

中文摘要 (一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢 臺南市人口數185.9萬人(統計至112年2月底),密度約846.2人/km2,高於全國平均644人/km2,自107年起人口數呈現下降趨勢,在六都直轄市中排名第六。 目前本市列管工廠家數共2,447家,以塑膠製品製造業家數最多(約占總列管家數18.2%),其次為金屬工業(約占總列管家數12.4%),再則為加油站(約占總列管家數11.7%);近年營建工地數大致呈現逐年上升趨勢,每年約有10,000~13,000處。 本市總車輛數為209萬輛(統計至112年2月底),每人擁有車輛數為1.1輛/人,其中機車占多數(為總車輛65.2%),其次為小客車(29.6%),貨車約佔5.0%。機車數是呈現負成長,尤其是二行程機車數自102年至112年2月成長率下降87.7%,自110年起電動機車數量逐漸超過二行程機車數量。而本市汽油及柴油總發油量則呈現上升趨勢,102年至111年約上升10.1%。 (二) 空氣品質分析 整體來說,臺南市近五年(107年~111年)空氣品質指標(AQI)良好及普通(AQI<100)比率,呈現逐年上升趨勢,自107年76.4%逐年上升至111年90.0%,並連續兩年達到八成外,更首度於111年突破九成,且良好日數比率創歷年新高,達到43.7%;而空品不良(AQI>100)比率,呈現逐年改善趨勢,自107年23.6%下降至111年9.8%,改善比率達58.6%,其中以PM2.5不良比率改善最為顯著,自107年16.2%下降至111年5.5%;臭氧8小時不良率則呈現跳動趨勢,111年O3-8hr明顯改善且不良比率來到4.32%,達歷年新低。 近5年(107年~111年)主要空氣污染物濃度變化趨勢,懸浮微粒(PM10) 年平均值及日平均值濃度呈現逐年改善情形,年平均值自107年55.7μg/m3改善至111年33.0μg/m3,改善率40.8%;日平均值自107年109.2μg/m3改善至111年68.6μg/m3,改善率37.2%,而年平均值及日平均值亦自108年起連續四年符合新修正之空氣品質標準(50µg/m3、100µg/m3);112年截至3月,年平均值為52.2μg/m3,較去年同期 (42.8μg/m3)大幅增加22.0%,日平均值為92.9μg/m3,較去年同期 (83.1μg/m3)增加11.8%,主要為年初受上風處河川揚塵影響,導致濃度較去年為增加之原因。 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動測站之年平均值及24小時值濃度呈現逐年改善情形,年平均值自107年23.0μg/m3下降至111年17.2μg/m3,改善率達25.0%;24小時值自107年61.5μg/m3下降至111年42μg/m3,改善率為31.7%。 臭氧(O3)之小時平均值及8小時平均值濃度呈現跳動情形,但整體仍是下降趨勢,小時平均值自107年95.3 ppb下降至111年90.1 ppb,改善率5.4%;8小時平均值自107年71.6 ppb下降至111年69.1 ppb,改善率為3.5%;112年截至3月底,臭氧小時平均值為91.1 ppb,較去年同期下降7.1ppb,而八小時平均值為65.1 ppb,較去年同期下降1.23 ppb。 (三) 臺南市臭氧影響來源空氣品質模式模擬 1. 依據模擬結果顯示臭氧八小時年平均當中,以移動源的影響比例較高,其中最高者為大貨車,影響比例達10.1%,而面源中影響最高則為農業機械與施工機具排放,影響比例達5.4%,後續建議強化相關管制作為或加強管制力道,包括透過與環保署會議建議可跨部會商請農糧署針對農業機械進行納管。 2. 除針對臭氧進行模式模擬之外,亦針對其前驅物質氮氧化物(NOx)與非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)執行各行業別於年平均及不同AQI等級區間之排放影響比例模擬,依據模式模擬結果顯示,臭氧八小時年平均影響比例合計分別為NOx最高,其影響比例為37.9%,而NMHC次之,影響比例為27.6%,其餘污染物(OTH)影響比例為10.9%,顯示本市臭氧八小時不良站日數主要以NOx為主要前驅污染物。 3. 主要行業別於臭氧影響比例變化中,當AQI等級由普通上升至初級預警時,以移動污染源的影響比例為大宗(四行程機車、自用汽油小客車、大貨車合計約20%),建議加強四行程機車與大貨車的攔檢力道,並提出相關優惠方案,引導民眾多搭乘大眾運輸工具,減少私人運具使用。 (四) 分析各類排放源結構 依據TEDS 11.0排放量資料庫及本計畫檢討更新結果,本市108年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下表所示: 類別 TSP PM10 PM2.5 SOx NOx NMHC 點源(公噸/年) 739.61 501.33 384.25 1,214.52 2,618.71 3,461.53 面源(公噸/年) 40,992.79 11,868.16 2,924.23 325.65 1,505.54 27,875.50 線源(公噸/年) 2,958.27 2,040.67 1,634.76 10.91 17,717.92 9,155.20 總排放量(公噸/年) 44,690.68 14,410.17 4,943.24 1,551.08 21,842.17 42,202.12 依據108年的排放清冊統計結果分析近十年排放量變化趨勢,TSP與PM10較99年增加,分別增加12%與1%;PM2.5較99年減少18%;SOx較99年減少65%;NOx較99年減少20%;NMHC較99年減少8%。 (五) 管考臺南市109年~112年空氣污染防制計畫書 協助環保局管考臺南市109年~112空氣污染防制計畫書,共計三個面向、27項管制策略、60項管制目標與跨局處面向「亮麗晴空懸浮微粒削減管制計畫」,本版污防書管考重點主要為PM2.5年平均值濃度目標與空氣污染物削減目標量。 若以空品區PM2.5年平均值濃度目標達成情形來看,雲嘉南空品區111年PM2.5年平均濃度為17.77µg/m³,達成預定目標20.6 µg/m³;在污染物削減目標部分,各項空氣污染物(PM10、PM2.5、SOx、NOx及NMHC)皆已提前達到規劃目標。 (六) 管理空氣污染防制計畫辦理品質及成效 1. 擬訂「111年度臺南市空氣品質改善維護措施管控作業程序」,對各計畫實施管理及考核評分。 2. 針對各委辦計畫管考結果:在執行重點性計畫以「加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」得分最高,主要以資料提報完整性及污防書達成得分較高;另成績較為落後計畫為「機車排氣污染稽查管制計畫」,主要是污防書管制達成與署考評達成有期程落後問題致影響整體平均成績。 3. 掌握111年度環保署空品改善工作績效評比作業內容,考量環保局空噪科內相關委辦計畫執行量能,評估本市111年考評預估得分約108.26分,整體得分率為88%。 4. 依據環保署公告本市111年度空品改善工作績效評比結果,本市獲得考評特優成績。 (七) 空氣品質淨化區維護管理 1. 空品淨化區基地數自100年(192處)起逐年增加112年3月達222處,共計增加30處,總面積50.473公頃、長度72.178公里。 2. 111年設置補助申請計6件,經審查後核定面積0.329公頃,金額59萬3,252元;維護補助費核定118處基地提出,申請率達65.4%,核定金額211萬9,539元。 3. 111年共計216處空品淨化區接受考核,考核結果其考核意見透過本市空氣品質淨化區網站前台系統功能,於公佈欄回饋給各維護單位,另有189處基地完成自主管理考核,填報比率達87.5%。 4. 計畫執行期間成功媒合4間企業進行本市6處淨化區認養協議。 5. 協助提報轄內7處優良社區參與環保署「空氣品質淨化區優良認養單位甄選及獎勵活動」,環保署與專家學者於112年1月2日至本市進行現勘查核,最終有6個認養單位獲獎。 6. 協助9所學校及1處區公所完成設置綠牆,設置總面積為201.41平方公尺。 7. 為使本市空氣品質淨化區之維護管理品質提升,本計畫於工作期間將針對本市空氣品質淨化區應加強而且改善績效潛量大之淨化區,透過一次性診治改善並完成5處植物診治作業。 (八) 室內空氣品質改善作業 1. 完成敏感族群場所巡檢55處,包含17所托嬰中心、24所學校(幼兒園)、9處社會福利機構(老人養護中心、親子悠遊館)以及5處產後護理機構,並同步進行巡查訪視問卷調查,以作為後續施政之參考。 2. 協助臺南市環保局共稽查13家公私場所,共計執行檢測52項次,其稽查結果皆為符合室內空氣品質標準。 3. 推動公告場所32處及非公告場所9處取得室內空氣品質自主標章,共41處,並達成環保署考評目標。 (九) 人工測站及環保局自動測站操作維護 1. 依據合約工作,完成人工測站TSP採樣144次、11次TSP成分分析及24次落塵量採樣,144次單點流量校正、24次多點流量校正、1式一級流量校正、1次計時器校正及6點次精密度測試;自動測站部分已完成24站次每月維護、8站次每季維護及4站半年維護。 2. 自動測站資料使用率部分,少數時段因儀器故障及設備位於學校無法進入等因素外,整體資料可用率達到98%以上。 (十) 空氣品質管理成效宣導 1. 為強化空氣品質資訊的宣導效率及達成資訊公開透明化之目的,率全國首創設置「臺南市空氣品質監測網」,並於空品不良季節細緻化提供三日空氣品質預報外,亦於每日7點半前發布當日空氣品質、天氣型態、大環境風速風向及有無鋒面影響等天氣及空品資訊,以便利的方式提供市民完整的空氣品質訊息。 2. 為讓市民對政策有感並傳達本市極為重視空污相關政策,協助環保局發布14則新聞稿、臉書圖卡貼文發布137則。 3. 持續維護本市30台AQI推播系統資訊站及小西門電子看板,並於空品不良季節發布宣導民眾做好防護訊息,使空氣品質資訊揭露更為透明。 4. 透過臺南市重要路口租用14處大型電子看板託播提醒市民相關防護訊息、空氣品質惡化應變措施及環保局各項空氣污染管理政策宣導等相關訊息宣導。
中文關鍵字 空品管制、PM2.5、排放量


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-110-AN-31214 經費年度 111 計畫經費 17288 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/30 專案結束日期 2023/03/29 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 江佩融 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 111年台南SIP期末_(定稿)(上傳).pdf 39MB 111年度臺南市空氣品質管理及監測站操作維護暨推動室內空品改善計畫期末定稿

2022 Tainan City Air Quality Management and Monitoring Station Operation and Maintenance and Improvement of Indoor Air Quality Plan

英文摘要 (1) Environmental load and trends End of February 2023, the population of Tainan City was 1.859 million, with a density of 846.2 people/km2, which was higher than national average 644 people/km2, ranking sixth among the six municipalities, and the population has shown a downward trend since 2018. There are currently a total of 2,447 controlled-list factories in Tainan City, of which plastic products manufacturers account for the largest number (about 18.2%), followed by the metal industry (about 12.4%), and then the gas station industry (about 11.7%). In recent years, the number of construction sites has generally shown an increasing trend year by year, with approximately 10,000-13,000 sites each year. The total number of vehicles was 2.09 million in February 2023, and the number of vehicles for per person was 1.1, of which scooters account for the majority (65.2%), followed by automobiles for 29.6% and diesel trucks for 5%. The scooter is negative growth, especially the two-stroke scooters have decreased 87.7% from 2013 to February 2023, and the electric scooters have gradually exceeded the two-stroke scooters since 2021. However, the fuel and diesel supply has increased by 10.1% in the past decade. (2) Air quality analysis In general, the ratio of air quality index (AQI) of good and ordinary grades (AQI ≤ 100) in Tainan City in the past five years (2018~2022) has shown an increasing trend year by year, rising from 76.4% in 2018 to 90.0% in 2022, and has reaching 80% for three consecutive years, and exceeded 90% for the first time in 2022. And the number of good days reached a record high of 43.7%. The rate of poor air quality index (AQI>100) has shown a trend of improvement year by year, from 23.6% in 2018 to 5.5% in 2022, and the rate of poor AQI has decreased by 58.6%. Among them, the improvement of PM2.5 was the most significant, from 23.6% in 2018 to 9.8% in 2022; O3 -8hr shows a fluctuating trend, however, O3-8hr has improved significantly and the poor air quality ratio was 4.32%, reaching a record low. In the trend of changes in the concentration of major air pollutants in the past 5 years (2018-2022), the annual average and daily average concentrations of PM10 have been improving year by year. The annual average has improved from 55.7 μg/m3 in 2018 to 33.0 μg/m3 in 2022, with an improvement rate of 40.8%; the daily average has improved from 109.2 μg/m3 in 2018 to 68.6μg/m3 in 2022, an improvement rate of 37.2%, and have also met the newly revised air quality standards (50μg/m3, 100μg/m3) for four consecutive years since 2019. As of March 2023, the annual average of PM10 was 52.2μg/m3, a significant increase of 22.0% compared with 42.8μg/m3 in the same period last year, and the daily average was 92.8μg/m3, increase of 11.8% compared with 83.1μg/m3 in the same period last year. Mainly due to the impact of the dust incident in the upwind river at the beginning of the year. The annual average and 24-hour average concentration of PM2.5 by manual measurement stations are improving year by year. The annual average has dropped from 23 μg/m3 in 2018 to 17.2 μg/m3 in 2022, with an improvement rate of 25.0%; the 24-hour average decreased from 61.5 μg/m3 in 2018 to 42.0 μg/m3 in 2022, and the improvement rate was 31.7%. The hourly average and 8-hour average concentrations of O3 show fluctuations, but the overall trend is still decreasing. The hourly average improved 5.4% and declined from 95.3 ppb in 2018 to 90.1 ppb in 2022;8-hour average improved 3.5% and declined from 71.6 ppb in 2018 to 69.1 ppb in 2022. (3) Air Quality Model Simulation of Ozone Impact Sources in Tainan City 1. According to the simulation results, in the annual means of eight-hour ozone averages, the higher ratio of impact came from mobile sources, with the highest being large trucks, whose impact ratio was 10.1%. The highest impact in non-point sources came from the emissions of agricultural machinery and construction equipment, with an impact ratio as high as 5.4%. It is recommended to strengthen the related control measures or enhance enforcement, including through meetings with the Environmental Protection Administration to suggest the Agriculture and Food Agency to regulate agricultural machinery by means of cross-departmental consultations. 2.In addition to carrying out the model simulation of ozone, the impact ratios of its precursors, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) for the annual means and different AQI levels, were simulated for different sectors. According to the simulation results, in terms of the total impact ratios of the annual means of eight-hour ozone averages, NOx was the highest (37.9%), followed by NMHC (27.6%), while the remaining pollutants (OTH) accounted for 10.9%. It shows that the Tainan City’s number of poor air quality station days due to eight-hour ozone averages was primarily caused by the main precursor pollutant NOx. 3. In the change of ozone impact ratios in major sectors, when the AQI level rose from ordinary to initial alert, the impact ratio of mobile pollution sources was the largest (four-stroke motorcycles, private gasoline passenger vehicles, and large trucks amounted to approximately 20%). It is recommended to strengthen the inspection efforts for four-stroke motorcycles and large trucks, propose related preferential schemes, encourage the public to take public transportation more frequently, and reduce the use of private vehicles. (4) Analysis for emission inventory According to the TEDS 11.0 emissions database and the updated results of this plan, each category of emission sources in Tainan in 2019 are below: Category TSP PM10 PM2.5 SOx NOx NMHC Point (tons/year) 739.61 501.33 384.25 1,214.52 2,618.71 3,461.53 Area (tons/year) 40,992.79 11,868.16 2,924.23 325.65 1,505.54 27,875.50 Line (tons/year) 2,958.27 2,040.67 1,634.76 10.91 17,717.92 9,155.20 Total emission(tons/year) 44,690.68 14,410.17 4,943.24 1,551.08 21,842.17 42,202.12 According to the emission inventory in 2019 to analyze the trend of emission changes in the past ten years. Compared with 2010, TSP and PM10 increased by 12% and 1% respectively; while PM2.5, SOx, NOx and NMHC decreased by 18%, 65%, 20% and 8% respectively. (5) Management Examination Tainan City Air Pollution Control Plan (2020~2023) Assisted the Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau (TNEPB) in administering the Tainan City Air Pollution Control Plan (2020 to 2023), with a total of three aspects, 27 control strategies, 60 control goals, and the "Bright Clear Sky Suspended Particulate Reduction Control Plan" for the cross-bureau. The main focus of this edition of the paln is the annual average concentration target of PM2.5 and the reduction target of air pollutants. Based on the achievement of the annual average concentration target of PM2.5 in Air Quality Basin, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in Yun-Jia-Nan Air Quality Basin in 2022 was 17.77 µg/m³, which has reached the expected target of 20.6 µg/m³; in terms of pollutant reduction targets, various air pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx and NMHC) have all reached the planning targets ahead of schedule. (6) Manage the quality and effectiveness in each air quality control project 1. Executing “2022 Tainan City Air Quality Improvement and Maintenance Plan Management and Evaluation Method”: SIP assisted TNEPB to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of each air quality relative projects. 2. Managements results of each air quality relative projects: “Strengthen the Street Dust Cleaning project” had the highest scores because of the completeness of data reporting and the achievement of Air Pollution Control Plan with high scores. The other hand, “Scooter Exhaust Pollution Inspection and Control Project” had the poor scores because of the goal of Air Pollution Control Plan and the work progress of the EPA's assessment are behind schedule, which affects the overall performance. 3. Grasps the contents of the performance evaluation work of the EPA's air quality improvement work in 2022, and considers the implementation capacity of the relevant committees in the Air Noise Section of TNEPB, and evaluates the estimated score in 2022 of Tainan City’s evaluation of about 108.26 points, and the overall score the rate is 88%. 4. According to the performance evaluation work of the EPA's air quality improvement work in 2022 evaluation results, Tainan city was awarded an excellent result in the evaluation. (7) Maintenance and management of air quality purification zone 1. The number of air quality purification zone sites increased from 192 in 2011 to 222 in March 2023, a total of 30 sites have been added, with a total area of 50.473 hectares and a length of 72.178 kilometers. 2. In 2022, the total of applications for subsidies were 6 places. After review, the approved application area was 0.329 hectares, and the approved amount was NT$593,252. In addition, a total of 118 purification zone sites applied for maintenance subsidies, with an application rate of 65.4% and an approved amount of NT$2,119,539. 3. In 2022, a total of 216 purification zone bases were assessed. The assessment opinions were fed back to the maintenance units on the bulletin board through the front desk system function of the Tainan Air Quality Purification District website. 4. Assisted in submitting 7 excellent purification zones to participate in the EPA's "Selection and Reward Activity for Excellent Adopting Units in Air Quality Purification Zones". The EPA and experts and scholars conducted an on-site inspection in Tainan City on January 2, 2023. In the end, 6 adoption units won awards. 5. Completed the adoption of 30 purification zones by enterprises, village offices, community development associations, school parent associations or volunteer teams. 6. Assisting 9 junior high school and North District to apply for setting green wall from EPA, with a total installation area of 201.41 m2. 7. In order to improve the quality of maintenance and management of the air quality purification zone, during the working period, completed the diagnosis and treatment of 5 purification zones to achieve the work goals of this year. (8) Indoor air quality improvement work 1. Completed inspections of 55 sites with sensitive groups, including 17 childcare centers, 24 schools (including kindergartens), 9 social welfare institutions (e.g., nursing homes or parent-child centers), and 5 postpartum care institutions. The inspection visit and questionnaire survey were done at the same time to serve as a reference for subsequent policy implementation. 2. Assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government in jointly inspecting 13 public and private venues, conducting a total of 52 inspections. All inspection results complied with indoor air quality standards. 3. Promoted the acquisition of autonomous badges of indoor air quality for a total of 41 venues, including 32 officially announced premises and 9 non-officially announced premises, thereby achieving the Environmental Protection Administration’s assessment goals. (9) Operation and maintenance of TN EPB automatic and manual monitoring stations 1. According to the requirements of the project contract, 144 sampling for TSP, 11 sampling for component analysis of TSP, 24 dust fall sampling, 144 single-point flow calibrations, 24 multi-point flow calibrations, 1-type first-level flow calibrations, 1 timer calibration and 6-point precision testing for the manual station were completed as scheduled. In terms of the automatic station, 12 station-times monthly maintenance, 6 station-times quarterly maintenance and 2 station-times semi-annual maintenance were completed as scheduled. 2. In the part of the data utilization rate of the automatic monitoring station, the overall data availability rate reached 98%, except for a few periods of time due to equipment failure and inaccessibility of the equipment in the school. (10) Promotion for Air quality management effectiveness 1. In order to give the public a good impression of the policy and convey the air pollution policy, it is the first in the country to set up the "Tainan City Air Quality Monitoring Network" by this project, to provide a three-day air quality forecast in detail during the poor air season, and also publishes the air quality, weather pattern, wind speed and direction of the day, and other relevant information before am 7:30 every day for providing the public with complete air quality information in a convenient way. In addition, "air quality information display boards" have been set up in three places, including Wenhua village Community Activity Center in the Southern District, the TNEPB's Cangjin Pavilion (Fudong Street) and the Cangjin Pavilion Preparatory Office (Fuqian Road) to provide real-time air quality information for the outdoor public. 2. In order to make citizens feel good about the policy and convey that the city attaches great importance to air pollution-related policies, the EPB has been assisted by this project in issuing 14 press releases and 137 Facebook card posts. 3. Continue to maintain the 30 AQI information push and broadcast systems and Xiaoximen electronic billboards, and publish messages to promote public protection during poor air quality seasons to make air quality information disclosures more transparent. 4. 14 large-scale electronic billboards were rented at important intersections in Tainan City to remind the public of relevant protection messages, contingency measures for air quality deterioration, and promotion of various air pollution management policies of the TNEPB.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Management, PM2.5, Emission