

中文摘要 因應廢棄鋰電池可能於回收、貯存、處理階段產生火災或爆炸風險,本計畫透過鋰電池製造與消防滅火資訊的蒐集研析、廢鋰電池的實場滅災試驗、現有廢鋰電池管理規範彙整,並經專家學者會議討論,分析未來大量廢鋰電池進入回收處理體系後可能的火災或爆炸風險。提供主管單位管理措施建議方向,以因應儲能系統及電動車運用後大量廢鋰電池於回收處理時的應注意事項。本計畫蒐集相關文獻資訊探討鋰離子電池物化特性與可能風險,彙整說明鋰離子電池結構、組成、危害特性等,並蒐集3個鋰離子電池災害實例與調查結果。廣泛蒐集國外廢鋰離子電池管理資訊等相關資料進行彙整,包括:英國消防工業協會 FIA、美國國家消防協會 NFPA、英國職業安全與健康研究所 IOSH、加州環保局 CalEPA、挪威立恩威國際驗證公司 DNV GL、國際航空運輸協會 IATA、聯合國危險貨物運輸建議書 TDG、歐盟回收工業聯合會 EuRIC等。在鋰電池災害防制措施試驗方面,執行3場次實場試驗,依試驗結果顯示不同類型鋰電池發生火災時之樣態有所不同,以不同消防藥劑滅火時其結果也有所差異,而針對鋰電池燃燒後的殘渣與廢水檢測,則顯示3個燃燒後殘渣樣品,其各項重金屬含量均低於有害事業廢棄物認定標準TCLP檢測值;而3個滅火後廢水樣品之氟鹽濃度則均超出放流水標準。本計畫在回收、貯存、處理規範管理上,透過廢鋰電池回收貯存處理管理規範座談會,蒐集各界意見,並結合國外相關資訊,提出設施標準修訂建議,進一步提出廢鋰電池回收貯存安全指引手冊,將相關規範內容彙整於手冊中供各界參考。
中文關鍵字 鋰離子電池、熱失控、滅火


專案計畫編號 EPA-111-XB12 經費年度 111 計畫經費 1580 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 李粉勝
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 徐伊亭 執行單位 環蓄實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-111-XB12-報告完整版.pdf 7MB 報告完整合併版

Development of a fire and explosion risk prevention mechanism for waste lithium battery storage and processing operations.

英文摘要 In view of the possible blaze or explosion risks of abandoned lithium batteries during the recycling, storage, and treatment stages, this project collected and reviewed information on lithium battery manufacturing, fire protection systems, etc. Understanding present abandoned lithium battery management regulations, and discussed at the meeting of experts and scholars, analyzed the possible blaze and explosion risks after a large number of abandoned lithium batteries possibly entering the recycling system in the future, and provide the direction of the management measures to the authorized competent unit, in order to deal with the large amount of abandoned lithium batteries after the use of energy storage systems and electric vehicles. This project collected relevant literature information to discuss the physical and chemical characteristics and possible risks of lithium-ion batteries, compiled and explained the structure and composition of lithium-ion batteries and the hazard characteristics, and also collected 3 disaster examples and studied the data of the lithium-ion batteries blast case. Secondly, widely collected other country’s abandoned lithium-ion battery management information and other related materials for compilation, including: Fire Industry Association, FIA British, National Fire Protection Association, NFPA USA, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health IOSH British, California Environmental Protection Agency CalEPA USA, Det Norske Veritas & Germanischer Lloyd, DNV GL Norway, International Airline Transport Association IATA, United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods TDG, European Union Recycling Industry Federation EuRIC and so on. In the test of lithium battery blaze disaster prevention measures, 3 field tests were carried out. According to the test results, different types of lithium batteries showed different situations when they are on blast, and the results are also divergent when using alternative fire extinguish agents, the residues of blast test study show the contents of heavy metals within these 3 residue samples were all lower than the hazardous industrial waste identification standard TCLP, and the wastewater have higher fluoride for the discharge waste water standard. In terms of recycling, storage, and treatment standard management of abandoned lithium battery, this project collects opinions from all social circles through the symposium on the management of abandoned lithium battery recycling, storage, and treatment, and combines other countries relevant information to propose suggestions for revision of facility standards, and further proposes the safety of abandoned lithium battery recycling and storage. Guidance manual, which provides references for all sectors of society to provide relevant specification content in the manual.
英文關鍵字 lithium-ion battery, thermal runaway, fire suppression