

中文摘要 「111年臺南市低碳永續家園建構推動暨因應氣候變遷計畫」共有五大工作主軸及任務,包括:溫室氣體盤查及碳揭露;溫管及氣候變遷計畫管考;低碳家園維運查核與輔導;CBA案例蒐集與追蹤;宣導及行政配合事項。在溫室氣體盤查及碳揭露方面,本計畫協助盤查110年臺南市行政轄區溫室氣體,全市排放總排放量23,120,985公噸CO2e,以能源部門排放21,229,055公噸CO2e最大,佔91.82%,其中工業能源61.90%、住商及農林漁牧能源15.20%、運輸能源14.71%,其餘工業製程部門排放1,410,754公噸CO2e、廢棄物部門排放290,818公噸CO2e及農業部門排放190,359公噸CO2e,分別佔6.09%、1.26%及0.82%;並辦理今年度國際城市碳揭露平台(CDP)問卷填報,於7月27日完成線上登錄,9月21日完成內容修訂。在溫管及氣候變遷計畫管考方面,本計畫管考各項指標與計畫成效,協助辦理環保署各項績效考評資料提送作業,並召開2場次低碳委員會及2場次跨局處會議,透過會議檢討各項推動作法與目標,以及審視各部門在溫室氣體階段管制目標下之達成情形。在低碳家園維運查核與輔導方面,今年度新增18處行政里報名成功、1處行政里取得銅級、2處行政里取得銀級,並協助完成環保署規定11處行政里查核作業、110受補助追蹤查核20處。低碳家園成果累計至今,成功輔導316個行政里報名成功、46個行政里取得銅級認證、11個行政里取得銀級認證;37個行政區已參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中30個行政區報名成功、1個行政區取得銅級認證、6個行政區取得銀級認證。另外協同臺南市環保局出席南區生活圈相關會議1場次,辦理/出席技術諮詢與評等審查小組會議3場次。另,本年度共協助執行兩項輔導辦法。在「111年臺南市低碳社區改造輔導辦法」,輔導4處低碳社區進行示範營造、8處低碳社區認證維運,共計執行12處社區(里)改造或修繕。「111年臺南市低碳社區建築綠化降溫示範改造輔導辦法」,共輔導2處行政里執行公共建築綠化降溫工程。在CBA案例蒐集與追蹤方面,本年度協助蒐集4例國內外社區為本參與式執行成果;完成追蹤7處參與式預算110年受補助單位維護成果。在宣導及行政配合事項方面,辦理1場次低碳永續家園成果發表活動「柳營永續創生逗陣行」,分享本市低碳永續家園示範區推動成果。配合環保局政策宣導提交低碳調適相關環保新聞稿,共計4篇。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體、低碳家園、社區改造、低碳宣導


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-110-AN-31217 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4250 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/15 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳培園
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林柔甄 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年臺南市低碳永續家園建構推動暨因應氣候變遷計畫期末報告(定稿)-上傳.pdf 15MB 期末報告定稿

2022 Project of Tainan City’s Promotion of Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction and Adaptation to Climate Change

英文摘要 There are five main objectives for the “2022 Project of Tainan City’s Promotion of Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction and Adaptation to Climate Change”: “Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and carbon disclosure,” “GHG management and climate change project supervision and evaluation,” “Low-carbon home maintenance and operation review and guidance,” “Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA) cases collection and tracking” and “Publicity and administrative collaboration.” In terms of GHG inventory and carbon disclosure, this project facilitated the inventory of GHG in the administrative jurisdiction of Tainan City for the year 2021. The City’s total emissions were 23,120,985 metric tons of CO2e, in which the energy sector was the largest contributor, accounting for 91.82%, or 21,229,055 metric tons. Within the energy sector, 61.90% came from industrial energy, 15.20% from residential business, agriculture, forestry, fishery, and animal husbandry energy, and 14.71% from transportation energy. The remaining emissions included 1,410,754 metric tons of CO2e from the industrial process sector, 290,818 metric tons from the waste sector, and 190,359 metric tons from the agricultural sector, accounting for 6.09%, 1.26% and 0.82%, respectively, of the total emissions. This project also participated in the filling of this year’s questionnaire from the Carbon Disclosure Platform (CDP), with the online registration completed on July 27th, and the final content revision completed on September 21st. In terms of GHG management and climate change project supervision and evaluation, this project examined various indicators and project results, assisted in the data submissions for various performance evaluations of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), and held two sessions of the low-carbon committee meeting and two sessions of interagency meetings, in which the promotion measures and goals were reviewed, and progress on achieving the GHG phase control goals for various departments were examined. In terms of the low-carbon home maintenance and operation review and guidance, 18 new administrative villages successfully registered this year, one village obtained the bronze certification, and two obtained the silver certification. As required by the EPA, this project assisted 11 villages in completing the assessment, and tracked and reviewed 20 of the 110 subsidized cases. Up to date, the cumulative achievements of low-carbon home are as follows: 316 administrative villages successfully registered, 46 villages obtained bronze certification, and 11 villages obtained silver certification; out of the 37 administrative districts that participated in the certification of low-carbon sustainable home, 30 successfully registered, one obtained bronze certification, and six obtained silver certification. In addition, collaborating with the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government, this project attended one meeting related to the living circle in the southern district and organized/attended three sessions of the technical consultation and assessment review panel meetings. Moreover, this projects helped the implementation of two counselling guidelines this year. Under the “2022 Tainan City Low-Carbon Community Transformation Counselling Guidelines,” this project counselled four low-carbon communities on demonstrative construction, eight low-carbon on certification of maintenance and operation, and a total of 12 communities (villages) on renovation or repair. Under the “2022 Tainan City Low-carbon Community Building Greenifying Demonstrative Renovation Counselling Guidelines,” this project counselled a total of two administrative villages on the implementation of the public building greenifying and cooling project. In terms of CBA case collection and tracking, the project helped collect four cases of domestic and foreign communities as participatory implementation results and completed tracking the results of seven cases that received subsidization from participatory budgets in 2021. In terms of publicity and administrative collaboration, the project held “Liuying Sustainability Creation and Collaboration,” a presentation event of a low-carbon sustainable home to share the results of the City's promotion of low-carbon sustainability demonstrative zone. In line with the policy publicity of the City’s Environmental Protection Bureau, the project issued a total of four environmental protection press releases related to low-carbon adaptation.
英文關鍵字 greenhouse gas, low-carbon home, community transformation, low-carbon publicity