

中文摘要 本計畫協助環保署延續110年臺美生態學校夥伴計畫及全球環境教育夥伴相關推動內容,並持續辦理臺美聲學校認證輔導以及全球環境教育夥伴,並為第三屆環保青年領袖甄選進行暖身,辦理相關培訓工作坊。 生態學校方面除持續進行輔導及協助我國生態學校進行認證申請與審查,自111年8月1日至112年6月30日止,已完成62所新學校註冊作業,36所銅牌認證作業,17所銀牌認證作業及12場綠旗審查作業。目前綠旗認證通過數已達到20所、銀牌數為147所、銅牌256所。在輔導部分則完成執行8場到校輔導陪伴作業,以Line通訊軟體、電話或電子郵件方式輔導追蹤59所學校。本年度完成「水」、「學校棲地」、「健康校園」及「森林」最後4本電子手冊之編寫並針對「氣候變遷」增修「2050淨零排放」議題內容。活動辦理部分則完成5場生態學校宣導說明會、1場媒介交流說明會及2場次生態學校行動團隊工作坊;在生態學校夥伴網頁部分,本年度除持續維運臺美生態學校夥伴資訊平臺及強化與提升資安防護外,亦協助完成系統升級作業,並進行2場次網頁線上說明會之辦理。另新增綠旗成果分享專區,完成4所綠旗學校影片拍攝與專題報導內容。 國際會議及交流部分,協助署內以視訊及實體方式協助完成辦理21場全球環境教育夥伴相關會議。於111月10月12日至10月15日赴美國亞利桑那州圖森市完成參加「西元2022年北美環境教育學會年會」,展示我國近年環境教育成果與亮點。另協助完成2場次全球環境教育夥伴線上工作坊之辦理;以「從心出發,成為改變(From my heart, Be the Change.)」為主題,完成辦理3場次之環保青年領袖培訓工作坊,持續發掘及培育我國30歲以下優秀之環保青年。
中文關鍵字 臺美生態學校夥伴;全球環境教育夥伴計畫;環保青年領袖


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 1168 千元
專案開始日期 2022/08/01 專案結束日期 2023/07/31 專案主持人 謝嘉鴻
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 徐國豐 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 22MB

2022Taiwan-US Environmental Education Collaboration Project (2021-2022)

英文摘要 This project assisted the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in following up the work from 2019 on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program and the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP). Moreover, this project also conducted warm-up activities for the third Environmental Youth Leader selection and organized relevant training workshops. Continuous work on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program includes guiding and assisting eco-campuses in certification application and reviewing the green flag level application processes. From August 1st, 2022 to June 30th, 2023, this project has completed registration procedures for 62 new schools, as well as certification procedures for 36 Bronze awards, 17 Silver awards, and 12 Green Flag evaluations. Currently, there are 20 schools certified with the Green Flag, 147 with Silver awards, and 256 with Bronze awards. In terms of guidance, 8 schools of on-site counseling sessions have been conducted, and 59 schools have been tracked and assisted through Line communication software, telephone, or email. This year, the last four e-handbooks on "Water," "School Habitat," "Healthy Campus," and "Forest" has been completed, with additional revisions made to the "Climate Change" section to include "2050 Net Zero Emissions" content. As for the event organizations, five Eco-Campus promotional seminars, one media exchange seminar, and two Eco-Campus Action Team workshops have been completed. As for the website of Taiwan-US Eco-Campus Partnership, continuous operation and enhancing cybersecurity protection and system upgrades have been done, and also two online website briefings have been conducted. A new section for sharing Green Flag achievements has been added, including the filming of videos and the preparation of special reports for four Green Flag schools. In terms of international conferences and interchanges, this projects provided assistances for the EPA to organize 21 GEEP meetings through both online conferencing and physical attendance. From October 10th to October 15th, 2022, a visit to Tucson, Arizona, USA was made to participate in the "2022 Annual Conference of North American Association for Environmental Education", and this project assisted EPA to showcas recent achievements and highlights in environmental education of Taiwan. Additionally, this projects also helped to hold two online GEEP workshops. Three workshops on environmental leadership for youth with the theme "From my heart, Be the Change" have been held to continue discovering and nurturing outstanding environmental youth under the age of 30 in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership;Global Environmental Education Partnership;Environmental Youth Leaders