

中文摘要 為確保離島飲用水安全,並瞭解臺東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水之品質現況,於履約期間內進行三次飲用水水質採樣及分析作業,並彙整分析歷年檢測結果,對於未符合飲用水水源水質標準及飲用水水質標準之地區及水質項目進行原因探討及改善對策,研擬飲用水安全管理。 一、自來水水源水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點為綠島淨水場及蘭嶼東清淨水場、蘭嶼紅頭淨水場、蘭嶼朗島淨水場等共4處,本年度應完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業。本計畫分別於2022年4月、6月及9月,完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業,結果均符合飲用水水源水質標準。 二、水庫水源水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點為綠島酬勤水庫共1處,本年度應完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業。本計畫分別於2022年4月、6月及9月,完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業,結果均符合飲用水水源水質標準。 三、自來水水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點為綠島淨水場、綠島鄉公館村1-2號、綠島鄉中寮村中寮橋旁(福德土地公廟)、綠島鄉南寮村194號綠島鄉民代表會(舊館)、蘭嶼鄉東清淨水場、蘭嶼鄉紅頭淨水場、蘭嶼鄉朗島淨水場等共7處,本年度應完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業。本計畫分別於2023年4月、6月及9月,完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業。其中,除了第2次水質採樣酚類及綠島淨水場、中寮村中寮橋旁(福德土地公廟)的大腸桿菌群、總菌落數有超標情形外,其他2次水質檢測結果皆符合飲用水水質標準。另前述水質超標項目,已於8月17日針對超標部分啟動複測作業,其複測結果均符合「飲用水水質標準」。 四、非自來水水質採樣及檢驗測定 本年度執行監測地點蘭嶼的椰油國小及蘭嶼椰油社區等共2處,本年度應完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業;本計畫分別於2022年4、6月及9,完成3次水質採樣檢驗作業,其結果顯示除細菌性標準(大腸桿菌群、總菌落數)超過標準外,其餘測項均符合飲用水水質標準。推估可能與非自來水來源多為山泉水,易受周遭污染物的影響,且用水無消毒處理有關。未來應加強宣導保持水源取水口附近的環境衛生,避免人為活動的污染,並落實民眾非自來水應先經煮沸或消毒後再飲用之概念。 另針對蘭嶼鄉非自來水用戶水質檢測方面,為能確實掌握了解綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉地下水或山泉水之水質狀況,規劃以全島環狀選點方式,於綠島鄉選定10戶、蘭嶼鄉選定20戶作為非自來水用戶之長期監測點位。本年度應完成2次水質採樣檢驗作業;本計畫分別於2022年4月及9月,完成2次非自來水用戶水質採樣檢驗作業。根據今年檢測結果顯示,綠島鄉第1次水質檢測大腸桿菌群、總菌落數合格率約30%(各3家合格),第2次水質檢測大腸桿菌群合格率約50%(5家合格)、總菌落數合格率約80%(8家合格);蘭嶼鄉第1次水質檢測大腸桿菌群合格率約15%(3家合格)、總菌落數合格率約5%(僅1家合格),第2次水質檢測大腸桿菌群合格率約45%(9家合格)、總菌落數合格率約25%(5家合格)。另硝酸鹽氮的部分,除宏發民宿測於第1次檢測值略高於飲用水水質標準外,二次水質採樣結果皆符合飲用水水質標準。在氯鹽的部分,部分使用地下水之監測點可能因長期使用地下水,地下水已有鹽化趨勢,故而氯鹽檢測數值有高於飲用水水質標準之現象。 五、辦理離島飲用水相關宣導會、說明會及教育訓練 本計畫已分別於2022年5月18日及6月23日假臺東縣綠島鄉綠島國民小學及臺東縣立蘭嶼高級中學各辦理一場次離島安全飲用水宣導會。而於2022年5月22日、6月12日、6月19日、7月23日、8月20及10月15日於綠島鄉中寮漁港、卑南鄉杉原灣、臺東縣環境保護局、綠島南寮漁港、人權紀念公園及臺東森林公園大草原,進行離島飲用水共享平台推廣說明會,共計7場次。 另為提升計畫人員對於水質採樣檢驗之技術,計畫人員皆需參加1場次4小時以上之水質採樣檢驗技術或飲用水安全管理技術之教育訓練,本計畫已於2022年4月11日提送「水污染稽查法規及水質採樣檢驗技術教育訓練企劃書」,並於2022年4月20日完成辦理。 六、離島飲用水水質分析與改善對策 安全飲用水的先決條件為良好的水源、完善的淨水處理、健全的輸配水系統及妥善的用水設備,因此,要喝到安全的飲用水,除了靠自來水專業嚴謹監控淨水處理及主管機關推動水質稽查管制外,還需要有效宣導民眾全力配合。包括共同維護飲用水水源、勿任意抽取地下水飲用、防止自來水二次污染並做好飲用水設備 (飲水機)的定期維護,方能確保飲用水安全。 綠島鄉自來水水源主要由1號補充井、綠島淨水場內2號深水井及酬勤水庫相互調配使用,以供應綠島鄉的民生飲用水,自來水普及率約69.94%。蘭嶼自來水係由東清、紅頭及朗島淨水場供應,均使用地面水體為水源,經慢濾、消毒後,分別供應東清村、紅頭村、朗島村使用,其供水量分別為200、500及170 CMD,實際供水人口約1,833人,自來水普及率約41.65%,目前僅椰油村尚無自來水可用。 由歷年飲用水水質檢測結果發現,綠島因水庫優養化、原水總有機碳偏高,造成自來水的總三鹵甲烷有偏高的趨勢,但因其自來水水源已改採用1號補充井、綠島淨水場內2號深水井及酬勤水庫相互調配使用,自來水供水品質已有所改善,從近三年來及本年度檢測數據可知並無此現象。且近三年各點合格率是 100%,顯見離島供水品質漸趨穩。蘭嶼飲用水主要的潛在問題,在於椰油社區之非自來水和簡易自來水水源之水質合格率不佳,其問題主要為大腸桿菌及總菌落數不合格,此乃因暴露於開放空間又無消毒處理的常見問題。因此,建議加強宣導民眾用水安全,請民眾勿生飲,務必於煮沸後方能飲用 七、離島公私場所蓄水池水塔及飲用水設施現地體檢輔導 本計畫於2022年5月16日至5月21日邀請屏東科技大學環境工程與科學系「陳冠中教授」及亞太環境科技股份有限公司負責人「黃俊仁技師」,針對30家機關或旅宿業者進行飲用水設備維護(含水塔或蓄水池清潔維護、飲用水設備維護等)之現地體檢輔導作業,針對其蓄水池、水塔、飲水機進行現地勘查、並瞭解其「清潔維護之情形」、「清潔維護紀錄之登錄」、「水質檢測」等現況進行了解,根據其現況進行評估並針對其需改善之處給予建議,以協助旅館及民宿業者維護其飲用水安全,並於後續追蹤其維護或改善情形。 八、綠島鄉旅宿業者飲用水連續供水固定設備水質檢驗 本計畫已分別於2022年3月、6月、8月及10月完成四次離島飲用水連續供水固定設備水質檢驗大腸桿菌群,共計122家次。本年度檢驗結果顯示所有民宿皆符合飲用水水質標準規定,可供民眾或遊客安心飲用。 九、設計製作宣導品 本計畫已於2022年7月21日提送宣導品建議品項企劃書,並於2022年8月1日完成提送1000份宣導品;此外,除了依據契約需製作宣導品1,000份以外,本計畫於廠商工作範疇界定會議中承諾另案提供綠島鄉飲用水共享平台宣導用之宣導品1,000份並亦已購置完成。 十、資料庫更新 統計至12月,本計畫所有相關採樣檢測資料皆已建檔登錄於行政院環境保護署「飲用水管理系統」及「環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS系統)」,另協助完成自來水水質稽查管制已執行584件、自來水水源水質稽查管制69件、飲用水水質處理藥劑管制26件、簡易自來水及供飲用之未列管非自來水水質稽查管制71件、簡易自來水及社區自設公共給水設備水源水質稽查管制8件、飲用水設備維護管理及水質稽查管制253件、包裝及盛裝飲用水水源水質稽查管制12件、辦理飲用水保護區之污染行為稽查管制5件,共計1,028件。
中文關鍵字 綠島鄉、蘭嶼鄉、自來水水質、飲用水水質


專案計畫編號 110400130819 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3500 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 邱賢瑋
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃寶賢 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(全文-合併檔).pdf 29MB

Taitung County Ludao Township and Lanyu Township Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Plan for 2022

英文摘要 In order to ensure the safety of drinking water on outlying islands and understand the current quality of drinking water in Ludao Township and Lanyu Township in Taitung County, three drinking water quality sampling and analysis operations were carried out during the contract period, and the test results over the years were compiled and analyzed. For regions and water quality projects that meet drinking water source water quality standards and drinking water quality standards, we will explore the causes and improve countermeasures, and develop drinking water safety management. 1. Sampling and testing of tap water source water quality This year's monitoring locations include Green Island Water Purification Plant, Lanyu East Purification Water Plant, Lanyu Hongtou Water Purification Plant, and Lanyu Langdao Water Purification Plant. Three water quality sampling inspections should be completed this year. This plan will complete three water quality sampling inspection operations in April, June and September 2022, and the results all meet the drinking water source water quality standards. 2. Sampling and testing of reservoir water quality This year's monitoring location is the Green Island Houqin Reservoir, and three water quality sampling inspections should be completed this year. This plan will complete three water quality sampling inspection operations in April, June and September 2022, and the results all meet the drinking water source water quality standards. 3. Sampling and testing of tap water quality The monitoring locations for this year are Ludao Water Purification Plant, No. 1-2 Gongguan Village, Ludao Township, next to Zhongliao Bridge in Zhongliao Village, Ludao Township (Fude Tudigong Temple), and No. 194, Nanliao Village, Ludao Township, Ludao Township There are 7 water purification sites in total, including the National People's Congress (Old Hall), Lanyu Township East Purification Water Plant, Lanyu Township Hongtou Water Purification Plant, and Lanyu Township Langdao Water Purification Plant. Three water quality sampling inspections should be completed this year. This plan will complete three water quality sampling inspection operations in April, June and September 2023. Among them, except for the second water quality sampling phenolics and the E. coli group and total bacterial colony count at the Green Island Water Purification Plant and Zhongliao Village Zhongliao Bridge (Fude Tuigong Temple), the other two water quality testing results All meet drinking water quality standards. In addition, for the aforementioned water quality exceeding the standard, retesting operations were started on August 17 for the parts that exceeded the standard, and the retest results were all in line with the "Drinking Water Quality Standards." 4. Sampling and testing of non-tap water quality This year's monitoring will be carried out at two locations, including Lanyu's Coconut Oil Elementary School and Lanyu Coconut Oil Community. Three water quality sampling inspections should be completed this year; this plan is to complete three water quality sampling inspections in April, June and September 2022 respectively. The results of the sampling inspection showed that except for bacterial standards (E. coli and total bacterial colonies) exceeding the standards, the other test items were in compliance with drinking water quality standards. It is speculated that it may be related to the fact that non-tap water sources are mostly mountain spring water, which is easily affected by surrounding pollutants, and the water is not disinfected. In the future, publicity should be strengthened to maintain environmental hygiene near water intakes to avoid pollution from human activities, and implement the concept that non-tap water should be boiled or disinfected before drinking. In addition, regarding the water quality testing of non-tap water users in Lanyu Township, in order to truly understand the water quality conditions of groundwater or mountain spring water in Ludao Township and Lanyu Township, it is planned to select 10 households in Ludao Township using a circular site selection method across the island. , Lanyu Township selected 20 households as long-term monitoring points for non-tap water users. Two water quality sampling and inspection operations should be completed this year; this plan is to complete two water quality sampling and inspection operations for non-tap water users in April and September 2022 respectively. According to this year's test results, the pass rate of the first water quality test for coliforms and total bacterial colonies in Ludao Township was about 30% (three companies each passed), and the pass rate of the second water quality test for coliforms was about 50% (five companies passed the test). ), the pass rate of total bacterial colonies is about 80% (8 companies passed); the first water quality test in Lanyu Township, coliform group pass rate is about 15% (3 companies passed), the pass rate of total bacterial colonies is about 5% (only 1 company Passed), the pass rate of the second water quality test for coliforms was about 45% (9 companies passed), and the pass rate for total bacterial colonies was about 25% (5 companies passed). As for nitrate nitrogen, except for the first test value measured by Hongfa B&B, which was slightly higher than the drinking water quality standard, the second water quality sampling results all met the drinking water quality standard. Regarding chloride salts, some monitoring points using groundwater may have a tendency to become salinized due to long-term use of groundwater, so the chloride salt detection values are higher than the drinking water quality standards. 5. Handle publicity meetings, briefings and education training related to drinking water on outlying islands This project has held one outlying island safe drinking water promotion meeting on May 18 and June 23, 2022 respectively at Ludao Elementary School in Ludao Township, Taitung County and Taitung County Lanyu Senior High School. On May 22, June 12, June 19, July 23, August 20 and October 15, 2022, at Zhongliao Fishing Port in Ludao Township, Sugihara Bay in Beinan Township, and Taitung County Environment The Conservation Bureau, Green Island Nanliao Fishing Port, Human Rights Memorial Park and Taitung Forest Park Prairie held 7 briefing sessions to promote the offshore drinking water sharing platform. In addition, in order to improve the planning staff's skills in water quality sampling and testing, all planning staff are required to participate in educational training on water quality sampling and testing technology or drinking water safety management technology that lasts for more than 4 hours. This project has been launched on April 11, 2022. Submit the "Water Pollution Audit Regulations and Water Quality Sampling and Inspection Technology Education and Training Plan" and complete the process on April 20, 2022. 6. Analysis of drinking water quality in outlying islands and improvement strategies The prerequisites for safe drinking water are good water sources, complete water purification treatment, sound water transmission and distribution systems and proper water equipment. Therefore, to drink safe drinking water, in addition to relying on tap water professionals to strictly monitor water purification treatment and supervisors In addition to promoting water quality inspection and control, agencies also need to effectively promote the public's full cooperation. This includes jointly maintaining drinking water sources, not arbitrarily pumping groundwater for drinking, preventing secondary pollution of tap water, and doing regular maintenance of drinking water equipment (water dispensers) to ensure drinking water safety. The tap water source of Ludao Township is mainly used by the No. 1 supplementary well, the No. 2 deep water well in the Ludao water purification plant and the Houqin Reservoir to supply drinking water for people's livelihood in Ludao Township. The tap water penetration rate is about 69.94%. Lanyu's tap water system is supplied by Dongqing, Hongtou and Langdao water purification plants. They all use surface water bodies as water sources. After slow filtration and disinfection, they are supplied to Dongqing Village, Hongtou Village and Langdao Village respectively. Their water supply volumes are respectively 200, 500 and 170 CMD, the actual water supply population is about 1,833 people, and the tap water penetration rate is about 41.65%. Currently, only Coconut Oil Village does not have tap water available. According to the drinking water quality test results over the years, Green Island has a tendency to have high total trihalomethanes in tap water due to reservoir optimization and high total organic carbon in raw water. However, because the tap water source has been changed to the No. 1 replenishment well, The No. 2 deep water well and the Houqin Reservoir in the Green Island Water Purification Plant are used in conjunction with each other, and the quality of tap water supply has improved. From the testing data in the past three years and this year, it can be seen that this phenomenon does not exist. In addition, the pass rate at each point in the past three years is 100%, which shows that the quality of water supply in outlying islands is gradually stabilizing. The main potential problem with Orchid Island's drinking water is the poor water quality rate of non-tap water and simple tap water sources in the Coconut Oil community. The main problem is that E. coli and total bacterial count are not up to standard. This is due to exposure to open spaces and lack of disinfection. Frequently Asked Questions to Deal with. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen publicity on water safety to the public, and the public is advised not to drink it raw, but to boil it before drinking. 7. On-site physical examination guidance for water tanks, water towers and drinking water facilities in public and private places on outlying islands This plan invites "Professor Chen Guanzhong" from the Department of Environmental Engineering and Science of Pingtung University of Science and Technology and "Technician Huang Junren", the person in charge of Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., from May 16 to May 21, 2022, to target 30 institutions or hotel operators Carry out on-site physical examination and guidance for drinking water equipment maintenance (water tower or reservoir cleaning and maintenance, drinking water equipment maintenance, etc.), conduct on-site inspections of their reservoirs, water towers, and drinking fountains, and understand their "cleaning and maintenance" "Situation", "Registration of Cleaning and Maintenance Records", "Water Quality Testing", etc. to understand the current situation, evaluate the current situation and provide suggestions for areas for improvement to assist hotel and B&B operators in maintaining the safety of their drinking water, and Follow up on its maintenance or improvements. 8. Water quality inspection of fixed equipment for continuous drinking water supply for hotels and resorts in Ludao Township This project has completed four water quality tests for E. coli on fixed equipment for continuous drinking water supply on outlying islands in March, June, August and October 2022, totaling 122 times. This year's inspection results show that all B&Bs meet drinking water quality standards and can be safely consumed by the public or tourists. 9. Design and produce promotional materials This plan has submitted a project proposal for promotional materials on July 21, 2022, and completed the delivery of 1,000 promotional materials on August 1, 2022; in addition, in addition to the need to produce 1,000 promotional materials according to the contract In addition to the number of copies, the project promised to provide 1,000 copies of promotional materials for the promotion of the Ludao Township drinking water sharing platform during the manufacturer's work scope definition meeting, and the purchase has also been completed. 10. Database update As of December, all relevant sampling and testing data for this project have been archived and logged in the "Drinking Water Management System" and "Environmental Protection Audit and Punishment Control System (EEMS System)" of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan. It also assists in completing tap water quality audit control. 584 cases have been implemented, 69 cases of tap water source water quality inspection and control, 26 cases of drinking water quality treatment chemical control, 71 cases of simple tap water and unmanaged non-tap water for drinking, water quality inspection and control, simple tap water and community-owned public water supply equipment water source water quality 8 cases were audited and controlled, 253 cases were inspected and controlled for drinking water equipment maintenance and management and water quality, 12 cases were inspected and controlled for the quality of packaging and contained drinking water sources, and 5 cases were inspected and controlled for pollution behavior in drinking water protection zones, for a total of 1,028 cases.
英文關鍵字 Ludao Township, Lanyu Township, tap water quality, drinking water quality