英文摘要 |
In order to grasp the national emission trends, as a reference for regulation, the base year emission calculation is reviewed and conducted regularly to renew the national air pollutant emission inventory, and to update it partially over the years. The focus of this project is to estimate the new version of air pollutant emissions (TEDS 12.0) in the base year of 2021, and the main achievements are summarized as follows:
1. Review of the 2019 base year emission inventory TEDS 11.0 and update to TEDS 11.1: This plan reviews and updates the 2019 base year emissions, mainly correcting line and non-point source emissions. In comparison to TEDS 11.0, the total emissions of TSP increased by 1,003 metric tons, SOX decreased by 4,087 metric tons, NOX decreased by 1,885 metric tons, and NMHC decreased by 5,155 metric tons. TEDS 11.1 has been announced in July 2022.
2. Development of the 2021 base year air pollutant emission inventory TEDS 12.0: Referring to the European and American emission inventories, pollution sources with large emissions and high uncertainty were selected for review. The project conducted an inventory review of the emission estimation methods and scope of the inventory. Pure electric vehicles are added to the line source category, and bus transportation are divided into urban and highways. Emissions from operating ships in the port area and from territorial waters have been added to non-road scope. Calculation modules for the emissions reduction were built. Methods of the new version of the inventory's past year review and future year forecast were explained, and a new version of the standard operating method of inventory data collection was established. The construction results of the new version TEDS 12.0 inventory (2021 base year) are as follows: the total national emissions of each major pollutant (TSP, PM10, PM2.5, SOX, NOX, VOCs) are all declined compared with the previous inventory TEDS 11.1 version (2019 base year). Among them, fine suspended particles (PM2.5), sulfur oxides (SOX) , nitrogen oxides (NOX) and the non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) dropped by 24%, 20%, 18% and 19%, respectively. The reasons for the differences include the impact of changes in natural economic factors, regulatory strategies and increased scope, as well as improvements in estimation methods.
3. Emission trend control and activity intensity data collection: The emission trends of various statutory pollutants were analyzed. The exposed surface area of large rivers from 2021 to 2022 was determined using satellite telemetry. According to the retrospective revision results of emissions over the years of TEDS 12.0, the trends in the total emissions of each statutory pollutant (TSP, SOX, NOX, VOC) in the past ten years (2012~2021) show that there is obvious reduction in each area, except for some areas where the total TSP emissions showed an upward trend from 2016 to 2020, due to vehicle dust, construction, farmland wind erosion, etc. Model simulation was used to check the rationality of emissions of TEDS 12.0, which showed an overall improvement in the particulate matter simulation results of TEDS 12.0 compared to TEDS 11.0.
4. Review and improvements of the non-point and natural sources emissions estimation methodology: Improved projects include the catering industry, dry fields, building fires, folk beliefs, general consumer goods, unmanaged factories, building surface coatings, mines, fishing boats and merchant ships on outlying islands, vehicle dust, river dust, farmland wind erosion and hillside collapse. Area source trial calculation modules based on TEDS 11.1 method were constructed, and a total of more than 30 trial modules were opened for county and city users. The 2021 base year biological source data were updated (including forest vegetation and meteorological data), and the emission estimation results were verified using the model comparison method.
5. Establishment of a mutual feedback mechanism between air pollution prevention reduction calculation and emission inventory pollution estimation: The pollution reduction calculation modules conforming to TEDS 11.1 were put on a specific web platform in December 2022 for use by local environmental protection bureaus. County and city environmental protection bureaus were invited to share their emission survey and estimation methods or suggestions for inventories, and a regular feedback mechanism between local governments and inventories is established. The inventory unit has compiled the opinions of counties and cities, the latest revisions of regulations, scientific research project results, and discussions within the ministry into the revision suggestions for TEDS 12.0.
6. Implement of the emission management plan and related conferences: Various tasks of the 2022~2023 emission management plan have been completed, where new requirements were established based on the need of the new version inventory. The data submitted by counties and cities in the 2022 and 2023 years have been compiled, and the scores of 2022 data have been completed and submitted to the Ministry of Environment. An education and training conference on estimating the emission of air pollutants of TEDS 12.0 has been held on June 8, 2023. Emission management plan illustration conferences were held on June 28, 2022 and March 27, 2023, where local governments are also invited to share their own emission estimation/investigation or reduction calculation methods, and provide their suggestions for revising the inventory estimation method.
7. Maintainance of the TEDS web page information and the emission management plan online reporting system: The TEDS 12.0 2021 base year data have been made available online, and the data of the TEDS related webpages and resources platform were upated and maintained regularly, in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's regulations. The new standardized emission management plan online reporting system have been officially launched on July 1, 2022.
8. Other administrative supporting operations: The TEDS unit has also assisted in the production of presentations and other related materials for project-related meetings from time to time. Two papers related to the inventory results, "Estimation of Emission Coefficients and Emissions from Open-air Burning of Rice Agricultural Waste in Taiwan" and "Estimation of Air Pollutant Emissions from Building Fires in Taiwan", were submitted to the 2022 and 2023 Air Pollution Control Technology Symposiums of the Society of Engineering, which have been approved and finalized, and have been published in poster presentations at the above seminars on November 18-19, 2022, and November 17-19, 2023 respectively. The Air Pollution Emission Inventory User Seminars (a total of 2 sessions) have been held on January 5, 2023 and November 14, 2023, where researchers related to inventory pollution sources have been invited to share their research results, and the opinions of county and city environmental protection bureaus, experts and scholars were collected as a reference for future improvements in TEDS.