

中文摘要 本計畫於111年1月1日開始執行,主要工作內容包含相對準確度測試查核(RATA)及監督查核、不透光率(OP)查核及監督查核、標準氣體(CGA)、零點/全幅(Zero/Span)、二氧化氮/一氧化氮(NO2/NO)轉化器效率查核、應答時間測試、CEMS法規符合度查核、CEMS原始訊號平行比對、CEMS法規說明會及CEMS訪查作業;揮發性有機污染物及有害空氣污染物檢測;異味污染物(周界或管道)、排放管道中粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、重金屬及戴奧辛稽查檢測;人工監測站採樣分析、操作維護及校正作業;維護中洋工業區之監測/檢測設施及中洋工業區監測車空氣品質監測作業;環境道路交通音量監測及民眾陳情案件處理;辦理室內空氣品質訪查巡檢暨推動自主管理標章作業、室內空氣品質法規說明會及公私場所室內空氣品質稽查檢測,期末報告統計期間,各項工作執行進度如表1所示,成果說明,主要如下: (一)連續監測設施(CEMS)法規符合度及系統功能查核 在相對準確度測試查核作業,於111年4月11日台灣化學纖維股份有限公司嘉義廠排放管道P301氧氣差值平均值大於信賴係數,依據CEMS管理辦法附錄十規定需進行偏移校正因子(BAF)修正,計畫已依規定進行通知,惟該廠於111年4月18日執行第2季定期檢測作業,檢測報告於111年5月10日出具,其氧氣差值平均值小於信賴係數,因此不需執行偏移校正因子(BAF)修正。 於111年7月14日南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司嘉義廠排放管道P001,氧氣差值平均值大於信賴係數,依據CEMS管理辦法附錄十規定需進行偏移校正因子(BAF)修正,計畫已依規定進行通知,而該廠已於111年8月18日停爐,並函文環保局申請停止每季RATA檢測作業,而該廠已停爐無排放污染行為,因此已不影響BAF修正。 於111年9月30日嘉惠電力股份有限公司排放管道P002,排放流率差值平均值大於信賴係數,依據CEMS管理辦法附錄十規定需進行偏移校正因子(BAF)修正,計畫已依規定進行通知,該廠已於12月19日函覆第四季RATA檢測報告至環保局通知取消BAF修正。 在不透光率查核作業,嘉義縣鹿草垃圾焚化廠排放管道P101及P201在高幅衰光器查核結果明顯偏高,已趨近於性能規格標準(≦3 %),於查核結束後即告知業者並責請該廠應盡速辦理設備調校作業。 在標準氣體查核作業,各廠各管道相較110年度均有明顯改善之情形,除台灣化學纖維股份有限公司嘉義廠排放管道P201及嘉惠電力股份有限公司排放管道P002在氮氧化物中、低濃度查核上仍呈現偏高現象,於現場查核結束,告知業者應重新進行線性調校,以避免往後超出性能規格標準。 在零點/全幅(Zero/Span)偏移查核部分,在台灣化學纖維股份有限公司新港廠排放管道P301二氧化硫全幅偏移測試時,偏低-2.97 %已接近標準誤差範圍±3 %,經查前日及當日之校正結果皆為正誤差;嘉義縣鹿草垃圾焚化廠排放管道P201氮氧化物全幅偏移測試時,偏高2.86 %已接近標準誤差範圍±3%,經查前幾日及當日之校正結果已有陸續偏高之現象,其查核結果於查核當日結束後已告知廠方及儀器維護廠商,請儀器維護廠商在進行管路確認是否有阻塞或設備之線性是否有偏移之現象進行改善。 (二)連續監測設施(CEMS)連線資料查核 除南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司嘉義廠於111年1月30日至111年1月31日因停爐期間,執行復電時,造成電腦無法正常開啟,導致當日之日報資料未能於次日下午一時傳輸至環保 局,記2次未正常傳輸;嘉義縣鹿草垃圾焚化廠排放管道P101於111年10月11日至111年10月20日所傳輸至環保局之監測數據紀錄非屬CEMS管理辦法規定之項目、111年11月7日因程式測試及111年12月2-3日,因網路傳輸異常,導致未上傳日報,共累計13次未正常傳輸(依據CEMS管理辦法第三十三條第一項第二款規定一年內累計達二十次以上將予以處分),其餘各廠各月份之日/月報傳輸情形皆符合管理辦法規範,日報資料於隔日下午1時前傳輸至環保局,每月監測報表則於次月十五日前須上傳完畢。 (三)揮發性有機污染物及有害空氣污染物檢測 完成6次揮發性有機污染物及有害空氣污染物檢測作業,檢測項目為揮發性有機物(VOCs)、醛酮類化合物、酸鹼氣體及重金屬等4類物種之樣品採樣,有害空氣污染物檢測物種及其檢測方法以環檢所公告方法為主。 VOCs共檢測87項,測得9種,分別為甲醇(32.2 ppb),其次為丙酮(15.1 ppb)、甲苯(8.4ppb)、2-丁酮(3.3 ppb)、丙烷(2.6 ppb)、間,對-二甲苯(2.3ppb)、二氯甲烷(2.1 ppb)、乙腈(1.2 ppb)及醋酸乙烯酯(1.2 ppb)。 醛酮類化合物共檢測16項,物種均小於偵測極限或小於實驗室檢量線第一點。 酸鹼性氣體共檢測10項,測得2種,分別為硝酸(0.06 04 mg/m3)及氨氣(0.078 ppm),其餘物種檢測結果皆為小於偵測極限或小於實驗室檢量線第一點,顯示在此區域大氣環境中酸鹼性氣體濃度皆很低。 重金屬共檢測8項,測得7種,分別為鉛含量(0.037 μg/m3)、砷含量(0.002 μg/m3)、鎳含量(0.0036 μg/m3)、鎘含量(0.00085 μg/m3)、粒狀汞(62.5 pg/m3)、氣狀汞(2.39 ng/m3)及六價鉻(0.096 ng/m3)。 (四)固定污染源稽查檢測作業 針對轄內異味污染物、排放管道(P.S.N)、重金屬及戴奧辛辦理稽查檢測作業。 在異味稽查檢測作業,執行4家公私場所稽巡查作業,場所分別為田O生物科技有限公司、上O資源循環股份有限公司、素O食品股份有限公司及乾O企業有限公司嘉太廠,其中田O生物科技有限公司及上O資源循環股份有限公司共執行6次巡查作業,因無明顯異味情形,故無進行採樣;而素O食品股份有限公司檢測結果412(排放標準1,000)及乾O企業有限公司嘉太廠檢測結果2,320(排放標準1,000),超出排放標準。 在排放管道(P.S.N)稽查檢測作業,111年7月22日森O木業有限公司排放管道P001粒狀污染物檢測結果為296 mg/Nm3,超出排放標準(30 mg/Nm3),二氧化硫檢測結果為51 ppm,超出排放標準(50 ppm);111年10月13日宗O塑膠有限公司排放管道P001粒狀污染物檢測結果為300 mg/Nm3超出排放標準(30 mg/Nm3),氮氧化物檢測結果285 ppm,超出排放標準(100 ppm),其餘各管道檢測結果均符合排放標準。 在排放管道重金屬及戴奧辛稽查檢測作業,分別各完成3根次檢測作業,檢測結果均符合排放標準。 (五)中洋工業區監測/檢測作業 每月定期執行中洋工業區監控系統鋼瓶更換、清洗及監看即時監控系統,並於111年3月28至29日、111年5月30至31日、111年9月20日至21日及111年11月21日至22日分別在太保市麻寮里活動中心及新港鄉三間村活動中心各執行1天次監測車空氣品質監測作業,其中111年9月20日至21日麻寮里活動中心及三間村活動中心臭氧最大八小時平均值(66、70 ppb)有超出空氣品質標準,同時段環保署新港測站臭氧最大八小時平均值監測結果為76 ppb,整體趨勢大抵一致,故研判屬整體空品變化趨勢,非局部性影響,其餘各測項監測結果均符合空氣品質標準。 (六)噪音監測相關作業 每季執行一般地區環境音量及道路交通噪音音量監測工作,監測結果均符合管制標準,並將監測結果上傳環保署噪音管制資訊網;而從監測結果顯示,一般地區環境音量監測時較易有高值產生,道路交通音量監測因較少外在因素干擾,測值離散程度明顯較為集中。 執行機動車輛原地噪音稽查檢測,辦理環警監聯合稽查作業共21場次,攔查數量總計664輛次,針對有噪音之虞之車輛進行檢測113輛次,其中檢測合格83輛、不合格30輛,通知到檢3輛,不合格率為26 %,不合格車輛平均超出管制值約5.9分貝 執行機動車輛行駛噪音(聲音照相科技執法)稽查作業,針對轄內高噪音車輛出沒熱區或屢遭民眾陳情路段辦理稽,已辦理55場次執法作業,辨識車輛數28,634輛,系統判別超標175輛,人工判別排除156輛,針對有噪音之虞通知到檢18輛次,未符合管制標準告發1輛,其中110年民眾陳情2大路段,分別為民雄鄉建國路1~3段(檢舉29次)及大林鎮中正路(檢舉9次),而計畫於111年度針對兩路段進行聲音照相科技執法作業,其兩大路段陳情數量已有明顯下降趨勢,111年度民雄鄉建國路1~3段,檢舉次數為22次及大林鎮中正路檢舉次數為1次,顯示聲音照相科技執法有其遏阻作用 執行光污染量測作業,計畫執行期間共計量測21件,其檢測結果共8件符合,13件不符合環保署光污染管理指引最大亮(照)度光曝露建議值,不符合案件向業者說明光污染可能產生之問題,並勸導協請業者將設備亮(照)度做調整並減少閃爍,避免影響附近居民。 (七)室內空氣品質管理工作 室內空氣品質CO2巡檢作業,除星O幼兒園二氧化碳即時濃度值大於1,000 ppm之外,其餘各場所室內空氣品質狀況良好,針對檢測不良之場所現場給予初步簡易改善建議,如教室對角處窗戶開一小縫或加裝抽風扇增加空氣對流,使室內外空氣進行流通降低CO2濃度。 轄內現階段公告場所共計11家取得優良級自主管理標章,5家取得良好級;針對非公告場所辦理輔導作業,共計4家取得優良級標章,2家良好級標章。
中文關鍵字 連續自動監測系統


專案計畫編號 111CY21 經費年度 111 計畫經費 13680 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 黃昱璁
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃淑瑜 執行單位 捷思環能股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度嘉義縣固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及稽查管制計畫_期末定稿.pdf 18MB

2022 Stationary Source Air Pollutant Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) Performance Audit and Project in Chiayi County

英文摘要 The project started on 1th January, 2022, and the main works included RATA and supervision audit, OP and supervision audit, CGA, Zero/Span, the efficiency inspections on NO2/NO transformer, regulatory compliance audit, original signal check and comparison of CEMS, explanation session for online and regulations, CEMS evaluation; The test on odor pollutant, particulate matters in discharge pipes, SOx, NOx, heavy metals, Dioxin air quality, regulation explanation session, public and private indoor air quality audit and testing; Maintaining the manual monitoring station’s operating and correcting functions; Maintaining detecting and testing facilities in the Zhongyang Protection Network; Air quality detecting in the Zhongyang industrial area by vehicles ; Indoor air quality inspections and inspections and promote self-management labeling operations, indoor air quality regulations briefing sessions, and indoor air quality inspections and testing in public and private places; The period of data statistic had been started from 1th January, 2022 to 31th December, 2022, and the contents are summarized as follows: (一)CEMS Regulations Conformity and System Function Check In Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA), on 11 April 2022, in Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation Chia-i Plant, the average oxygen difference of Pipeline P301 was over the confidence coefficient. According to the CEMS Management Regulations Appendix 10, it was required to revise the BAF. We informed the plant to do so. However, on 18 April 2022, the plant did its season two regular test and the report on 10 May 2022 showed the average oxygen difference was below the confidence coefficient. Therefore, the revision of the BAF was not required. On 14 July 2022, in Nan Ya Plastics Corporation Chia-i Plant, the average oxygen difference of Pipeline P001 was over the confidence coefficient. According to the CEMS Management Regulations Appendix 10, it was required to revise the BAF. We informed the plant to do so. However, the plant has stopped operation since 18 August 2022 and informed the EPB with the official letter to stop the seasonal RATA. Since the plant has stopped operation and thus has no emissions, it doesn’t affect the revision of BAF. On 30 September 2022, in Chia Hui Power Company, the average emission flow rate difference of Pipeline P002 was over the confidence coefficient. According to the CEMS Management Regulations Appendix 10, it was required to revise the BAF. We informed the plant to do so. The plant replied to the EPB on 19 December the RATA of season four and cancelled the revision of BAF. In the audit of opacity, in Lu Cao Waste Incinerator of Chia-i County, the results of the high-amplitude optical attenuator audit were apparently high and close to the performance specification standard (≦3 %). We informed the company right after the audit and advised them to adjust their equipment promptly. In the standard gas test audit, compared to the year 2021, all pipelines in all plants showed significant improvement. However, pipelines P201 of Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation Chia-i Plant and P002 of Chia Hui Power Company showed high figures on the audit of medium and high concentrations of nitrogen oxides. We informed the companies right after the on-site audit to redo the linear adjustment to avoid exceeding performance specification standards. In the audit of Zero/Span offset, in Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation Sin-gung Plant, the sulphur dioxide span offset test of Pipeline P301 was a low -2.97% which was close to the range of standard error ±3%. The correction of the day and the day before were both positive errors. In Lu Cao Waste Incinerator of Chia-i County, the nitrogen oxides span offset of Pipeline P201 was a high 2.86% and was close to the range of standard error ±3%. After investigation, the correction of the day and a few days before were both high. We informed the plant and the instrument maintenance company of the audit result and suggested they check whether there was a blockage of the pipeline or an offset of the equipment’s linearity and make improvements. (二)CEMS Connection Data Audit All the plants except two conform with the management regulations by sending their daily and monthly data whereas the daily data need to be sent by 1 pm the next day and the monthly monitoring reports need to be sent by the 15th of the next month. Two exceptions are as below. Nan Ya Plastics Corporation Chiayi Plant failed to send their daily data for 30 and 31 January 2022 due to suspensions of operation. The computer didn’t restart normally as the power was restored so they had two abnormal submissions. The monitoring data for Pipeline P101 sent to the EPB by Lu Cao Waste Incinerator of Chia-i County from 11 to 20 October were not the items prescribed by the CEMS regulations. Besides, on 7 November and 2 to 3 December, due to a programme test and an abnormal internet connection respectively, the submissions failed. The failures thus amounted to 13 times. (According to CEMS Management Regulations Article 13-1-(2), there will be penalties for over 20 times accumulated in a year.) (三)Test for Volatile Organic Pollutants and Harmful Air Pollutants Six tests for volatile organic pollutants and harmful air pollutants were conducted. The four test and sampling items were VOCs, aldehyde and ketone compounds, acid and base gas and heavy metals. Harmful air pollutants test species and methods referred mainly to the announcement of the National Institute of Environmental Analysis. Tests for VOCs accounted for 87 items. Among them, nine were found. They were methanol (32.2 ppb), acetone(15.1 ppb), toluene (8.4ppb), 2-Butanone (3.3 ppb), propane (2.6 ppb), p-xylene (2.3ppb), methylene chloride (2.1 ppb, acetonitrile (1.2 ppb) and vinyl acetate (1.2 ppb). Tests for aldehyde and ketone compounds accounted for 16 items. All species were smaller than detection limits or smaller than the first point of the lab calibration curve. Tests for acid and base gas accounted for ten items and two of them were found: nitric acid (0.0604 mg/m3) and ammonia (0.078 ppm). Results for the other species were smaller than detection limits or smaller than the first point of the lab calibration curve, which showed that in this area, the concentration of acid and base gas was very low. Test for heavy metals accounted for eight items and seven of them were found. They were lead content (0.037 ug/m3), arsenic content (0.002 ug/m3), nickel content (0.0036 ug/m3), cadmium content (0.00085 ug/m3), mercury particles (62.5 pg/m3), gaseous mercury (2.39 ng/m3) and hexavalent chromium (0.096 ng/m3). (四)Stationary Air Pollution Source Audit and Test Audit and test for odour pollutants, emission pipelines (P.S.N), heavy metals, and dioxin in the jurisdiction. In the audit and test for odour, four companies were inspected. They were Tien-○ Biological Technology Co., Ltd., Shen-○ Resource Recycling Co., Ltd., Su-○ Food Co., Ltd., Chien-○ Co., Ltd Chia-tai Plant. Six inspections were carried out in both Tien-○ Biological Technology Co., Ltd. and Shen-○ Resource Recycling Co.. There was no apparent odour thus no samples were taken. The test result for Su-○ Food Co., Ltd was 412 (emission standard 1,000). And it was 2,320 for Chien-○ Co., Ltd Chia-tai Plant, which was over the emission standard of 1,000. In the audit and test for emission pipelines (P.S.N), on 22 July 2022, in Sen-○ Wood Co., Ltd, the test of particulate pollutants for Pipeline P001 was 296 mg/Nm3, which was over the emission standard (30 mg/Nm3). Besides, the test of sulfur dioxide was 51 ppm, which was also over the emission standard (50 ppm). On 13 October 2022, in Tsung-○ Plastic Co., Ltd, the test of particulate pollutants for Pipeline P001 was 300 mg/Nm3, which was over the emission standard (30 mg/Nm3). The test of nitrogen oxides was 285 ppm, which was also over the emission standard (100 ppm). The rest of the audit conformed with the emission standards. In the audit and test for heavy metals and dioxin, 3 times were conducted. The results were all by the standard. (五)Monitoring and Test in Chun-yang Industrial Park For the monitoring system in Chun-yang Industrial Park, steel bottles were replaced and cleaned and real-time monitoring from the system was conducted regularly on a monthly basis. Besides, all-day monitoring car inspections for air quality were done in civil centres of Ma-liao Villiage, Taibao City and San-chien village, Sin-gung Township on 28 & 29 March, 30 & 31 May, 20 & 21 September, 21&22 November. Among them, on 20 & 21 September, the maximum 8-hour average for ozone was 66 & 70 ppb for Ma-liao and San-chien villages respectively. They were over the air quality standard. In the meantime, the test by Sin-gung Monitoring Station of the EPA was 76 ppb, which showed a consistent trend. Therefore, it was concluded that this was a general air quality changing trend instead of a partial one. The rest of the monitoring was all by the air quality standard. (六)Noise Pollution Monitoring Environmental sound of the general area and road traffic noise monitoring were conducted on a seasonal basis. All the monitoring results conformed with the control standard. The results were uploaded to the Noise Control Information System of the EPA. The monitoring results showed that there tended to be a high value for the environmental sound of the general area whereas the dispersion of road traffic noise monitoring was more concentrated due to less interference of outer factors. Regarding the audit and test for motor vehicle stationary noise, there were 21 audits by the joint inspection of EPB, the Police Bureau and the Motor Vehicles Office. 664 times vehicles were pulled over and 113 vehicles concerned were tested. 83 passed and 30 failed the tests. 3 vehicles were called in for inspection. The failure rate was 26%. The results for the failed vehicles were 5.9dB higher than the control value on average. In terms of the audit and test for acceleration noise (acoustic camera, enforcement with technology), it was targeted at the busy areas where highly polluting vehicles came or were reported often by the citizens. 55 enforcement events were held and 28,634 vehicles were tested. There were 175 vehicles judged as over the standard by the system. After excluding 156 vehicles by human, notices were issued to 18 vehicles and 1 failed the test and thus was reported. The most reported roads by the citizens were Section 1~3 of Chien-kuo Road of Ming-siung Township (29 reports) and Chung-chien Road of Da-lin Township (9 reports). Accordingly, this project applied acoustic cameras and the number of reports has significantly decreased. On Chien-kuo Road, reports amounted to 22 and on Chung-chien Road, there was one report. The result revealed the deterrent effect of acoustic cameras. For the light pollution test, this project made 21 measurements. While 8 conformed with the advised value by the management guidelines for the maximum exposure to light of the EPA, 13 didn’t. For those who failed, we explained the problem of light pollution and advised them to make adjustments and reduce blinking so that the neighbourhood would be less affected. (七)Indoor Air Quality Management The inspection of indoor air quality CO2 was conducted. All venues had good indoor air quality except Sin-○ kindergarten where the concentration of carbon dioxide was over 1,000 ppm. We gave suggestions for improvement such as opening the window slightly or installing a fan for better circulation so the concentration of carbon dioxide would decrease. Now 11 of the announced venues in the jurisdiction obtained excellent self-management labels and 5 got good labels. For venues not announced, after consultation, 4 got excellent and 2 got good labels.
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