

中文摘要 為解決海岸、海洋、河川環境整潔問題,行政院已於109年5月7日核定「向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫(109年-112年)」,由環保署等9個部會與地方政府共同執行,以「清理」、「減量」、「去化」、「透明」、「教育」五大政策主軸,同時推動多項「源頭減量」措施,本計畫為輔助向海致敬政策執行,持續維護與精進既有系統與活動,並協助強化向海致敬管制考核機制及宣導向海致敬政策推動成果,透過跨部會合作機制,全力維護我國海岸環境之整潔。 針對海岸廢棄物監測調查,分析108年至111年成果顯示,皆以「生活垃圾與遊憩行為」垃圾居多,所佔比例為70%~87%之間,另分析前十名排行榜中,連續4年皆以寶特瓶數量位居第一,免洗餐具數量則自111年第3季起有明顯上升的趨勢,推測與疫情影響店家及消費者用餐習慣有關;分析111年本島寶特瓶國別來源,顯示北部地區總量以大陸製寶特瓶佔45.3%居多,而統計數量最多的新北市及桃園市,自109年第1季起桃園市皆以大陸製寶特瓶居多,新北市原以臺灣製寶特瓶居多,自111年第3季起大陸製寶特瓶有明顯上升趨勢,推測與新北市調查地點移至萬里區,受東北季風影響廢棄物來源有關。 配合向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫,本計畫以提升各部會線上掌握海岸清理成果效率為目標進行功能建置,包括滾動式更新290餘處權責單位系統圖層資訊,建置主動清理範圍圖層及髒亂通報熱區地圖等功能;另為減少環保機關執行海廢調查整體作業時間,亦開發海廢調查行動版功能,讓使用者可於現場調查時即完成填報作業,縮短紙本彙整並鍵入系統時間達1小時以上。 向海致敬計畫自109年啟動至今已邁入第3年,透過各部會填報清理成果與民間團體調查資訊,初步了解重點熱區海岸,未來應將清理重點投入關鍵熱區,其餘海岸則透過巡檢通報清理方式,整體計畫目標將從全面清理逐步轉換為海岸整潔維持,保持海岸基本整潔,藉此達到資源最適分配。 為讓民眾瞭解海岸污染及源頭減量的嚴重性並宣傳向海致敬執行成果,本計畫以發佈環境教育相關議題貼文、辦理淨灘活動及設計中英文廣編稿刊登於平面媒體等方式,提升民眾對於海岸環境保護的意識,吸引不同族群加入海岸髒亂通報行列,以達到全民共同守護海岸之目的。
中文關鍵字 海岸淨灘、海岸廢棄物調查、環境教育


專案計畫編號 EPA054111001 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5789 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/24 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 賴佑昇
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 邱惠鈞 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 @111年海岸計畫成果報告.pdf 24MB 111年度海岸環境清潔維護推廣及成效管理計畫成果報告

Promoting and Maintaining Clean Coastal Environment and Performance Management Project in 2022

英文摘要 To maintain the cleanliness of coasts, oceans, and rivers, Executive Yuan approved the “Salute to the Ocean: Coastal Cleanup & Maintenance Program (2020-2023)” on May 7, 2020. Led by the Environmental Protection Administration, the Program is jointly implemented by 9 ministries and local governments focusing on "cleaning up", "waste reduction", "removing wastes", "transparency", and "education". At the same time, several measures for “reducing waste from the source” have been established. To support the execution of the Salute to the Ocean policy, this project continued to maintain and improve the existing systems and activities, assisted in strengthening the control and assessment mechanism of the system, and publicized the results of the policy. Through collaboration, the ministries are making every possible effort to maintain a clean coastal environment in our country. The coastal waste monitoring survey results showed that from 2019 to 2022, the number of "domestic waste and those resulting from recreational behaviors" ranked first, accounting for 70% to 87% of all wastes. After analyzing the top 10 waste items, the number of PET bottles ranked first for 4 consecutive years while the number of takeout containers and disposable tableware has increased significantly since Q3 2022, which is presumed to be related to the impact of the epidemic on restaurants and the dining habits of consumers. The analysis of the source of country for PET bottles shows that the total volume in the northern region is dominated by PET Bottles made in Mainland China, accounting for 45.3 %, especially the PET bottles found in New Taipei City and Taoyuan City. Since Q1 2020, most waste PET bottles found in Taoyuan City were made in China while those found in New Taipei City were made in Taiwan. However, since Q3 2022, there has been an apparent upward trend in the number of PET bottles made in China. It is speculated that this was caused by the survey site in New Taipei City being moved to Wanli District, and the source of waste was affected by the northeast monsoon. To coordinate with the “Salute to the Ocean: Coastal Cleanup & Maintenance Program,” this project developed various functionalities for each ministry to manage the coastal cleanup results online more efficiently. Improvements include continuously updating the drawings in the systems for 290 responsible authorities, and developing features such as the drawings of proactive cleanup areas and the map for reporting dirty hot zones. In addition, to reduce the time and effort required for respective authorities to conduct coastal waste surveys, the mobile app version is now provided, allowing users to complete the survey on-site. This feature allowed the data to be gathered and keyed into the system in a paperless way reducing the time and effort required by more than an hour. The Salute to the Ocean Project has entered its third year since its launch in 2019. Through reporting cleanup results by various ministries and committees and surveys done by civil groups, we now have a preliminary understanding of the hot areas of the coasts. In the future, emphasis will be placed on cleaning the hot areas while other coastal areas will be maintained through patrolling and reporting. The goal will gradually shift from comprehensive cleaning to maintaining clean and tidy coasts to optimize the allocation of resources. For people to understand the severity of coastal pollution and the importance of source reduction while promoting the results of this project, several measures were implemented, which include publishing articles on topics related to environmental education, hosting coastal cleanups, and designing advertorials in both Chinese and English on print media. All of these are to raise people’s awareness of protecting the coastal areas, to attract different groups of people to report dirty coasts, and achieve the goal of everyone protecting the coastal area together.
英文關鍵字 Coastal clean-up, Coastal waste survey, Environmental Education