

中文摘要 本計畫協助環保署推動國家氣候變遷調適行動方案,今年度之工作重點,包含:整合及研析110年度國家氣候變遷調適行動方案之執行及成果、撰擬「國家氣候變遷調適行動方案(112年~116年)」草案、依據聯合國氣候變化綱要公約巴黎協定規則書撰擬我國調適通訊文件草案、研擬「氣候變遷風險評估作業規範」草案、辦理氣候變遷調適論壇、協助更新與維護「同舟共濟-臺灣氣候變遷調適平台」相關網頁內容與資訊等。 本計畫於今年度完成後,主要成果摘要如下: 1. 針對110年各領域調適行動方案成果,規劃初稿提報程序、時程、文件格式及內容架構。建置報告電子提報平台,協助環保署及相關部會完成110年度調適行動方案成果初稿提交。於111年8月11日及16日分領域召開「國家氣候變遷調適110年度成果報告審查討論會」,邀請專家委員針對各領域提報之成果初稿給予意見,並於111年9月委請各領域彙整機關依委員意見修正成果報告並回傳。 2. 111年11月完成八大領域及能力建構成果報告修正定稿及「2022年國家氣候變遷調適行動方案年度成果報告摘要」(初稿)撰擬。 3. 透過蒐集學者專家、民間團體及各部會機關之反應意見,完成「國家氣候變遷調適行動方案(107年~111年)」(以下簡稱本期行動方案)問題研析盤點並提出精進對策,作為「國家氣候變遷調適行動方案(112年~116年)」(以下簡稱下階段行動方案)之研擬規劃參考。 4. 透過舉辦專家諮詢會議及跨部會研商會議,協助完成「國家調適應用情境設定」(固定暖化情境)及「國家氣候變遷調適框架設定」,並取得各部會機關之共識,納入下階段行動方案。 5. 完成下階段行動方案之領域調整,考量「災害」其屬性為導致氣候變遷危害的因素,在經過部會協商及專家意見諮詢後,決議將「災害」整併於其他領域,下階段行動方案規劃以「維生基礎設施」、「水資源」、「土地利用」、「海岸及海洋」、「能源供給及產業」、「農業生產及生物多樣性」及「健康」等7大領域與「能力建構」領域進行推動。 6. 透過舉辦專家諮詢會議及跨部會研商會議,完成下階段行動方案各領域之調適目標、策略、措施及行動計畫研提,並完成方案書初稿撰擬。 7. 完成彙整21個《巴黎協定》締約方及聯合國減災風險辦公室繳交全球盤點之意見報告,並摘要SB56及相關研討會最新進展內容。 8. 完成彙整、中譯日本及德國推動國家氣候變遷調適計畫,包括推動之組織架構、領域分類、策略措施及相關案例,並比較我國、日本及德國作法差異並對我國調適行動方案提出調整建議提出建言。 9. 檢視COP26調適相關決議,參考巴黎協定規則書及先進國家調適通訊架構內容,提出我國調適通訊草案,包括緣起、國情、衝擊、風險與脆弱度、推動調適主要法規及權責分工、調適策略、目標、執行調適行動和計畫及國際合作等章節及中英版本內容。 10. 參考分析代表性國際組織、各國氣候變遷風險評估手冊、國內風險評估相關作業指引及採納專家學者意見,研擬「氣候變遷風險評估作業規範」草案,內容包含:總則、風險評估作業基本原則、風險評估成果及應用及附則,著重於實務操作層面。 11. 完成「氣候變遷因應法」草案及「溫室氣體減量及管理法施行細則」調適相關條文之研析,並提出修正建議。 12. 於111年8月24日完成辦理「從森林出發 · 實現低碳世界研討會」,與會人次達105人,匯集各界觀點探討如何透過撫育林木、發展林業協助我國因應國際碳權需求,並實現養護森林、維護生物多樣性之目的。 13. 於111年10月8日上午假台北松山文創園區舉辦「氣候變遷調適行動論壇」,邀請產官學領域中對氣候變遷有深入了解的專家們,為氣候變遷韌性探索新解方,推動跨領域科學研究,因應全球環境變遷下環境與社會挑戰。 14. 於111年11月29日完成辦理「推廣綠能屋頂低碳家園亮起來記者會」,邀請主婦聯盟環境保護基金會、綠主張綠電合作社及低碳永續家園審查委員共同參與,作為中央政府單位推動太陽能光電的示範案例。 15. 完成「同舟共濟-臺灣氣候變遷調適平臺」網站效益檢核、更新維護氣候變遷調適資訊與成果資料線上提報系統、氣候變遷科研計畫資訊公布及研究成果上網、評估Window Server系統升級之可行性。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、調適、國家氣候變遷行動方案


專案計畫編號 111A163 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6878.865 千元
專案開始日期 2022/04/19 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 蔡志賢
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 高瑛紜 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 111A163.pdf 51MB

The project of national climate change adaptation action plans promoting and integrating

英文摘要 This project is to assist the Environmental Protection Administration in developing National Adaptation Plan. The focus of this year includes integrating and analyzing the implementation and results of the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan last year (2021), drafting the "National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (2023-2027)", drafting the adaptation communication following the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement rules, drafting the "Climate Change Risk Assessment Rules", organizing climate change adaptation forums and updating and maintaining the "Taiwan Climate Change Adaptation Platform". The main achievements are summarized as follows: 1. To integrate the results of the adaptation action plan in 2021 in various sectors, the submission procedure, time schedule, document format, and content structure of the first draft were planned. An electronic reporting platform was established to assist the Environmental Protection Administration and relevant ministries to complete the submission of the first draft. On August 11th and 16th, 2022, the "National Climate Change Adaptation Annual Achievement Report Review Seminar" was held. Experts were invited to give comments on the first draft of the results submitted by each sector. The revisions from each sector were accomplished in September according to the opinions of experts. 2. In November of 2022, the "2022 National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Annual Results Report Summary" (first draft) was finalized, including results from eight sectors and capacity building. 3. By collecting responses from scholars, experts, non-governmental organizations, and various ministries and agencies, the "National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (2018-2022)" were evaluated. And the evaluation was taken as a reference for proposing the "National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (2023-2027) " (hereinafter referred to as the action plan for the next stage). 4. The "National Adaptation Application Scenario Setting" (Fixed Warming Scenario) and "National Climate Change Adaptation Framework Setting" were completed. By holding consultation meetings with experts and cross-ministerial conferences, the consensus of various ministries and agencies was obtained and incorporated into the action plan for the next stage. 5. The sector adjustment of the action plan for the next stage was completed. Considering that the nature of "disaster" is a factor that causes climate change hazards, after consultation with the ministries and experts, the decision was made to integrate "disaster" into other fields. And the action plan for the next stage is based on sectors including "Infrastructure", "Water Resources", "Land Use", "Coastal and Marine", "Energy Supply and Industry", "Agricultural Production and Biodiversity", "Health", and "Capacity Building". 6. By holding consultation meetings with experts and cross-ministerial conferences, the first draft of the action plan for the next stage was completed including adaptation goals, strategies, measures, and plans. 7. Completed and compiled the opinion reports submitted by 21 parties to the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction for the global inventory and summarized the latest progress of SB56 and related seminars. 8. Completed and compiled the translation of Japanese and German national climate change adaptation plans. The content includes the organizational structure, sector classification, strategic measures, and related cases. Suggestions were made to adjust our action plan by comparing adaptation action plans from Japan and Germany. 9. Reviewed the adaptation-related resolutions in COP26. Referring to the rules of the Paris Agreement and the adaptation communication framework from developed countries, the first draft of the Taiwan adaptation communication was completed. The content includes origin, national conditions, impact, risk and vulnerability, major regulations in adaptation plans, division of powers and responsibilities, adaptation strategies, objectives, implementation of adaptation actions and plans, and international cooperation in both Chinese and English versions. 10. Climate change risk assessment manuals from international organizations, various countries, domestic risk assessment-related operational guidelines, and opinions from experts and scholars were integrated to develop a draft of "Climate Change Risk Assessment Operational Guidelines". It includes general principles, basic principles of risk assessment operations, risk assessment results and application, and supplementary regulations, focusing on the practical operation level. 11. The research and analysis of the draft of the "Climate Change Response Law" and the "Enforcement Rules of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Law" were completed to propose amendments. 12. On August 24, 2022, the "Starting from Forests and Achieving a Low-Carbon World Symposium" was held. The number of participants reached 105. It brought together opinions from all walks of life to discuss how to respond to international carbon rights demands through tending trees and developing forestry and realizing the purpose of forest and biodiversity conservation. 13. On October 8, 2022, the "Climate Change Adaptation Action Forum" was held in Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, inviting experts from the industry, government, and academia who have a deep understanding of climate change to explore new solutions for climate change resilience and interdisciplinary scientific research to address environmental and social challenges under global environmental change. 14. On November 29, 2022, the "Press Conference on Promoting Green Energy Roofs and Low-Carbon Homes Lighting Up" was held, inviting The Homemakers Union and Foundation, Green Advocates Green Power Cooperatives, and low-carbon sustainable homes review committee to participate together as a demonstration of promoting solar photovoltaics from the government. 15. Completed the effectiveness check of the "Taiwan Climate Change Adaptation Platform" website. Updated the online submission system for climate change adaptation information and achievement data. Published information on climate change scientific research projects and online research results and evaluated the feasibility of upgrading the Window Server system.
英文關鍵字 Climate change, adaptation, national climate change action plan