

中文摘要 為掌握屏東縣土壤及地下水品質現況,屏東縣政府環境保護局(以上簡稱屏東縣環保局)辦理「111年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-屏東縣」(以下簡稱本計畫),針對轄區執行地下水定期監測、監測井巡查及維護作業、貯存設施管理、改善場址驗證、地下儲槽系統及公告事業用地查證、宣導工作、公告事業案件審查作業及場址維護風險管理等多項工作。本計畫執行期程為111年1月1日至111年12月20日,本計畫於契約履約期間完成契約規定100%工作數量,以下就今年度完成工作成果說明如下: 一、地下水調查作業 本計畫共完成21處地下水調查作業,根據檢測結果顯示,具污染潛勢區監測井T00319之1,1-二氯乙烯檢出超過地下水第二類污染監測標準,其餘6處列管場址、3處新開寮地區公用水井、8處民井調查及3口具污染潛勢區監測井之地下水中關切污染物濃度均低於地下水第二類污染監測標準。詳細辦理情形請參第3章。 二、監測井巡查及維護作業 本計畫共完成324口次(含雙井管349口次)上下半年度監測井外部巡查及維護保養、8口次監測井設施修復(包括監測井外部保護設施型式變更及修復水泥平台)、32口次井況評估、16口次再次完井、5口次異物排除及7口次監測井廢井作業(5口次標準監測井及2口次簡易井),相關巡查及維護紀錄均依規定建置於環保署「土壤及地下水資訊管理系統」中。詳細辦理情形請參4章。 三、貯存系統管理 本計畫共完成地下儲槽網路申報資料審核作業427站次(110年第三次、111年第一次及111年第二次),每季提送率皆為100%。地下儲槽測漏管查核作業共完成33家,其中26家由本計畫自行檢測,另7家由南臺灣實驗室進行檢測,各站油氣濃度檢測皆無異常。貯存系統法規符合度確認及輔導工作共完成144家,其中1家中華里港加油站為地下儲槽,經查核屬良好,另143家地上儲槽業者經現場輔導後,排除列管對象共40家,其餘103家列管對象中已有15家業者符合法規規範,尚有88家須再執行改善作業。已完成59家地上儲槽業者複查作業(52家已完成改善、5家不為管理辦法列管對象及2家業者將提報改善計畫),其餘未複查之29家將於規定期限內完成複查作業。詳細辦理情形請參第5章。 四、查驗證及緊急應變作業 本計畫共完成8場次查驗證與緊急應變作業,包含5場次查證暨緊急應變及3場驗證作業,其中祐金企業有限公司土壤中TPH濃度(2,870 mg/kg)超過土壤污染管制標準(1,000 mg/kg),將依土污法第七條第五項規定採取應變必要措施計畫;榞鑫企業有限公司屏東廠土壤中TPH及重金屬鉻濃度(2,090 mg/kg及477 mg/kg)超過土壤污染管制標準(1,000 mg/kg及250 mg/kg),將依土污法第七條第五項規定採取應變必要措施,其餘調查結果皆低於監測標準。詳細辦理情形請參第6章。 五、行政支援 本計畫於宣導作業方面,共完成辦理1場次種子教師培訓課程、1場次法規說明會、11場次校園宣導會、1部宣導影片製作及150份宣導品製作。場址維護風險管理方面,以改善中場址2次/月,其餘場址1次/月之頻率進行巡查,共完成228場次巡查作業(包含4個整治場址、6個控制場址、2個應變必要措施場址及1個地下水限制使用區),其中包含2處植生復育場址維護(萬丹鄉新安段1439、1439地號及長治鄉榮興段1140(部分)地號、1141(部分)地號)。技術服務諮詢方面,共完成3場次協助列管場址審查會議次、10件場址報告書審查、6件貯存系統管理辦法文件及27件公告事業申報資料審查。詳細辦理情形請參第7章。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、加油站、監測井


專案計畫編號 PB10213 經費年度 111 計畫經費 9229 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 陳滄欣
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 許維雯 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


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期末報告 111年度屏東土水計畫期末報告.pdf 61MB

The 2022 Project on the Inspection and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Pingtung

英文摘要 To gain insight into the quality of the soil and groundwater in Pingtung County, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Pingtung County Government (hereafter “EPB Pingtung”) conducted the 2022 Pingtung County Soil and Groundwater Pollution Survey and Verification Project (hereafter “this Project”), which involved the regular monitoring of groundwater, inspection and maintenance of monitoring wells, management of storage facilities, verification of site improvements, assessment of underground storage systems and lands for posted undertakings, implementation of educational campaigns, investigation of posted undertakings, and performance of on-site maintenance and risk management. This project was conducted from January 1 to December 20, 2022. Within the contract period, 100% of the contractual tasks were completed; the outcomes of the tasks completed during this time are described as follows: A. Groundwater surveys Twenty-one groundwater surveys were completed during this project. The test results indicated that 1,1-dichloroethene in Well T00319—located in a pollution potential zone—was graded higher than category 2, as detailed in the groundwater pollution monitoring standards. The remaining six supervised sites, three public wells in Xinkailiao District, eight dug wells, and three monitoring wells in pollution potential zones contained lower concentration of pollutants than indicated by a category 2 grade in the groundwater pollution monitoring standards. Please see Chapter 3 for more details. B. Well inspection and maintenance During this project, 324 semiannual inspections and maintenance sessions of the outside of monitoring wells (including 349 dual-channel pipelines), repairs to eight monitoring wells (including renovations of external protective equipment and restoration of concrete platforms), and 32 evaluations of well conditions were performed. Sixteen wells were reconditioned and foreign materials were removed from five wells. Seven monitoring wells (five standard monitoring wells and two simple wells) were sealed. The inspection and maintenance records are archived in the Environmental Protection Administration’s Soil and Groundwater Data Management System, in accordance with regulations. For more information, please see Chapter 4. C. Storage system management The 427th underground storage network declaration and audit was completed during this project, including the third declaration and audit of 2021 and the first and second declaration and audit of 2022; the submission rate of each season was 100%. A total of 33 leakage detection pipe inspections were completed; 26 of those inspections were performed as part of this project, and the remaining seven inspections were performed by Eurofins Blue Formosa Environmental Technical. No abnormal concentrations of oil gas were detected. Compliance assessment and counseling tasks were completed for 144 storage systems: the underground storage system of a gas station in Chunghua Li was determined to be satisfactory. Following the on-site counseling of 143 aboveground storage tank businesses, 40 businesses were revealed to be missing from the regulatory listing; out of the remaining 103 storage tank businesses, 15 were compliant with regulations, and 88 businesses required further improvements. To date, 59 aboveground storage tank businesses have undergone a second inspection (52 businesses had completed their improvements, 5 were missing from the regulatory listing, and 2 are expected to submit improvement plans soon). The 29 businesses that have not undergone a second inspection are expected to complete the second inspection within a regulated timeframe. The details are presented in Chapter 5. D. Verification and emergency response procedures Eight verification and emergency response procedures were completed during this project; these included five verification cum emergency response procedures and three verification procedures. Soil samples from Youjin Enterprise contained a TPH concentration of 2,870 mg/kg, exceeding the soil pollution control standard of 1,000 mg/kg. Soil samples from Yuanxin Enterprise’s Pingtung site contained 2,090 mg/kg of TPH and 477 mg/kg of heavy metals, exceeding the regulatory standards (1,000 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg, respectively). Both businesses are expected to adopt necessary response measures in accordance with Article 7, Paragraph 5 of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Among the other survey results, no other soil sample concentrations exceeded the monitoring standards. Details are provided in Chapter 6 of this report. E. Administrative support The educational campaign implemented during this project comprised one teacher training session, one briefing session on relevant regulations, eleven campus awareness events, the production of one public awareness video, and the production of 150 print publications. Regarding on-site maintenance and risk management, inspections were conducted twice a month at sites implementing improvements and once a month at the other sites; a total of 228 inspections were completed at four remediation sites, six control sites, two sites implementing necessary response measures, and one groundwater use restriction zone; these included maintenance of two vegetation restoration sites (Lot 1439 of Xin’An Section of Wandan Township and parts of Lots 1140 and 1141 of Rongxing Section of Changzhi Township). Technical services and consultations comprised assisting with the holding of three review meetings at listed control sites and the review of ten site reports, the publication of six documents on storage system management rules, and the issuance of 27 declarations from officially announced businesses. Details are presented in Chapter 7 of this report.
英文關鍵字 soil, groundwater, gas station, monitoring well