

中文摘要 區域大氣污染物 (例如,霾害、沙塵暴、生質燃燒等) 之長程傳送於 特定季節對臺灣空氣品質影響甚鉅,從 2020 年開始,近三年以來東亞受 到 COVID-19 疫情影響,變化甚大,尤其是在大氣污染人為排放的部分。 對於如何釐清與掌握這些境外貢獻,實有迫切需要。若能進一步透過科學 方法 (觀測、數值模擬、統計等) 檢視、掌握這些變因,不僅可以審慎評估 空污政策之效益,亦可進一步掌握與預測短中期區域大氣污染物的變化及 臺灣空氣品質的影響,並且達到預警效果,使公部門亦能提早因應,且大 眾能有所警覺而自我防護。此外,衛星遙測技術可應用於區域或局部大氣 污染之時空變化,例如沙塵及中國霧霾之監測,或是河床揚塵及小尺度露 燃之掌握。近期火災引發之空污緊急事件頻發,如何即時掌握其煙流之傳 送與擴散,以及可能影響範圍,亦為重要之應變課題。此外,亦積極參與 相關國際工作會議、活動或組織,與各國 (尤其是東南亞國家) 進行大氣 與空氣品質模式技術交流及合作研究。
中文關鍵字 長程傳送、衛星反演、空氣品質模擬


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 8800 千元
專案開始日期 2022/05/26 專案結束日期 2023/03/31 專案主持人 林唐煌
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 楊竣凱 執行單位 中華民國環境保護學會


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期末報告 111A199.pdf 25MB 成果報告

Variability Analysis of Air Quality and Advanced Application of Remote Sensing in Taiwan

英文摘要 The long-range transport (LRT) of regional atmospheric pollutants (haze, dust, biomass burning, etc.) has a significant impact on Taiwan's air quality during certain seasons. Since January 2020, East Asia has been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic in the past three years and has changed significantly, especially in anthropogenic emissions of air pollution. There is an urgent need to clarify and grasp these extraterritorial contributions from long-range transport. If it is able to further examine and grasp these variables through scientific methods(observation, model simulations, statistics, etc.), we can not only carefully evaluate the effectiveness of air pollution control policies, but also further grasp and predict the changes of the short-term and mid-term regional atmospheric pollutants and the impact on air quality in Taiwan, and achieve an early warning. The relevant government departments can respond early and the public can also be alert and protect themselves, and. In addition, satellite remote sensing technology can be applied to regional or local spatial and temporal changes in atmospheric pollution, such as the monitoring of dust and Chinese haze, or the mastering of riverbed fugitive dust and small-scale local open burning. The recent fire-induced air pollution emergencies happened frequently, and it is important to grasp the transmission and dispersion of the smoke plume and its possible impacted area. Besides, the project also actively extends and participates in international collaboration (especially in Southeast Asian Nations) and is in line with the current international technology.
英文關鍵字 Long-range transport, Satellite retrieval, Air quality simulation