

中文摘要 本年度計畫依工作目標,主要可分為「三級防制區固定污染源排放減量策略」、「我國固定污染源排放係數建置與管理體系建構」、「分析彙整鍋爐空氣污染物排放標準管制現況」、「固定污染源控制技術調查與數位科技工具應用」、「擴充及維護固定污染源管理資訊公開平台系統」、「其他行政配合事項」等六大類別,各項工作主要執行內容如下所述: (一) 三級防制區固定污染源排放減量策略 臺灣空氣污染管理制度與美國空品區管理制度相似,於未符合空氣品質標準之三級防制區,規範大型污染源應有別於其他一般固定污染源,採行優於排放標準之可行控制技術,而我國空氣污染防制法(以下簡稱空污法)針對三級防制區固定污染源應採行之控制技術,同樣具有層次性之管制架構,新設與變更達一定規模固定污染源,應符合最佳可行控制技術(以下簡稱BACT),其屬特定大型污染源,應符合最低可達成排放率控制技術(以下簡稱LAER),既存固定污染源應符合既存固定污染源應削減污染物排放量準則(以下簡稱RACT)。為強化三級防制區相關管制規範及完備作業執行配套工具,本計畫以空間及排放規模等特徵分析三級防制區固定污染源,研議污染改善效益最佳之行業製程,並擬定其改善對策與可行之控制技術管制重點。 本計畫蒐研國際間LAER相關管制資訊,分析國內各部門產業政策發展重點、環境影響評估案件申請現況等,擬定我國LAER草案,建議管制門檻及業別以電力業TSP、SOx、NOx 及 VOCs 任一空氣污染物年排放量達100公噸,或TSP、SOx、NOx及VOCs加總年排放量達200公噸者以上者,依產業製程及污染物種研議相應之管末管制(濃度、削減率)規範,訂定「三級防制區特定大型污染源之種類及規模暨最低可達成排放率控制技術」草案;此外,因應全球淨零路徑朝兼具碳排減少、污染減量、效能提升等面向,評析電力機組以單位產品(電力)產生之污染排放量,作為能效管制擬定之方式。另鑒於歷年臭氧劣化趨勢,本計畫盤點國內大宗VOCs污染排放源之相關管制規範,同時分析污染源之排放量、排放濃度、製程數量、污染源操作與排放特性、防制措施現況等內容,評估新增或修訂BACT與RACT之製程/污染源管制對象及分階段管制期程建議。今年度除持續針對船舶、鋼捲表面塗裝對象擬定揮發性有機物之BACT與RACT規範外,亦透過相關座談會議之辦理,收集產業、公協會與地方環保機關執行意見,回饋修訂技術草案內容;此外,因應階段管制期程之規劃,針對電子零組件之銅箔基板(CCL)與印刷電路板(PCB)對象進行排放調查,包括:製程集氣、管末技術等控制技術,並辦理產業座談會,評估增訂BACT與RACT之技術管制規範。 (二) 我國固定污染源排放係數建置與管理體系建構 鑒於排放量資料為訂定空氣品質管理目標、擬定管制策略及成效追蹤檢討之基礎,本計畫蒐研美國空氣污染物排放量管理機制,包括工廠年排放量、檢測報告申報、地方排放清冊申報等作法,與我國排放量管理制度比較,並針對美國排放係數種類、建置及管理方式等實務做法進一步研析,包括排放資料來源、建置及修正啟動時機、係數評級、審查機制等,以供我國排放量管理制度架構規劃參考;另延續去年(2021)執行成果及發現問題,並考量排放檢測資料不僅為排放係數建置,更為各項污染管制政策擬定及成效追蹤之基礎資料,為改善目前排放檢測資料管理問題,提升資料完整性及正確性,已盤點全國檢測資料管理現況,分析確認國內外係數建置所需參數資料及國內相關系統資料確認作法,建議以統一管理平台管理為目標,短期先建立檢測報告電子格式規範,納入燃料成分及檢測方法偵測極限等排放係數建置所需資料,中長期逐步開發全國固定源排放檢測資料管理平台,統一收集彙整、檢核及評級各類排放檢測資料,並將相關建議反饋環保署許可及定檢管制單位作為檢測資料申報格式修訂、申報系統擴充參考;在資料品質管理工作上,本計畫已彙整參考環保署固定源相關管理系統排放檢測資料檢核作法,提出固定源管理系統檢測資料檢核原則建議增加項目、縣市考評調整方式及未來系統建議功能,包括增加程式檢核項目、功能及紀錄檢核結果,以提升及確保資料檢核工作執行品質及效率。 (三) 分析彙整鍋爐空氣污染物排放標準管制現況 鑒於燃料燃燒時易產生之大量空氣污染物排放,故為避免造成空氣品質不良,環保署規劃採行源頭及末端雙重管制做法,考量鍋爐為國內主要污染源之一,但排放標準仍較其他國家寬鬆,故於2018年9月19日公告鍋爐空氣污染物排放標準,用以規範各行業使用之鍋爐,並於2020年3月23日發布之公私場所固定污染源燃料混燒比例及成分標準,以源頭管制燃料品質,以降低空氣污染物之排放。為清楚掌握國內燃料使用狀況,本計畫透過固定污染源管理資訊系統與空氣污染防制費暨排放量申報系統進行交叉比對,協助更新及掌握我國燃料使用狀況,並分析發現燃料污染排放現況中發現鍋爐為主要空氣污染排放來源之一,故建議環保署及各部會規劃以鍋爐汰換方式來改善鍋爐污染排放之情形,而本計畫則透過跨部會聯繫的方式,掌握鍋爐改善執行現況與問題,且延續去(2021)年燃材鍋爐輔導改善計畫,為避免廢木材去化管道受限,持續追蹤及評析燃材鍋爐改善狀況及廢木材去化管道。 另因應全球經濟迅速發展,導致地球有限資源急遽消耗,因此廢棄物資源化與社會之永續發展已蔚為國際當前極為重要之共識,環保署近年亦致力推廣固體再生燃料(SRF)轉廢為能之相關政策,本計畫統整我國SRF燃料管制規範,包含廢管處訂有固體再生燃料製造技術指引與品質規範,相關目的事業主管機關亦訂有再利用種類等建議文件,而針對SRF 因其源自廢棄物轉製,故現階段對於污染物之管制仍準用焚化設施之戴奧辛與重金屬標準,但考量後續SRF若被定義為產品,恐有不再適用準用規定之疑慮,惟其仍有以排放標準進行管理之必要,故針對空氣污染物末端排放之管制,本計畫爰研議於現行鍋爐空氣污染物排放標準中,增訂使用“固體廢棄物再生燃料”應符合之重金屬、戴奧辛排放標準規範,且適用其他加熱設備污染源使用固體廢棄物再生燃料者之規定。 (四) 固定污染源控制技術調查與數位科技工具應用 針對三級防制區之銅箔基板(CCL)與印刷電路板(PCB)製程固定污染源,執行15場次實廠防制技術訪視作業,CCL優先考量排放量大型者、防制設備類型與產品類型;PCB優先考量排放量大型者、防制設備類型與集氣型態,於實廠訪視掌握製程集氣實況、防制設備技術水準及掌握管制對象對於污染排放改善之限制,回饋作為擬定BACT與RACT研修之參考依據。 另針對公私場所的排放狀況掌握,現行多透過定期檢測或連續自動監測設施(以下簡稱CEMS)所測得之排放濃度和排放量可掌握公私場所的排放情形,也可間接判斷污染防制設備操作狀況,如:設備是否正常操作、或設置兩套CEMS在防制設備前後端分別量測排放濃度變化,計算防制設備去除效率;然而,因CEMS的設置與操作成本所費不貲,因此近年世界各國陸續於其相關法令中要求公私場所增設監測操作參數連續自動監測設(以下簡稱CPMS),據以掌握污染防制設備之設置與操作狀況,本計畫擬參考透過監測防制設備操作參數確認污染排放狀況之管制理念,結合現行人工智慧之影像辨識技術,評估透過影像辨識應用於監測防制設備參數之可行性,期導入更為便宜、簡單且有效之監測技術,除降低公私場所人工抄表與紀錄之行政負荷,亦可即時掌握公私場所污染排放狀況,協助主管機關有效掌握污染源操作情形。 (五) 擴充及維護固定污染源管理資訊公開平台系統 綜觀美國環保署(以下簡稱USEPA)針對固定污染源之技術管制規範主要可分為RACT、BACT與LAER三種,與我國空污法所規範之技術管制概念雷同,都是要求公私場所安裝防制設備來最大程度的減少污染物排放量。USEPA為因應制度管制之需求,求建置了RBLC資訊交換之網路應用系統,此系統分為許可證數據資料庫及法規資料庫,目的是用來當RACT/BACT/LAER有修改或更新時,將會將相關資訊公開於此網頁,提供州政府、地方政府及公私場所共享相關污染防制技術資訊,而各項法規內容及排放限值數據亦設有資料庫檢索功能,故本計畫參酌USEPA做法,發展固定污染源可行控制措施資料查詢功能,提供公私場所自我檢視污染技術發展程度,亦可使審核機關於設置許可審查時於固定污染源可行控制措施之採用參考。 承前所述,本計畫執行之控制技術調查結果,將規劃於固定污染源管理資訊平台(以下簡稱公開平台)上進行公開,以落實空污法及資訊公開管理辦法之資訊公開原則,而為提供一般民眾查詢可行控制措施資訊,彙整分析固定污染源、控制措施種類、防制空氣污染物種類及其對應處理效率,規劃增加固定污染源可行控制措施資料查詢功能,增加GA(Google Analysis)設定以掌握各界對於公開平台應用的效能及需求重點,並配合公開資料來源異動調修處分資料介接來源並提供審核機關、公私場所對於固定污染源管理資訊公開平台之操作諮詢及障礙排除等服務,配合資通安全稽核作業要求,排除電腦弱點掃描、電腦安全防護檢測、核心資訊系統內網滲透測試等風險等級問題,執行程式修正,以符合資通安全作業之需求。 (六) 其他行政配合事項 為協助環保署相關制度與計畫工作能順暢進行,本計畫協助2場次專家諮詢會議與產業座談會議與2場次法規研商或說明會議辦理,包含「固定污染源使用固體再生燃料(SRF)管理策略」專家諮詢會議、「三級防制區既存固定污染源應削減污染物排放量準則修正(草案)」產業座談會議、「三級防制區特定大型污染源之種類及規模暨最低可達成排放率控制技術(草案)」產業座談會議與「電力業相關法規推動之產業座談會議」,並就相關專家、產業提出之建議進行彙整與評析,作為政策推動之參考。
中文關鍵字 污染減量控制技術、排放係數、智慧影像辨識系統


專案計畫編號 111A091 經費年度 111 計畫經費 15800 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/17 專案結束日期 2022/11/15 專案主持人 許長嵐
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝知行 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 公開定稿-合併檔.pdf 33MB

Program for abatement emission strategy of stationary sources and research the estimate of local air pollutant emission within Class 3 control regions

英文摘要 Main results of this project could be divided into six categories. Please refer to the following: 1. Researching and augmenting regulations of control technology of stationary pollution sources in Class 3 control regions The air pollution control system in Taiwan is similar to the United States. In accordance with Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the Air Pollution Control Act., this plan helped EPA to research and augment regulations on reasonably available control technology (herein referred to as RACT), best available control technology (herein referred to as BACT) and lowest achievable emission rate control technology (herein referred to as LAER).To reinforce the regulation within Class 3, this plan had targeted the industrial processes to amend efficiently. This plan assisted in drafting the threshold of specific large pollution sources and providing suggestion. The yearly emission of TSP, NOx, SOx and VOCs of stationary sources in power industry exceeds 100 tons or totally exceeds 200 tons shall apply LAER. Moreover, in response to the global net-zero emissions targets, this plan also researched and evaluated the concept of energy efficiency. In response to the ozone trend, this plan proposed plans for BACT and RACT to reduce the emission of VOCs. By reviewing emissions, emission characteristics and current regulations, this plan provided suggestion about the project of the processes to amend BACT and RACT. This year, the plan established BACT and RACT on coil and boat coating, and also held the meeting to elaborate the issues. Besides, to further enhance air quality, this plan collected the information about the foreign regulations, including strategies and control technology, and reviewed the current situations in Taiwan to draft BACT and RACT for Copper Clad Laminate (CCL) and Printed circuit board (PCB) industry. Lastly, a document was also provided for examining control technology. 2. Establishing local air pollutant emission factor and management system In order to further develop emission manage system which benefits to build effective control and review strategies on air pollution, this plan searched the USA system including testing declaration and emission inventory and compared it with our emission manage system. Besides, in accordance to the program last year, to complete local emission factors system, this plan collected necessary information and give suggestions. Firstly, it was necessary to build integrating management system, which needed soft copy format and analysis-related information. Secondly, regarding data quality, this plan dedicated to compiling our testing methods and gave accessible suggestion including adding functions and testing results on program. 3. Analyzing and organizing the current the standard of air pollution from the emission of boilers Due to the fact that burning fuel is likely to produce a large amount of emission of air pollution, EPA has adopted the measures to have a control on both the origin and the terminal in order to avoid the cause of poor air quality. Given that the emission of boilers is one of the major origins of domestic pollution, while the standard of emission is looser than other countries. The boilers’ emission standard was thus announced on September 19, 2018 so that the boilers used by all industries can be regulated accordingly. Furthermore, the standard for proportion and the content of co-firing for the fixed pollution sources from the public and private places was announced on March 23, 2020 to control the fuel quality from the origin to reduce the emission of air pollution. In order to control the use of domestic fuel precisely, this plan conducted the cross-reference through fixed pollution sources management information system, air pollution control fee and emission reporting system to update and control the use of fuel in our country. Through the analysis of current situations of fuel emission pollution, the research found that the use of boilers was one of the major sources of air pollution. Consequently, the suggestion was that EPA and other Ministries should make a plan to replace all the boilers to improve the emission pollution. This plan gave command of the current situations and problems concerning the implementation of the improvement on the boilers through the inter-ministerial communication. In addition, to continue the guidance plan on the improvement of the fuel-fired boilers in 2021, the improvement of fuel-fired boilers and the channel of waste wood clearance are consistently under tracking and analyzing to avoid the limitation of the waste wood clearance channel. In response to the rapid development of the global economy, which causes the dramatic consumption of the limited resources on the earth, the resource recovery of the waste and the sustainable development of the society has become an essential international consensus nowadays. EPA is also committed to promoting the related policies of solid recovered fuel (SRF) and transforming the waste into energy in these years. This plan has integrated the SRF fuel control specification of our country including the technology guidance and quality specification of manufacturing solid recovered fuel by the Department of Waste Management. The authorities in charge of each industry have also prepared suggested documents classified as recycling. As to the SRF, since it originated from the waste energy, it has allowed to use the standard of dioxin and heavy metal for the incineration facilities. But considering that SRF may be defined as product afterwards, which means the standard might not be available any longer, it is necessary to regulate it according to the standard of emission. With the aim on the control of terminal emission of air pollution, this plan suggests to add the standard specification for the dioxin and heavy metal emission of the SRF on the basis of current standard of air pollution from the emission of boilers. The standard should also be available for the pollution sources of heating facilities using the SRF. 4. Survey on the technology of controlling the fixed pollution sources and the application of digital technology This plan has aimed at the fixed pollution sources from the process of producing copper clad laminate (CCL) and printed circuit panel (PCB). There have been 10 real site interviews on the prevention abatement technique. As to the CCL, the priorities are given to the factories with large amount of emission, the types of prevention facilities, and the types of products. As to the PCB, the priorities are given to the factories with large amount of emission, the types of prevention facilities, and the types of gas gathering. Through the real site interviews, the process of gas gathering, the technology level of prevention facilities, and the limitation of the improvement on the emission can thus be under the control. These can be the feedback used as a reference for the research and modification of BACT and RACT. In addition, the emissions both at public and private places are monitored through periodic inspection or continuous emission monitoring system (hereinafter referred as CEMS). The concentration and amount of the emission detected by the system can be used not only to monitor the emission situation in public and private places but also to determine the operation condition of pollution control equipment indirectly, such as whether the equipment is working properly or installing two sets of CEMS at the front and rear end of the pollution control equipment to measure the change of emission concentration respectively and then calculate the removal efficiency of the equipment. However, the installation and operation of CEMS costs so much that there are many countries around the world have made the provisions one after another to require the public and private places to install continuous parameter monitoring system (hereinafter referred as CPMS) to monitor the condition and operation of the pollution control equipment. This plan is to take the idea as a reference to ensure the pollution through the monitoring control equipment operating parameter. The technology of AI image recognition is integrated to evaluate the feasibility of applying image recognition on the monitoring pollution control equipment parameters so that the monitoring will become cheaper, less complicated, and more efficient. It will reduce the administrative workload of meter reading and recording. It will also help to monitor the pollution emission simultaneously at the public and private places so that the authorities are able to master the operation of the pollution sources. 5. Augmenting and maintaining stationary sources management system The USEPA has built the stationary sources management website presenting the control technologies (RBLC) in public to provide local government or factories with references to grasp the progress of modification and updated technologies. Based on this concept, this plan developed searching functions for give local executive agencies to manage emission of stationary sources. Firstly, the searching function, GA(Google Analysis), was augmented to the stationary sources management system by analyzing the emission sources, types of apparatus and efficiency to implement the development of an open system for executive organizations and citizens. Also, this plan conducted the maintenance works incorporating consultant service, troubleshooting and auditing to fulfill information security. 6. Administration In order to implement the regulations, this plan held at least four meetings. Those included two meetings to elaborate the issues about LAER and RACT. This plan also consulted specialists to discuss the SRF. Besides, to further well-develop the control technology regulation, this plan conducted on-site visiting to grasp the emission situation.
英文關鍵字 Pollution reduction control technology, Emission factor, Intelligent Image Recognition Systems