

中文摘要 本計畫協助化學署辦理專業應變人員訓練機關(構)績效評量與查核作業,完成督導查核15場次,年度查核包含績效評量審查10場次。未發現重大疏失,少數督導建議,相關建議訓練機構皆已完成改善。績效查核評分項目均有落實執行,委員建議均已參採,並納入113年專業應變人員訓練機構查核計畫。 協助化學署完成1家諮詢機關(構)、1家應變機關(構)認證申請及變更,辦理書面(含現勘)10場次,實測審查10場次,並協助實測所需模擬情境及所需場佈器材、人力分配。以無預警方式辦理2場次之應變機關實作查核,確認專業應變機關(構)之應變能力。為配合認證申請及變更作業,協助新增與擴充專業應變諮詢機關(構)申請及管理系統,於112年6月20日上線。 協助化學署進行毒性化學物災害防救業務計畫修正第6次及第7次修正,並送行政院中央災害防救會報核定。協助化學署完成毒性化學物質運送車輛即時追蹤系統模組,每日即時掌握全臺毒性化學物質 核可運送車輛約 1,400輛;協助化學署彙整114年至118年中長程計畫,整理相關單位提案內容,並協助製作相關會議文件及簡報等資料。協助彙整自111年第2季至113年第2季之執行成果(共計9季),及111年度及112年度計畫評核報告。 協助化學署編寫毒性化學物質專業技術管理人員課程教材三份;協助化學署辦理4場宣導活動,包括全民綠生活防災教育巡迴宣導及智慧城市展_2050淨零城市;協助化學署辦理毒化災訓練模組應用發表記者會,邀請專家進行實際止漏操作及AR/VR講解;配合教育部112年全國大專校院環境安全衛生主管聯席會議,辦理2天1夜毒化災防制共識營;協助辦理15場會議,參加人數516人,共56位專家出席;協助彙整職業安全衛生業務執行績效報告書、職場安全健康週系列活動暨執行成果。
中文關鍵字 緊急應變、化學事故預防、預防整備


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 19812.65 千元
專案開始日期 2022/05/31 專案結束日期 2024/06/30 專案主持人 鄭光倫
主辦單位 化學署危害控制組 承辦人 洪靜宜 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111-113 年毒性及化學物質事故預防整備推動計畫成果報告.pdf 29MB

The Project of Accident Prevention for Toxic and Chemical Substances, 2022~2024

英文摘要 This project assists the Chemicals Administration of the Ministry of Environment in conducting performance evaluations and inspections for emergency responder training organizations. A total of fifteen supervisory inspections and ten performance evaluations were carried out, revealing no significant deficiencies. Some recommendations were provided and subsequently addressed by the relevant training organizations. All performance evaluation criteria were properly implemented, and the committee’s suggestions have been integrated into the 2024 training organization evaluation plan. Assisting the Chemicals Administration in reviewing accreditation applications for one emergency consulting organization and one emergency response organization, involving ten document reviews (including on-site inspections) and ten practical testing reviews. Preparation tasks included creating simulation scenarios and deploying the essential equipment and manpower. Two rounds of unannounced practical tests were conducted to verify the capabilities of the response organizations. Additionally, a system for managing accreditation applications for emergency consulting and response organizations was developed and launched on June 20, 2023. Assisting the Chemicals Administration in preparing the sixth and seventh revisions of the operation plan for preventing and protecting against toxic chemical disasters, which should be approved by the Executive Yuan's Central Disaster Prevention and Response Council. A real-time tracking system module for toxic chemical transportation vehicles was developed, allowing daily monitoring of approximately 1,400 vehicles across Taiwan. Support was also provided in compiling the medium- and long-term plans proposed by relevant authorities for the years 2025 to 2029, including the preparation of related documents and presentations. Meanwhile, the execution results of relevant authorities from the second quarter of 2022 to the second quarter of 2024 (a total of nine quarters) were summarized, and the annual evaluation reports for 2022 and 2023 were submitted. Assisting the Chemicals Administration in compiling three sets of course materials for toxic chemical substances management specialists. Four promotional events were organized, including the Green Life Disaster Prevention Education Tour and the Smart City – 2050 Net Zero City Expo. A press conference was held to release the application of the toxic chemical substances disaster training module, with experts demonstrating leak prevention operations and providing AR/VR explanations. Coordinated with the Ministry of Education's 2023 National College and University Environmental Safety and Health Supervisors Joint Conference to organize a two-day, one-night team-building camp, aimed at building consensus on toxic chemical substances disaster prevention and protection. Fifteen meetings were organized, attended by 516 participants, including 56 experts. Assisted in compiling reports on the execution performance of occupational safety and health affairs, as well as the implementation results of the Workplace Safety and Health Week series of activities.
英文關鍵字 Emergency response, Chemical accident prevention, Preventive preparation