

中文摘要 目前臺南市轄區內應設置CEMS之工廠涵蓋第一至第五批,共計家公私場所9家工廠17支煙道,另環保署於108年4月12日修正「固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法」,並預告第第六批須設置CEMS之固定污染源,包括鋼鐵冶煉業金屬軋造程序、廢氣燃燒塔、光電業、膠帶業、半導體業及環評承諾對象,俟環保署正式公告連線後,臺南市符合設置CEMS第六批之工廠共計新增9家,合計煙道71支,本年度工作小組除了管制原1~5批對象外,也針對第六批預告對象進行預先查核4根次。 餐飲部分旨在減少臺南市餐飲業營業過程中,烹飪不當所造成的環境影響。本計畫執行方式包含巡查、輔導及宣導三方並行,巡查作業針對轄內大型、屢遭陳情以及高污染餐飲業者優先執行,巡查範疇涵蓋基本資料調查及空氣污染情形,並以PM2.5感測器輔助巡查。本年度共計巡查餐飲業者400家,當中以中式餐飲業者居多佔78%,防制設備安裝率則為66%,而巡查過程中亦會進行相關政策宣導與說明。 111年度統計至12月15日,整體工作執行完成率100%。各完成項目說明如下: (一)監測儀器功能查核: RATA共完成7根次(合約7根次),完成率100%,目前以O2 BAF發生率75%(3根)相對較高;不透光率校正誤差查核(OP)共完成13根次(合約13根次),完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率均為100%,評等多落於A~B(優~佳)之間;標準氣體查核(CGA)共完成7根次(合約7根次),完成率100%,評等多落於A~B(優~佳);二氧化氮轉化率查核方面,共完成5根次(合約4根次),完成率100%,整體平均轉化率為97.5%;儀器高值查核共完成5家次,完成率100%,所抽查之公私場所皆能正常顯示超過排放標準之測值;零點/全幅偏移測試查核完成10根次(合約7根次),評等落於A~C,目前以森霸電廠P003 SO2全幅偏移 (2.58%)誤差較大。本年度功能查核結果尚無發現明顯缺失,惟有些評比落於C等之業者已要求重新檢視設備情形,並建議下年度優先安排查核作業。 (二)監督查核: 監督查核工作為工廠自行執行查核時到廠監督,確認工廠是否依法規確實執行,其中,RATA共完成8根次、OP共完成10根次,達成率均達100%,目前定期檢測結果皆符合法規之要求。 (三)監測資料品質: 平行比對共完成102天,完成率100%,現階段未有異常數據狀況發生;每月定期進行月報審查,並完成日、月報傳輸率及有效監測時數百分比統計,部分工廠因資料處理系統軟硬體異常或廠內異常停電,皆可能造成數據遺失或漏傳,目前日報與月報傳輸率皆能達到100%。月報表方面,公私場所皆能依月報審查意見進行修正;111年第1季至第3季有效率皆達85%以上;並比對CEMS、空污費、許可排放量之差異性,對於差異過大之工廠皆提供比對資料供空污費及許可計畫參考。 (四)CEMS法規符合度及輔導查核: 法規符合度查核目前共完成13根次,完成率100%。對於查核缺失部分亦持續追蹤輔導改善作業,並確認各廠改善情形;本年度查核缺失以未執行鋼瓶使用紀錄或OP衰光片校正報告未在兩年內等操作紀錄項目為主,缺失項目已要求業者改善,經工作小組複查確認後改善完成,且本年度查核2家鋼鐵廠未進行每日校正,提報環保局裁罰後並限改完成。若缺失中有包含數據計算及承辦人員異動過於頻繁之工廠,持續加強查核輔作業,並於連線說明會加強輔導,藉以提升各廠法規符合率。針對第五批連線對象進行評鑑,缺失項目已要求業者重新提送確認報告書修正。 (五)特殊性工業區測站績效查核 現本計畫已委託專業團隊於執行南部科學工業園區公13、公19、公29及南科實中,共計4座測站查核作業,完成率100%。儀器功能評估係依據行政院環境保護署所制定之數據品質目標規定,符合數據品質目標者,則標示「滿意」;不符合者,則標示「不滿意」或「普通」。本次所查核之南部科學工業園區管理局4個測站查核滿意度均為100%,且氣狀物誤差結果顯示查核誤差均在±12%範圍內;另粒狀物監測項目顯示所有測站均表現良好。 (六)餐飲巡查: 本計畫現階段共計巡查餐飲業者400家,當中以中式餐飲業者居多佔78%,防制設備安裝率則為66%,並同時量測作業區及用餐區室內空氣品質,其中有11家餐飲業PM2.5測值大於100μg/m3大幅超出室內空氣品質標準(PM2.5<35μg/m3)。缺失店家皆為中式餐飲,主要是因為烹飪方式主要以大火快炒為主,故只要集氣效率不足,或室內空氣不流通就容易超出標準。工作小組已現場要求業者限期改善,經複查後各廠PM2.5平均為24.5μg/m3,尚符合室內空氣品質法規規範。 (七)餐飲專家學者輔導及環保夜市評鑑 輔導部分,本年度持續針對早餐店、燒烤店等污染情事嚴重者委請專家學者輔導改善,且本年度首創高陳情路段預防性輔導作業。工作小組現已完成30家專家學者現場輔導作業,工作達成率100%,陳情量由231次下降至17次,改善率達92%。另配合推動111年環保商圈推動作業,已完成復華夜市攤商新增設防制設備裝設15家,其中包含9家靜電機、15家簡易式水洗機,符合環保商圈評鑑要求。 (八)宣導相關事項 工作小組本年度共輔導33家業者取得低油煙認證(其中有5家為畢比登推薦店家),並導入退場機制,精進認證公信度。111年辦理2場大型宣導說明會,大型餐飲及CEMS各1場,辦理內容主要為法規說明。並針對環保局長官辦理1場CEMS技轉會議。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法、固定污染源、監測儀器功能查核、餐飲專家學者輔導、環保夜市


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-110-AN-31127 經費年度 111 計畫經費 9622 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/26 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 簡嘉霈
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇暉升 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2.本文-111cems餐飲期末(定稿).pdf 16MB 111年南市CEMS餐飲計畫期末報告(定稿)

111 Tainan city Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems(CEMS) check and catering control plan

英文摘要 The Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) completed 7 flues, and the completion rate was 100% . Checking of the error correction opacity (OP) completed 13 flues, with 100% completion rate; the Cylindrical Gas Audit (CGA) has completed 7 flues with the completion rate 100% , as for the check for dioxide conversion, a total of 5 flues is completed with the completion rate 100%, and the overall average conversion is 97.5%. Supervision and verification: Supervision and inspection work is carried out by the factory when the inspection is carried out by the factory to confirm whether the factory is actually implemented in accordance with the regulations. The Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) completed 8 flues , and the completion rate was 100%. The error correction opacity (OP) completed 13 flues and the completion rate was 100%. The current regular inspection results All meet the requirements of laws and regulations. Monitoring data quality: Compared parallelly, within 7 days,6 flues have been completed with the completion rate 100%; in 30 days, 2 flue have been completed with the completion rate 100%. There is no abnormal situation in the implementation of parallel comparison results; monthly review is carried out regularly, and the daily and monthly report transmission rate and the percentage of effective monitoring hours are counted. Some factories may be lost or miss data due to abnormal data and hardware systems or abnormal power outage. The current daily and monthly transmission rates can reach 100%. In terms of monthly statements, most public and private venues can amend themselves according to the monthly review opinions; the efficiency in 2021 reaches more than 85%; and the difference between CEMS emissions and license qualification number are compared; if too large, the factory are asked to provide comparison data for licensing projects. Regarding compliance check: The regulatory compliance checks have been completed a total of 13 times with the 100% completion rate, in 2022; In addition, the tracking improvement work was continuously tracked, and the improvement situation of each factory was confirmed. If there were any factory flaws that included data calculation and the frequent personnel movement, the inspection and auxiliary operations were continuously strengthened to improve the compliance rate of each factory. In this project, we aim to reduce the environmental pollution caused by cooking and improper food/oil waste disposal in catering of Tainan City. Inspection, counseling and policy publicity are the ways of the implementation for the project. The inspection is primarily performed on the caterers who are large-scale, repeatedly reported to the authority and apt to produce pollution. Equipped with the particle mass profiler & counter, we can learn about the caterer’s general information, the status of how air and water pollution and food waste disposal go. We have inspected 393 caterers in this year, of which Chinese restaurants accounted for 78%. Additionally, accounting up for 81% of the installation rate. Publicizing the relevant policies is also performed during the inspections. As for counseling, we invited experts to assist the caterers who have seriously produced pollution and were consistently reported for improvement. According to experts’ advices, we set up a reasonable deadline so that the caterers could be well-prepared for the improvement. There were 30 caterers being offered counseling assistance in this year. Carry out 30 times of improvement and follow-up work of the industry after being tutored by experts. To handle the 111 years of Fuhua Night Market environmental protection night market. The selected 23 caterers shall be provided with grants to install EP systems, the installation rate reaches more than 60% of the appraisal specifications. It is expected that the shopping area plan may bring about the reduction of 482 kilogram of PM2.5 emission. In the light of the related publicity and consultations, we held one large-scale briefing session. In addition to cooperating with the control announcements, also printed 500 propaganda of the catering industry.
英文關鍵字 Relative Accuracy Test Audit, opacity, Cylindrical Gas Audit, PM2.5