

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作為掌握產業運作化學物質情形並建立基線資料、強化採樣檢測技術、推動跨部會合作管理邊境化學物質及執行毒性及關注化學物質網路交易查核等四部分。 在掌握產業運作化學物質情形並建立資料資料部分,本計畫以27 種評估公告為關注化學物質之運作業者及進口含石綿產品、含汞產品業者為主,已完成 60 家運作業者現況調查,除調查 27 種評估公告為關注化學物質之運作情形外,亦蒐集業者廠內同時運作其他化學物質使用情形,包括物質外觀、用途、最終成品及其化學品成分占比等項目,同時追蹤下游廠商分布情形,瞭解化學品供應鏈,亦輔導業者繪污染流向圖;進口含石綿業者部分,調查 110 年首次進口的 64家業者,逾 81%業者實際上進口非石綿貨品,已同步輔導選擇正確之貨品分類號列;實屬進口含石綿貨品業者計 12 家,已輔導業者使用替代品;此外,限制含汞產品輸入已於 110 年 1 月正式施行,目前 1家業者取得含汞產品簽審文件,其產品為固態繼電器(SSR),於 111年 7 月 4 日偕同化學局現場訪查,輔導進口時應使用簽審編號並定期申報運作紀錄。 在強化化學物質採樣檢測技術部分,本年度蒐集 27 項評估公告為關注化學物質相關資料,彙整研析國內外政府及可信機構公告之化學物質檢測方法後,進一步委由環境檢驗測定機構作可行性評估並給予修正建議,研提可供主管機關參據之標準檢驗方法;另配合主管機關需求,完成現地採樣 35 場次及 319 個樣品檢測,檢測樣品包含縣市環保局送樣、市售商品檢測及邊境採樣檢測等三個方向;另外,在水生生物毒性試驗中,亦已完成以高運作量、高水溶性、高生物毒性 之苯胺及丙烯醇對原生種中華青鱂魚及多齒新米蝦做毒性試驗。 在推動跨部會合作管理邊境化學物質部分,使用 B&W Tek TacticID-1064 Handheld Raman Analyzer 生產之手持式拉曼儀器,以27項預公告為關注化學物質作優先建置標的,目前已完成建置17種,共完備拉曼圖譜資料庫達 219 種化學物質;另為協助化學局及環保局熟悉手持式拉曼儀器操作,於 11 月 4 日辦理 1 場次研習活動,內容包含拉曼儀器使用及操作示範、實作練習及實驗室檢測簡介及觀摩。 在網路查核的部分,針對 14 個國內網路購物平台進行電子化檢索,建立關鍵字清單後進行電子化檢核 341 種毒化物、3 種關注化學物質及即將預告之關注化學物質進行高風險商品篩選,並以人工進行複檢,共檢索出 56,481 筆風險名單,經人工判斷後提出疑慮商品計180 件,經連繫平台後皆已完成下架。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質、後市場、製程調查、 採樣檢測、網路查核、邊境管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 15598.335 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/15 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳佳妮
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 王郁芬 執行單位 環化有限公司


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期末報告 111年化學物質調查與採樣檢測計畫.pdf 42MB 成果報告

The project for investigation, sampling and testing of chemical substances

英文摘要 This project focused on four aspects, including industry usage of chemical substances and establishing baseline data, strenuous sampling and testing techniques, promoting inter-ministerial cooperation for border management of chemical substances as well as implementing e-commerce inspections of toxic chemical substances (TCSs) and concerned chemical substances (CCSs). For industry survey of TCSs and CCSs and establishment of baseline data, the project provided 27 assessment reports of CCS handlers as well as importers of asbestos and mercury-added products, with 60 handlers investigated. In addition to 27 reports concerning handling of CCSs, handlers’ usage of other chemical substances, including substance appearance, purposes, end products as well as chemical compositions, were gathered. Downstream manufacturer distribution was simultaneously tracked to understand chemical product supply chains and provide enterprises consultation with pollution flow diagram creation. For importers of asbestos-added products, according to 64 first-time importers in 2021, over 81% importers actually imported non-asbestos products, and were counseled to choose c.c.c. code correctly. 12asbestos-added product importers were counseled to use alternatives. In addition, restrictions on importing of mercury-added products had been implemented since January of 2021. Currently, 1 enterprise has acquired import approval visa documents for their mercury-added product, a Solid State Relay (SSR). We assisted Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (TCSB) in onsite investigation on July 4th, 2022. Consulted imports should have permit number assigned and report handling records periodically. For reinforcement of sampling and testing technologies for chemical substances, this project gathered 27 assessment reports regarding CCSs. Standard testing methods were provided for competent authorities for references by comprehensively studied and analyzed chemical substance testing methods of domestic and foreign governments as well as credible institutions, followed by further evaluation of feasibility and amendments by environmental analysis organizations. In compliance with authorities, this project performed 35 field samplings and 319 sample tests. Testing samples were mainly submitted from county/municipal Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs), market products and the border. In addition to aquatic organism toxicity, aniline and allyl alcohol, known for their high handling capacity, water-solubility and biotoxicity properties, were conducted toxicity tests on Chinese rice fish and Neocaridina denticulate (freshwater shrimp). For promotion of inter-ministerial cooperation for border management, the B&W Tek TacticID-1064 Handheld Raman Analyzer was utilized. 27 announced CCSs were priority targets and 17 CCSs were established. Furthermore, 219 chemical substances were established in the Raman Spectroscopy database. To familiarize TCSB and EPB with the analyzer, 1 workshop was held on November 4th. The participants were introduced to the analyzer, practice, lab testing and demo. For e-commerce inspections, e-search was carried out across 14 domestic ecommerce platforms. To screen high risk products, a list of keywords was established, followed by online inspection of 341 TCSs, 3 CCSs as well as to be announced CCSs. A list of 56,481 products with risk were selected electronically and double checked manually. 180 uspicious products were manually verified. After notifying their respective platforms, all concerned products were removed.
英文關鍵字 Toxic and concerned chemical substances, Post-market, Investigation of manufacturing processes, Sampling and testing, E-commerce inspections, Border management