英文摘要 |
Sustainable soil quality management has become the focus of international efforts to cope with the impacts of global climate change in recent years, with corresponding strategies or laws being formulated and a great deal of resources being invested in soil quality management, such as soil conservation, soil resource surveys, soil education, and the establishment of databases. This project continues the basic soil resource investigation plan from previous years, and conducted 16 representative soil profile investigations on slopes with high human utilization, completed 54 layered soil samples for basic property analysis, to build the necessary soil characteristic parameters required for pollution transmission and risk assessment. This project completed the sampling and investigation of 209 soil persistent organic pollutant (POPs) monitoring sites, 38 livestock farms in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHFW) dioxin sampling program, and 32 parks and 15 agricultural areas for emerging soil pollutants. Most of the samples contained less than 15 ng I-TEQ/kg of dioxin, the concentrations of other items were not abnormal or far below the administrative concentrations in other countries, and the results of the risk assessment were within acceptable limits. After analyzing the issues related to the revision of soil pollution control standards over the past decade, it is proposed to converge with the international trend of soil management strategies, adjust the benchmarks of dioxin toxicity equivalency factors for soils, coordinate with the national spatial land development policy in a zoning approach for hierarchical management, consider the actual toxicity risk of pollutants in setting standards, and increase the number of pollutants to be included in the monitoring and control of pollutants, to achieve the goal of sustainable management of soil resources. In addition to maintaining the National Soil Quality Database, this project has also established a new National Soil Information Public Website to provide a platform for the public to acquire soil knowledge and understand the results of the Ministry of the Environment's soil surveys. The project also assisted in organizing activities, such as World Soil Day, educational training, and expert consultation meetings.