
11103-11210 0800-085717資源回收免費服務專線專案工作計畫

中文摘要 0800-085717資源回收專線站在第一線,加強環保知識與管道宣導,落實回收觀念。 本計畫為民眾與政府間之溝通平台,提供受理諮詢、檢舉、陳情、辦理民眾檢舉路邊廢車通報及24小時智能客服、LINE服務等多元服務管道,同時配合 貴署政策推動加強宣導,落實至全民,提升資源回收率。 一通電話快速解決民眾問題,服務滿意度高達93%之正面肯定評價。111年3月至112年10月專線話務量計16萬1,563通、專人接聽率97.48%、回覆民眾語音留言831通、後送案件222件、受理檢舉路邊廢車1萬7,209件、簡訊服務提供3萬1,650則及配合 貴署業務需求,執行外撥服務工作1萬1,270通;在接聽每通民眾電話結束前,導入話後滿意度評分系統,達98.60%給予滿意,顯見當次專線人員的答覆內容及服務獲得民眾認可;另每半年亦會進行專線整體滿意度調查,達93.75%民眾給予專線服務高度肯定。   提供民眾便捷數位服務,彈性運用解決回收需求,以提升服務有效性。111年3月至112年10月有4,821位民眾使用智能客服,其提問1萬1,365個問題,智能系統有給予答案題數計1萬0,938題,系統覆蓋率達96.24%;專線新增知識題庫1,120題、例句數6萬7,434則;另111年8月26日起提供使用手機者可直接點選專線0800-085717號碼撥出,以提升多元化之服務方式。LINE服務於111年7月上線至112年10月透過專人、語音、簡訊及環境部FB管道積極宣導,加入專線好友數達9,288位,其中有2,899位民眾使用1對1諮詢服務;期間本計畫團隊同步配合環境部推廣之活動,於Line平台發送活動訊息,鼓勵民眾踴躍參與,藉由不同管道宣傳資源回收相關訊息,提升資源回收資訊的推廣度。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、回收專線、諮詢環保業務


專案計畫編號 111A120 經費年度 111 計畫經費 1278 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/01 專案結束日期 2023/10/31 專案主持人 金采誼
主辦單位 循環署綜合規劃組 承辦人 fkchuang 執行單位 台灣優勢客服科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 成果報告.pdf 0MB 11103-11210成果報告

0800-085717 toll-free resource recycling service hotline project

英文摘要 0800-085717 Recycling Hotline: Leading the way, strengthening environmental knowledge and outreach, and promoting sustainability awareness. This project serves as a communication platform between the public and the government, providing a variety of services such as handling inquiries, reports, petitions, roadside abandoned vehicle notifications, 24-hour intelligent customer service, and LINE service. Compliant with the policies of the Resource Circulation Administration Ministry of Environment, our goal is to strengthen awareness campaigns and promote the widespread adoption of the content by the general public to improve resource recycling rates. Quick solutions with just one call - achieving 93% satisfaction rate From March 2022 to October 2023, the hotline received 161,563 incoming calls with a 97.48% response rate, replied 831 voicemail messages from the general public, forwarded 222 cases, accepted 17,209 notifications of abandoned vehicles, sent 31,650 text messages, and made 11,270 outbound calls in accordance with the requirements of the Resource Circulation Administration Ministry of Environment. A post-call satisfaction survey was conducted after ending each call from the general public, achieving a 98.60% rate of satisfaction, reflecting the general public's approval of our hotline personnel's responses and services. An annual comprehensive satisfaction survey was also conducted, with 93.75% of the general public giving high praise for the hotline services. Delivering flexible and convenient digital services to meet recycling needs of the general public thereby improving service efficiency. From March 2022 to October 2023, a total of 4,821 general public utilized the intelligent customer service, posing 11,365 inquiries. The intelligent system provided responses to 10,938 questions, achieving a system coverage rate of 96.24%. The hotline added 1,120 questions to the knowledge database and 67,434 sample sentences. Additionally, starting August 26, 2022, a direct dialing function was incorporated into the 0800-085717 hotline for mobile users, diversifying service options. LINE services were launched in July 2022 and were proactively promoted through personnel, voice messages, text messages, and the Facebook page of the Ministry of Environment between its launch and October 2023. The number of friends added to the LINE services reached 9,288, with 2,899 members of the general public utilizing the 1-on-1 consulting service. During this period, the project team collaborated with the Ministry of Environment to coordinate promotional activities. They sent event messages through the LINE platform to encourage public participation and utilized various promotional channels to disseminate information about recycling and enhance outreach.
英文關鍵字 Recycling, Recycling hotline, General environment enquiries