

中文摘要 我國環境教育法於100年6月5日實施,促使各學校、公家機關推行環境教育,並將環境教育形塑成一項全民活動,讓各界人士、單位都可以參與環境教育。依據環境教育設施場所服務品質提升專案訪查結果,環境教育設施場所全職人員對於環境教育領域專業度已十分足夠,但是在面對行銷企劃、品牌塑造能力方面仍然十分薄弱。 行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所希望將環境教育設施場所的品牌概念推廣至全臺灣,乃至於國際間的交流,減少民眾對環境教育設施場所的認知差異,並提倡寓教於樂的課程,使民眾關懷在地環境議題,更促進環境保護的行動。 透過本計畫辦理強化環境教育設施場所品牌推廣、辦理主題式環境教育設施場所網路推廣活動、辦理強化環境教育設施場所公開作業等工作項目,藉此協助提升環境教育設施場所對於一般大眾的知名度,並且減少對於環境教育設施場所的隔閡。 另一方面,透過一般大眾的觀點來尋找環境教育設施場所的不同亮點,打破環境教育界的同溫層,將環境教育設施場所推向教育更多不同的受眾。
中文關鍵字 環境教育設施場所、品牌推廣、行銷活動、戶外學習網


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/10 專案主持人 段逸嫻
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 江婷婷 執行單位 鼎澤科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度強化環境教育認證品牌推廣專案工作計畫-成果報告.pdf 0MB 成果報告書

2022 Strengthen the Environmental Education Certification Brand Promotion Project

英文摘要 The Environmental Education Act has been enforced since June 5th,2011. Schools and government agencies are urged to promote environmental education and make it a national wide campaign so that everyone can make water conservation part of their life. According to survey results from the project of Service Quality for Certified Environmental Education Facilities and Venues, the full-time staff at the said facilities are sufficient in their knowledge and expertise but are still inexperienced in terms of marketing and brand-building ability. The Environmental Professionals Training Institute, EPA, Executive Yuan hopes that the brand and values of these facilities can earn recognition nationwide, perhaps even getting international distinction, and encourage interaction between individuals from different countries. They aim to reduce the public’s misconception of environmental education facilities, promote courses providing educational content and entertainment, raise concerns about local environmental issues, and bring awareness to environmental protection efforts. By doing so, we can strengthen the brand image of environmental education facilities and promote activities at themed environmental education facilities. The goal is to improve the popularity of environmental education facilities for the public and reduce the barriers to visiting or learning more about them. In the eyes of the public, we want to showcase the differences of our environmental education facilities, break the restriction of the echo chamber within the environmental education community, and expose these facilities to the people at a larger and more diverse scale.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education Center, Brand Promotion, Marketing Campaign, Outdoor Learning