中文摘要 | 基隆市環保局辦理「111年度基隆市水環境(含飲用水)污染防治暨水污費徵收查核管理計畫」,持續稽查水污染防治事業列管外,積極推動水環境巡守義工訓練及巡守工作,辦理法規宣導說明會、河川水質檢測活動,向大眾傳達環境保育意識;加強水質水量自動監測系統,隨時掌握污染源現況即時處置,強化自來水供水系統及飲用水設備水質狀況,確保民眾飲用水安全。本計畫於本年度辦理工項簡述如下: 一、 轄內列管事業、下水道系統查核與管理 (一) 大武崙工業區實施專案管制:已完成查核、採樣13件次(含4次夜間採樣),另已完成聯合污水廠周界逕流廢水查核5件次、採樣3件次,查核結果皆符合標準。 (二) 列管事業查核及管制:廠商各項污染防治設施之處理效率與操作品質,已完成查核77件次、採樣54件次,查核結果24家有異常狀況,缺失皆已完成改善。 (三) 公共污水下水道系統查核與管理:六堵水資源回收中心已完成4季次查核、採樣作業,其中5月份檢驗結果大腸桿菌群超標,現場查核無異狀,推測為加藥機器加藥頻率故障導致,已請該單位多加留意;和平島水資源回收中心已完成6件次查核、採樣作業,查核結果皆符合標準。 (四) 社區及其他污水下水道系統:已完成查核52件次、採樣43件次,查核結果14家有缺失情形,缺失原因大多為水質異常,已針對缺失社區進行加強輔導作業。 二、 水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視設施系統查核與管理 111年6月辦理本市已完成設置自動監設施之5處事業或污水下水道系統進行現場查核作業1次;111年6月6日於六堵水資源回收中心執行水質水量監測設施之化學需氧量及懸浮固體RATA,查核結果符合相關規範。 三、 水環境守望相助巡守隊經營運作 於111年度拜訪各個巡守隊,並於111年6月26日配合淨灘活動辦理授旗活動;購置巡守隊設備,於9月分送完畢;協助巡守隊通報33件;8月完成巡守隊隊員投保作業。 四、 飲用水管理 針對轄內4座淨水場原水水質採樣已完成20件次、針對水源水質保護區進行10次巡察。執行自來水供水系統水質採樣工作,已完成270件;完成16件次淨水場之出水端水質檢測;包裝或盛裝之飲用水業者水源水質查核已完成4季次;以上所有項目查核及檢測結果皆符合標準。 水井、山泉水查核採樣,已完成19件,檢測結果已出爐者,僅有一處符合飲用水標準,其餘15處主要為大腸桿菌群及總菌落數不符合標準。執行連續供水固定設備已完成120處查核及105處採樣,查核及檢測結果僅1處不符合飲用水標準;辦理加強夏令衛生飲用水抽驗,已完成110處,共有8處檢驗結果不符合飲用水標準,後續皆已改善完成。 五、 環保許可整合計畫 完成精進輔導查核3家次;輔導污染流向圖繪製12家次;辦理諮詢輔導、各單位會審2家次;辦理許可整合內部教育訓練及宣導說明會議各1場次;執行許可整合單一窗口維運作業。 六、 水環境巡守隊環境教育計畫 辦理淨灘及淨溪活動各1場次;辦理外縣市水環境巡守隊交流戶外學習1場次;辦理年終水環境巡守隊成果分享活動1場次。 七、 其他工作項目及行政支援工作 辦理2場次水污法相關法規宣導說明會;辦理社區定型化契約範本宣導會1場次;完成功能評鑑作業3場次;完成20家許可異常分析診斷作業;完成73件次水污染疑慮行為巡查作業;已製作完成宣導品1,000份送局核備;111年度協助處理53件陳情案件皆已處理完畢。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 水環境 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 111 | 計畫經費 | 6520 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2022/03/02 | 專案結束日期 | 2022/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 胡欣 |
主辦單位 | 基隆市環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 林嘉敏 | 執行單位 | 瑩諮科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 111基隆水污_期末定稿.pdf | 17MB |
2011 Keelung City Water Pollution Source Audit and Water and Wastewater Fee Collection and Inspection Plan
英文摘要 | The Keelung Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau handled the "111 Keelung City Water Environment (Including Drinking Water) Pollution Prevention and Water and Sewage Fee Collection Review and Management Plan", continued to inspect water pollution prevention and control undertakings outside the listed management, and actively promoted the training and inspection of water environment patrol volunteers. Compliance work is carried out, and law and regulation publicity briefings and river water quality testing activities are held to convey environmental conservation awareness to the public; the automatic monitoring system of water quality and quantity is strengthened to keep abreast of the current status of pollution sources and handle them immediately, and the water quality status of tap water supply systems and drinking water equipment is strengthened to ensure that the public Drinking water is safe. A brief summary of the projects handled under this plan this year is as follows: 1. Inspection and management of listed undertakings and sewer systems within the jurisdiction (1) Dawulun Industrial Zone has implemented special project control: 13 inspections and samplings have been completed (including 4 night samplings), and 5 inspections and 3 samplings of wastewater from the perimeter of the joint sewage plant have been completed. The inspection results are all Meet the standards. (2) Inspection and control of listed enterprises: 77 inspections and 54 samplings have been completed on the processing efficiency and operational quality of various pollution prevention and control facilities of manufacturers. The inspection results showed that 24 companies had abnormal conditions, and all deficiencies have been corrected. (3) Public sewage and sewer system inspection and management: Liudu Water Resources Recycling Center has completed four quarterly inspections and sampling operations. The test result in May was that the coliform group exceeded the standard. There was no abnormality in the on-site inspection. It was speculated that the dosing machine was dosing. Due to frequency failure, the unit has been asked to pay more attention; Heping Island Water Recycling Center has completed 6 inspections and sampling operations, and the inspection results are all in compliance with the standards. (4) Community and other sewage and sewer systems: 52 inspections and 43 samplings have been completed. The inspection results showed that 14 systems had deficiencies. Most of the deficiencies were caused by abnormal water quality. Strengthened counseling has been carried out for the missing communities. 2. Systematic review and management of water quality and quantity automatic monitoring and video surveillance facilities 3. Water Environment Watch and Assist Patrol Team Operations 4. Drinking Water Management 5. Environmental permit integration plan 6. Water Environment Patrol Team Environmental Education Plan 7. Other work items and administrative support work | ||
英文關鍵字 | water environment |