 表2-1(協助村里執行低碳行動項目執行情形)、表2-2(辦理宣導交流或教育培訓工作執行情形)、附件3(引領創新作為)、附件4(重大具體減量績效)及推動微型規模抵換專案執行成果,共計建構4處社區及辦理8場次活動。 二、持續推動認證評等制度與建構獲得評等認證之村里(社區) (一) 計畫團隊依據近年來對於各社區之特性、發展潛力和社區需求來協助建置推動低碳永續行動項目,今年度需輔導與協助至少4處獲得銅級以上認證村里或社區推動低碳永續行動項目,且符合環保署年度訂定之建構績效指標-生態綠化。自2月18日起已分別至轄內110年度獲得銅級認證之社區進行訪談,經由和6處銅級社區研討後,除了講美村、朝陽里等2處因鹽害考量及廚房外推工程影響外,於東衛里、鎖港里、赤馬村及湖西村等4處社區,以設立示範點方式,選定推動牆面植生或綠籬行動項目施作。本團隊已完成4處社區生態綠化實質建構,合計綠化面積達61.3653m2。讓居民得到舒適的生活環境外,並達到綠能節電及城市降溫的目標。 (二) 另本計畫需輔導轄區1處獲得銅級以上認證村里辦理氣候變遷調適相關培力,本計畫首先於4月14日,邀請台南社區大學林元笠 老師,辦理2場次氣候變遷調適相關培力講座,以再生能源、氣候變遷因應法作為講座主題,優先提升民眾對於再生能源發展的認知程度,共計80人參與。後續預計委由南社大 林元笠老師協助朝陽里建構示範性太陽能光電系統,因疫情影響初步透過視訊方式實施現勘評估,經與里長充分溝通後,於9月25日~26日於朝陽里活動中心旁花圃建構太陽能光電儲能發電車,供給社區日常活動使用。 (三) 今年需完成本縣本縣村里(社區)參與環保署低碳永續家園認證評等作業至少4個村里(社區)取得銅級認證。為有利於未來縣市層級及鄉市層級升等做準備,且符合評比辦法,今年度擇選出4處社區進行銅級提報,分別是光華里、重光里、光榮里及北寮村,目前4處社區已獲得銅級認證。 (四) 為瞭解社區補助建置項目的後續維護情形,今年度需提交109年社區追蹤查核紀錄至貴局備查,同時查核比例需達80%。本計畫已於5月2日函送109年補助社區名單及補助項目查核表至貴局核備,共計查核6處社區(前寮里、鐵線里、烏崁里、安宅里、後寮村及竹灣村),查核比例達100%。目前建置情況大致良好,惟烏崁里因花期結束未有生長,而竹灣村植栽因受到東北季風鹽害及寒害影響,後續將規劃重新種植該季節植物。為確保社區後續維護情形,本團隊擬定於9月份進行複查。 (五) 認證評等作業審核費用核撥,依「低碳永續家園評等推動計畫」負責幕僚作業,協助本縣低碳永續家園認證評等委員書面審查。今年度提報之銅級認證社區、鄉市審核費用,已於7月底進行結算核撥,合計審查費用為13,000元。 (六) 111年銅級認證查核對象為為南寮村、城北村、後寮村、小門村、二崁村等5處。本計畫協同承辦人於5月完成現勘作業,維運情形良好,同意維持銅級認證等級。 三、宣傳活動辦理 (一) 為使各級單位瞭解低碳永續家園政策、六大運作機能及認證與評等制度,今年度特結合認證評等績優村里辦理因應氣候變遷及建構低碳永續社會相關之教育培訓或低碳觀摩宣傳活動,目前已辦理2梯次宣傳活動,總參與人數為131人。 (二) 已購置120份宣導品供活動中使用,以蒞推廣低碳永續理念。 (三) 結合FM96.7 快樂聯播網,透過電台廣播宣傳向民眾傳達環保署近年所推動「低碳永續」觀念,且對於氣候變遷應有所因應措施,希冀民眾由生活中逐步落實環境保護,共分為3則宣傳內容,分別是主題一「邁向澎湖低碳島」;主題二「選購碳足跡產品 綠色消費愛地球」;主題三「環境保護 從生活開始做起」,於6月15日~9月14日間,採輪播方式撥放。 四、溫室氣體排放量申報工作 (一) 本計畫需執行本縣溫室氣體申報現場查核作業,完成「應盤查登錄溫室氣體排放量之排放源」進行本縣轄區內應盤查登錄名單之確認及確認轄區內是否有新增或刪除公私場所。澎湖縣應盤查登錄之排放源名單計1處,為尖山火力發電廠,俟110年電力排放係數公告及第三方查驗機關盤查後,本計畫已於9月27日前往電廠進行現場查核,確認其盤查報告書所引用之各項係數是否正確,並於9月29日至「國家溫室氣體登錄平台」完成年度查核登錄審查,各項資料皆符合規範,審查結果為通過。 (二) 依據環保署年度績效規定,執行列管排放源排放數據與相關設施資料之現場查核及非列管溫室氣體排放源排放量盤查輔導,非列管對象含製造部門及住商部門(含百貨公司、量販店、機關學校、觀光旅館、金融或商業辦公大樓,以單一場址為單位),倘另規劃其他輔導對象者,應先將事業名稱及輔導原因函送本署確認後,查核結果始得納入計分。 (三) 承上述,本計畫提報查核名單經大署同意後,擇選轄內前10大排放源等5家次進行查核。依據固定污染源業者列管清冊,進行排除後,於7月進行5家住商部門未列管業者清查,包含台電澎湖區處七美電廠、台電澎湖區處望安電廠、三軍總醫院澎湖分院附設民眾診療服處、佳朋開發股份有限公司(喜來登飯店)、澎澄飯店股份有限公司及權耀工程有限公司。 五、新聞稿發布 共需20則新聞稿,截至11月份已發布22則。 六、其他配合事項 (一) 協助馬公市取得銅級認證 澎湖縣將111年設定為環保年,作為施政重點。本計畫為配合推動,以澎湖縣銀級認證為執行重點,為達成該項目標,依據評等認證辦法規定,本縣至少需有3處銅級認證鄉市,目前僅有湖西鄉、七美鄉獲得銅級。故今年特別協助馬公市彙整11項行動項目進行銅級認證提報,並於6月11日取得銅級認證。 (二) 推動澎湖縣參與銀級認證 1.於111年5月10日假環保局多媒體室辦理「推動溫室氣體管制執行方案跨局處協調整合會議」,提出銀級認證規劃,同時於7月份彙整完成澎湖縣18項行動項目並申請銀級認證。 2.於111年9月13日假環保局1樓會議室辦理「澎湖縣銀級認證現勘行程規劃會議(第一場)」,進行內部會議討論。 3.於111年9月15日假環保局2樓會議室辦理「澎湖縣銀級認證現勘行程規劃會議(第二場)」,邀請配合現勘局處進行研商。 4.於111年10月13日假縣政府第一會議室辦理「澎湖縣銀級認證現勘行程規劃會議(第三場)」,邀請專案辦公室所有單位進行研商。 5.於111年10月19日辦理澎湖縣參與低碳永續家園銀級認證評等現場勘查。 6.於111年11月14日榮獲銀級認證。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續、氣候變遷、評等認證、溫室氣體管制方案


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3823 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/22 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳永勳
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 胡若婷 執行單位 新研綠能科技有限公司


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期末報告 111年澎湖縣低碳計畫期末報告.pdf 8MB 期末報告定稿

2022 Penghu County Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The implementation period of "Penghu County 2022 Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Promotion Plan" is from January 22, 2022 to November 30, 2022. The main work content includes the drafting of the second-phase greenhouse gas control implementation plan , low-carbon sustainable homes effectiveness management, construction of low-carbon communities, handling of low-carbon sustainable homes publicity activities, greenhouse gas inventory and declaration operations, release of 2 press releases per month, and other business-related publicity and administrative work planning and implementation , and as of November 25, 2022, various tasks were performed as follows: 1. Promoting the implementation of greenhouse gas control plans and the management and examination of implementation results (1) In accordance with the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act", this plan evaluates the current situation of greenhouse gas emissions in the jurisdiction, the way to promote mitigation strategies, the implementation of greenhouse gas reduction and the construction of low-carbon sustainable homes, and plans to gather information through cross-bureau meetings The implementation results of the second phase of the "Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan" in the county from 2021 to 2025. The current content is divided into 9 implementation strategies, namely the development of renewable energy, green industry, energy-saving buildings, energy conservation, green transportation, and sustainable development. Agriculture and fishery, recycling of energy and resources, education and publicity, and climate resilience have been submitted to your bureau for approval on August 26. (2) In order to promote the county's low-carbon sustainable policy, five experts and scholars were specially selected to serve as members of the "Penghu County Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Promotion Project Office Advisory Committee" to effectively integrate the various bureaus of the county government to promote low-carbon sustainable actions The results of the project, and then develop the work of promoting the county's low-carbon sustainable work promotion strategy. (3) On May 10, 2022, in the multimedia room of the Environmental Protection Bureau, two sessions of "Promoting the Coordination and Integration Meeting of Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plans" (video conference) were held. Through this meeting, in addition to letting all bureaus understand The 2022 special project office is in operation, and the focus is on the county's low-carbon sustainable home evaluation promotion results report, the silver-level certification plan of Penghu County, and the second phase of temperature management plan planning to ensure the 2022-year low-carbon sustainable governance highlights. The effect can be fully displayed. (4) According to the management and examination requirements of the Department of Management, the project office must collect the control and assessment of the low-carbon sustainable plans of all bureaus and log them into the "Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Information Network System Platform" before June 30 and December 31 System, this plan has been filled in in June and November on the Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Information Network, including Annex 2 Table 2-1 (implementation status of assisting the village to implement low-carbon action projects), Table 2-2 (handling publicity Execution of communication or education and training work), Annex 3 (Leading innovation), Annex 4 (Major specific reduction performance) and the implementation results of promoting micro-scale swap projects, a total of 4 communities were built and 8 activities were held. 2. Continue to promote the certification and rating system and build villages (communities) that have obtained rating certification (1) The planning team assists in the construction and promotion of low-carbon sustainable action projects based on the characteristics, development potential and community needs of each community in recent years. This year, at least 4 villages or communities that have obtained bronze certification or above will be required to guide and assist in the promotion Low-carbon sustainable action projects, and meet the construction performance indicators set by the Environmental Protection Agency annually - ecological greening. Since February 18th, interviews have been conducted in the 2022 bronze-level certified communities within the jurisdiction. After discussion with 6 bronze-level communities, except for 2 such as Jiangmei Village and Chaoyangli, due to salt damage considerations and kitchen extrapolation In addition to the impact of the project, four communities including Dongweili, Suogangli, Chima Village and Huxi Village were selected to promote wall vegetation or hedgerow action projects by setting up demonstration sites. The team has completed the substantive construction of 4 community ecological greenings, with a total greening area of 61.3653m2. Let residents get a comfortable living environment, and achieve the goal of green energy saving and urban cooling. (2) In addition, this program needs to assist one village in the jurisdiction area that has obtained a certification of bronze level or above to handle climate change adaptation related training. This program first invited Lin Yuanli, a teacher from Tainan Community University, to handle 2 sessions of climate change on April 14. Adaptation-related empowerment lectures, with renewable energy and climate change response methods as the lecture topics, gave priority to improving the public's awareness of the development of renewable energy. A total of 80 people participated. In the follow-up project, Mr. Lin Yuanli from Nanshe Society will assist Chaoyangli to build a demonstration solar photovoltaic system. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the on-site survey and evaluation will be carried out through video. A solar photovoltaic energy storage power generation vehicle was built in the flower garden next to the activity center for the daily activities of the community. (3) This year, at least 4 villages (communities) in this county need to participate in the evaluation of low-carbon sustainable homeland certification by the Environmental Protection Agency and obtain bronze certification. In order to prepare for future county-level and township-level upgrades, and in line with the evaluation method, this year, four communities were selected for bronze-level submission, namely Guanghuali, Chongguangli, Guangrongli and Beiliao Village. Currently 4 communities have achieved bronze certification. (4) In order to understand the follow-up maintenance of community subsidy construction projects, 2020 of community follow-up and verification records need to be submitted to your bureau for reference this year, and the verification ratio must reach 80%. This plan has sent a list of 2020 subsidized communities and a checklist of subsidized projects to your bureau for approval on May 2. A total of 6 communities have been checked (Qianliao, Tiexianli, Wukanli, Anzhaili, Houliao) Village and Zhuwan Village), the verification rate reached 100%. The current construction situation is generally good, but Wukanli has not grown due to the end of the flowering period, and Zhuwan Village has been affected by the northeast monsoon salt damage and cold damage, and will plan to replant the seasonal plants in the future. In order to ensure the follow-up maintenance of the community, the team plans to conduct a review in September. (5) Approve and appropriate the review fees for certification and rating operations, and be responsible for the staff work in accordance with the "Low-Carbon Sustainable Homes Rating Promotion Plan", and assist the county's low-carbon sustainable homes certification and rating committee in the written review. The review fee for the Bronze-level certified communities and townships submitted this year has been settled and approved at the end of July, and the total review fee is 13,000 yuan. (6) The 2022 Bronze-level certification check targets are Nanliao Village, Chengbei Village, Houliao Village, Xiaomen Village, and Erkan Village. The co-organizer of this project completed the on-site survey work in May, and the maintenance and operation are in good condition. It is agreed to maintain the bronze certification level. 3. Propaganda activities (1) In order to make units at all levels understand the policy of low-carbon sustainable homes, the six major operational functions, and the certification and rating system, this year, combined with the villages with excellent performance in certification and evaluation, we will conduct education related to climate change and the construction of a low-carbon sustainable society For training or low-carbon observation and publicity activities, 2 levels of publicity activities have been handled so far, with a total number of participants of 131 people. (2) 120 publicity materials have been purchased for use in the event to promote the concept of low-carbon sustainability. (3) Combining the FM96.7 Happy Network, through radio broadcasts to convey to the public the concept of "low-carbon sustainability" promoted by the Environmental Protection Agency in recent years, and to respond to climate change, hoping that the public will gradually implement environmental protection in their lives , is divided into 3 promotional contents, namely theme 1 "Towards a low-carbon island in Penghu"; theme 2 "purchase carbon footprint products, green consumption and love the earth"; From September 15th to September 14th, it will be played in carousels. 4. Declaration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (1) This plan needs to carry out the on-site inspection of the county's greenhouse gas declaration, complete the "emission sources of greenhouse gas emissions that should be checked and registered" to confirm the registration list that should be checked in the county's jurisdiction and confirm whether there are additions or deletions in the jurisdiction Public and private places. The list of emission sources that should be checked and registered in Penghu County includes 1 place, which is the Jianshan thermal power plant. After the announcement of the 110-year power emission coefficient and the check by the third-party inspection agency, the plan has gone to the power plant for on-site inspection on September 27 and confirmed Whether the coefficients quoted in the inventory report are correct, and completed the annual inspection and registration review on the "National Greenhouse Gas Logging Platform" on September 29. All the data are in compliance with the specifications, and the review result is passed. (2) In accordance with the annual performance regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency, carry out on-site inspections of emissions data from scheduled emission sources and related facility information, as well as inventory and guidance on emissions from non-scheduled greenhouse gas emission sources. Non-scheduled targets include manufacturing departments and residential and commercial departments (including department stores) Companies, wholesale stores, government schools, tourist hotels, financial or commercial office buildings, based on a single site), if other counseling targets are planned, the name of the business and the reason for the counseling should be sent to the Department for confirmation, and then the results will be checked shall be included in the scoring. (3) Bearing the above in mind, after the list submitted by this plan for inspection has been approved by the Department, 5 companies including the top 10 emission sources within its jurisdiction will be selected for inspection. According to the inventory list of fixed pollution source industries, after exclusion, five residential and commercial departments were not listed in July, including Qimei Power Plant in Penghu District of Taipower, Wang'an Power Plant in Penghu District of Taipower, and public clinics attached to Penghu Branch of Taipower General Hospital. Service Department, Jiapeng Development Co., Ltd. (Sheraton Hotel), Pengcheng Hotel Co., Ltd. and Quanyao Engineering Co., Ltd. 5. Release of press release A total of 20 press releases are required, and 22 have been issued as of November. 6. Other cooperation matters (1) Assisting Magong City to obtain bronze certification Penghu County has set 111 as the Year of Environmental Protection as a policy focus. In order to cooperate with the promotion, this plan focuses on the silver-level certification of Penghu County. In order to achieve the goal of this project, according to the regulations on the evaluation and certification methods, the county must have at least 3 towns and cities with bronze-level certification. Currently, there are only Huxi Township and Qimei Township. The township received a bronze rating. Therefore, this year, we specially assisted Magong City in compiling 11 action items for bronze certification submission, and obtained bronze certification on June 11. (2) Promote Penghu County to participate in silver certification 1. On May 10, 2022, held the "Promotion of Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan Cross-bureau Coordination and Integration Meeting" in the Multimedia Room of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and proposed a silver-level certification plan. At the same time, in July, we compiled and completed 18 action items in Penghu County and applied for them Silver certification. 2. On September 13, 2022, held the "Penghu County Silver Certification Site Survey Itinerary Planning Meeting (Session 1)" in the conference room on the 1st floor of the Environmental Protection Bureau for internal discussion. 3. On September 15, 2022, held the "Penghu County Silver Certification Site Survey Itinerary Planning Meeting (Session 2)" in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and invited to cooperate with the Site Survey Bureau for discussion. 4. On October 13, 2022, held the "Penghu County Silver Certification Site Survey Itinerary Planning Meeting (Session 3)" in the first conference room of the county government, and invited all units of the project office to conduct discussions. 5. On October 19, 2022, the on-site investigation of Penghu County's participation in the low-carbon sustainable home silver certification evaluation was carried out. 6. Received Silver Certification on November 14, 2022.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon sustainability, Climate change, Rating certification, Greenhouse gas control programs