

中文摘要 本計畫協助環保署推動土污法第八、九條公告事業用地土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料之勾稽、查核及宣導作業,主要成果包括: (一)完成共 102 件次申報案件時程及內容勾稽,且針對勾稽成果歸納常見缺失樣態,研提建議作法與改善對策;另依據本計畫勾稽經驗與成果,擬定「標準化審核項目點檢表」,期能協助縣市提升審查效率及品質。 (二)完成 30 場次現勘查核作業,及 30 場次採樣查核作業,且每場次皆由本計畫 2 名評估調查人員進行查核,確保整場事業運作及評估狀況完整確認,及針對現場作業問題即時發現輔導;並將查 核結果完整提供地方環保機關,以利後續審查確認。另針對現場作業狀況歸納整理常見問題及因應對策,同時分析缺失樣態,研訂「評估 調查人員採樣查核記點原則」,期達到全面性輔導及評鑑評估調查人員作業品質。 (三)完成辦理 1 場次對地方環保機關之工作說明會,共計 53人;3 場次對評估調查人員、技師及檢測機構之訓練說明會,共計 234 人;2 場次對高缺失評估調查人員共 34 人辦理之教育訓練,由各會議訓練,將勾稽及查核成果完整回饋相關執行人員,降低事業申報錯誤及提升縣市審查品質。並藉由客服專線協助完成 90 件諮詢服務,即時提供作業協助。
中文關鍵字 土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料、土壤污染評估調查人員、查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4472.28 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/28 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 徐悅珊
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 姬邦傑 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111A070(驗收合格成果報告).pdf 35MB

2022 Project on Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test Data Audit and Inspection

英文摘要 This project assisted the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in promoting the audit, inspection, and promotion of the soil pollution assessment investigation and test data of the announced operating sites in Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil and Ground Water Pollution Remediation Act. The main results are as follows: (1)This project completed the audit of the schedule and contents of a total of 102 reported cases. The results of the audit were compiled as common deficient patterns; suggested measures and improvement strategies were studied and proposed. In addition, based on the audit experiences and results of this project, the Standardized Audit Checklist was formulated to assist counties and cities to improve the efficiency and quality of audits. (2)This project completed 30 on-site inspections and 30 sampling inspections. Every inspection was conducted by two Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel from this project team to ensure the inspection procedure, verify the assessment completeness, and provide immediate counsel on site once operational problems were identified. The inspection results were provided to Environmental Protection Bureaus(EPBs) for subsequent review. This project integrated the common problems and countermeasures for field operation conditions, analyzed deficient patterns, and developed the Sampling Inspection Scoring Principles for Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel to comprehensively counsel the enterprises and assess investigators’ operation quality. (3)This project organized one briefing meeting for EPBs with a total of 53 participants. Three training sessions were organized for soil pollution assessment investigating personnel, environmental professional engineers, and inspection agencies; a total of 234 people participated. Two educational training sessions were organized for a total of 34 staff responsible for high-deficient assessments and investigations. These meetings provided comprehensive feedback on the audit and inspection results to related personnel to reduce errors in enterprise reporting and improve the audit quality of EPBs. The customer service hotline was used to assist with a total of 90 inquiries, providing immediate assistance.
英文關鍵字 Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation and Test data, Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel, Audit