
金門縣_111年度補助直轄市、縣﹙市﹚環境保護機關 辦理資源回收工作計畫

中文摘要 (一)辦理回收處理業管理及輔導工作 本計畫已協助並辦理已登記應回收業者之基線資料確認維護、營運狀況檢核申報輔導及污染防治措施設置輔導等工作,亦對轄內未辦理登記(含一定規模以下無需登記及應登記而未登記者)之業者,依據各回收項目之設施標準、防治措施進行輔導工作。 本計畫長期輔導之鑫環公司表示停止資源回收業務,故先行解列,未登記回收業者由5家減為4家。另金榮廢品收購站登記證將於112年6月份到期,故本計畫於11月輔導該公司提出展延登記申請。 (二)辦理責任業者販賣業者稽查管理工作 針對販賣業者應設置回收設施之現場輔導及查核工作,本計畫已完成250件,各業者均能確實配合法令且符合規範。 針對責任業者進行稽查工作共68件,自行查核或移請其他轄管縣市,均已確實完成查察及回覆。 (三)辦理資源回收績效考核工作 本計畫已於111年5月31日辦理縣內初核計畫研商會議,協助於縣內訂定初核計畫,及訂定鄉鎮目標回收率、回收績效評比。 其中考核工作項目漁、商及遊憩港口資源回收設施調查,針對全縣8處漁、商及遊憩港口已完成第一季至第三季調查工作;紙餐具回收宣導專區已於5月17日於環保局官網完成專區設置;本縣舊衣多元回收管道,本計畫協助完成縣內兩處舊衣回收箱製作及輔導各公所分別設置舊衣回收點,共9處,並召開各鄉鎮舊衣回收研商會議,討論新制回收流程並達成共識,截至111年10月31日止,各鄉鎮共回收9,149公斤舊衣,而各回收點送往大洋場進行分類之舊衣回收量為8,099公斤。廢乾電池回收活動本計畫已於家樂福金門店合作回收活動,已於6月1日開始協助回收乾電池與塑膠容器。截至10月底共回收397公斤,共兌換11,910元商品兌換券;優化鄉鎮公所既有定時定點回收站,本計畫已與金湖鎮公所討論設置細節,並已完成設置。 (四)推動資源回收形象改造工作 本縣轄內列管造冊個體業者計27位,均按季完成輔導巡查作業,另主動前往屢遭陳情堆置資源回收物造成環境髒亂處巡查並輔導立即改善,提醒個體業者應注意資源物資堆置後之環境衛生。 已輔導欲推動資源回收之相關單位提出補助計畫申請,社區、公寓大廈申請件數共9件,鄉鎮公所申請件數共2件。機關學校團體申請件數共7件,部隊申請件數共10件。 已輔導全縣2處「金幸福資收站」之新設立及追蹤維持全縣共19處「金幸福資收站」之運作及兌換活動之資收物兌換基準之訂定及辦理。 並已完成新湖漁港金門區漁會廢棄漁網暫置分類作業區外牆形象改造工作,利用3D彩繪及亮彩琉璃做為美化基底材料,同時可符合環保署績效考核工作項目,為金門增加廢玻璃再生料使用量,及翻轉民眾對於回收站的感觀。 (五)辦理資源回收宣導活動 配合環保局宣導「舊衣妥善回收指南」,製作清潔隊及民眾版本,A4大小宣導單張,已於111年9月12日印製完成,共製作清潔隊款1,000份及民眾款5,000份送達環保局。並已於111年10月20日經完成宣導品採購口罩1萬份,於各式活動發放予民眾,時時提醒民眾資源回收及垃圾減量之重要性。 本計畫已完成委託電視廣告字卡託播廣告,共21天、環保局fb粉絲專頁刊登宣導文案,共14篇、委託金門日報電子版刊登廣告,共24天、委託太武之春播放廣播廣告,共36天。 提升不易回收搭配兌換加值活動已完成11場次,達成480人次之宣導工作,加值金額共70,340元。 (六)資源回收稽核查核管制工作 辦理資源物資運輸數量清點及監(鑑)磅認證工作,已完成認證之數量為廢電子電器15,489台、廢寶特瓶310.54公噸、廢玻璃容器578.44公噸、廢紙類4616.58公噸、廢塑膠製品134.57公噸、廢鋁箔包及紙盒包234.36公噸、廢鐵3390.34公噸、廢鐵容器240.81公噸、廢塑膠容器91.62公噸、廢鋁23.5公噸、廢鋁容器26.55公噸、廢乾電池3.91公噸、廢紙容器113.14公噸、廢打包繩28.12公噸及平板塑膠194.77公噸,本計畫協助完成監磅作業掌握資源物資運台數量。 協助辦理補貼轄內回收資源物資之回收數量認證工作,已完成認證之數量為廢照明光源-廢日光燈管6,958公斤、廢輪胎206,980公斤、廢照明光源-廢燈泡4,133公斤及農藥廢容器(塑膠) 275公斤。 (七)其他 本計畫已協助民眾主動報繳廢機動車輛共計178件(廢汽車9台及廢機車169台)。並已按季完成汽、機車業者輔導巡查工作,巡查輔導其廢輪胎回收、廢潤滑油回收、廢車回收及其流向並了解彙整業者土地使用情形,輔導業者做好資源回收及環境管理。 本計畫定期更新資源回收訊息,並協助草擬新聞資料共計25則。並於環保局官網設置「資源循環專區」,已於9月30日架設完畢。
中文關鍵字 資源回收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6448 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/17 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 黃仁志
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 呂月如 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 202301051038577597.pdf 8MB 期末報告

Kinmen County_111 annual subsidy for municipal and county (city) environmental protection agencies to handle resource recycling work plans

英文摘要 (1) Handle recycling management and counseling work This plan has assisted and handled the baseline data confirmation and maintenance of the registered recyclable operators, the operation status inspection and declaration guidance, and the pollution prevention and control measures setting guidance, etc. Those who have not registered) will conduct counseling work in accordance with the facility standards and prevention and control measures of each recycling project. Xinhuan Company, which has been assisted by this project for a long time, said that it will stop the resource recycling business, so it will be delisted first, and the number of unregistered recycling companies will be reduced from 5 to 4. In addition, the registration certificate of Jinrong Waste Collection Station will expire in June 2012, so the plan is to guide the company to apply for an extension of registration in November. (2) Handling the inspection and management of responsible operators and sellers Regarding the on-site guidance and inspection work for sellers to set up recycling facilities, this plan has completed 250 pieces, and all businesses can truly cooperate with laws and regulations and comply with regulations. A total of 68 inspections were carried out on the responsible operators, and the inspections and replies have been completed by self-inspection or transfer to other jurisdictional counties and cities. (3) Handle resource recovery performance assessment This plan has been held on May 31, 2011. The county preliminary review plan discussion meeting was held to assist in the formulation of the preliminary review plan in the county, and to set the target recycling rate and recycling performance evaluation of townships. Among them, the investigation of resource recycling facilities in fishing, commercial and recreational ports, the assessment work project, has completed the investigation work from the first quarter to the third quarter for eight fishing, commercial and recreational ports in the county; the paper tableware recycling publicity area was opened on May 17 Completed the setting of special areas on the official website of the Environmental Protection Bureau; multiple recycling channels for used clothes in the county. This plan assisted in the completion of the production of two used clothes recycling boxes in the county and guided each public office to set up used clothes recycling points, a total of 9 places. Clothes Recycling Conference, discussing the new recycling process and reaching a consensus. As of October 31, 2011, a total of 9,149 kg of used clothes were recycled in various townships, and 8,099 kg of used clothes were sent to Dayangchang for sorting at each recycling point. . Waste dry battery recycling activity This plan has cooperated with Carrefour Jinmen Store in recycling activities, and has started to assist in the recycling of dry batteries and plastic containers on June 1. As of the end of October, a total of 397 kilograms have been recovered, and a total of 11,910 yuan in commodity exchange coupons have been exchanged; the existing fixed-point recycling stations in township offices have been optimized. The project has discussed the details of the setting with Jinhu Township Office and has completed the setup. (4) Promoting the image transformation of resource recycling There are a total of 27 self-employed individuals listed in the county's jurisdiction, all of whom complete the counseling and inspection work on a quarterly basis, and take the initiative to inspect and guide the immediate improvement of the dirty environment caused by the accumulation of recyclables, reminding the individual entrepreneurs to pay attention to resources Environmental sanitation after materials are stacked. Has counseled relevant units that want to promote resource recycling to apply for subsidy programs, a total of 9 applications from communities and apartment buildings, and a total of 2 applications from township offices. There are 7 applications from institutions, schools and groups, and 10 applications from military forces. Assisted in the new establishment of 2 "Golden Happiness Asset Collection Stations" in the county, tracking and maintaining the operation of a total of 19 "Golden Happiness Asset Collection Stations" in the county, and the establishment and handling of asset exchange standards for exchange activities. It has also completed the reconstruction of the external wall image of the abandoned fishing net temporary classification operation area of the Kinmen District Fishermen's Association in Xinhu Fishing Port. Using 3D painting and bright colored glass as the beautification base material, it can also meet the performance appraisal work items of the Environmental Protection Agency and increase waste for Kinmen. The amount of glass recycled materials used, and the public's perception of recycling stations. (5) Handle resource recycling publicity activities Cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency to publicize the "Guidelines for Proper Recycling of Old Clothes", and make versions for the cleaning team and the general public. The A4 size leaflet was printed on September 12, 2011. A total of 1,000 copies for the cleaning team and 5,000 for the general public were produced. sent to the Environmental Protection Agency. And on October 20, 2011, 10,000 masks were purchased for publicity products, and distributed to the public in various activities, always reminding the public of the importance of resource recycling and waste reduction. This project has completed entrusting TV commercials to broadcast advertisements for a total of 21 days. The fb fan page of the Environmental Protection Bureau published a total of 14 promotional texts. Entrusted the electronic version of Jinmen Daily to publish advertisements for a total of 24 days. Entrusted Taiwu Spring to broadcast Radio ad, 36 days in total. 11 rounds of value-add activities have been completed, with 480 person-times of publicity and value-added activities totaling 70,340 yuan. (6) Audit and control of resource recycling Handled the inventory of resources and materials transported and the certification of supervision (appraisal) pounds. The certified quantities were 15,489 sets of waste electronic appliances, 310.54 tons of waste plastic bottles, 578.44 tons of waste glass containers, 4616.58 tons of waste paper, and 134.57 tons of waste plastic products. metric tons, 234.36 metric tons of waste aluminum foil packages and carton packages, 3390.34 metric tons of scrap iron, 240.81 metric tons of scrap iron containers, 91.62 metric tons of waste plastic containers, 23.5 metric tons of waste aluminum, 26.55 metric tons of waste aluminum containers, 3.91 metric tons of waste dry batteries, 113.14 metric tons of waste paper containers , 28.12 metric tons of waste packing rope and 194.77 metric tons of flat plastic. This project assists in the completion of the monitoring and weighing operation to grasp the number of resource materials transported to Taiwan. Assist in the certification of recycling quantity of recycled resource materials within the subsidy jurisdiction. The quantities that have been certified are waste lighting sources - waste fluorescent tubes 6,958 kg, waste tires 206,980 kg, waste lighting sources - waste light bulbs 4,133 kg and pesticide waste containers (plastic) 275 kg. (7) Others This program has assisted the public in voluntarily reporting a total of 178 scrapped motor vehicles (9 scrapped cars and 169 scrapped locomotives). And has completed the guidance and inspection work of automobile and motorcycle manufacturers on a quarterly basis, inspecting and guiding their waste tire recycling, waste lubricating oil recycling, waste car recycling and its flow direction, understanding the land use situation of the collection and consolidation industry, and guiding the industry to do a good job in resource recycling and environmental management. The project regularly updates resource recycling information, and assists in drafting a total of 25 news materials. And set up a "resource recycling area" on the official website of the Environmental Protection Bureau, which was completed on September 30.
英文關鍵字 Recycle