

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為111年2月25日至112年2月20日(含擴充計畫期間:111年12月21日至112年2月20日),期間針對臺北市所有機車排氣檢驗站執行查核管理相關作業,目的在於提昇臺北市機車排氣檢驗站的檢驗品質及公信力,確保檢驗站依法落實機車排氣檢驗工作,維持檢驗站檢驗品質;另為提醒車主按時完成機車定檢,同時進行機車排氣檢驗通知單製作及寄發工作,配合加速老舊機車汰舊及推動低污染電動機車等作業,透過相應加碼補助提高換購意願,同時提升電動機車設籍占比達到油電轉型目的,計畫依工作契約書已於111年11月20日前提交期末報告初稿、112年2月10日前提交擴充計畫期間工作報告書初稿,統計相關成果摘要說明如下: 一、 提昇本市機車排氣檢驗站服務品質及公信力 年度完成檢驗站品質查核561站次,查核違規數共計18筆,依照記點輕重程度分序為警告項目5筆、缺失項目9筆及違反管理辦法項目4筆。發生查核違規之檢驗站輔導當場改善完成或於檢驗站完成改善後3日內(未包含假日)由查核人員回到現場進行複查且合格,後續依檢驗站品質分級制度進行查核。 擴充計畫期間完成檢驗站品質查核105站次,查核違規數共計1筆,為違反管理辦法項目。發生查核違規之檢驗站輔導當場改善完成或於檢驗站完成改善後3日內(未包含假日)由查核人員回到現場進行複查且合格。 二、 確保機車排氣檢驗站落實執行排氣檢驗及檢驗站管理工作 (一) 查核人員教育訓練 本計畫於111年4月13日針對查核人員辦理1場教育訓練。教育訓練的課程內容包括計畫簡介、工作執行方式及工作分配內容等,並加強分析儀查核氣體比對標準操作程序及實機訓練,使計畫內之工作人員均能維持計畫執行品質。 (二) 檢驗人員教育訓練 計畫於111年5月30日至6月6日與111年10月24日至10月31日辦理2場檢驗站檢驗人員線上教育訓練暨優良機車排氣檢驗站評鑑表揚活動,人員可以遠端觀看影片授課。課程內容除針對「機車排放空氣污染物檢驗站設置及管理辦法」及「臺北市機車排放空氣污染物檢驗站認可證審查作業要點」法令規定講解,並提醒檢驗站應注意事項;另就排氣分析儀手動校正程序錄製教學影片,及邀請車廠專業講師說明機車污染控制裝置概論。優良檢驗站得獎事蹟以簡報影片方式呈現,表揚維持檢驗站應有的良好形象、提高檢驗服務品質與榮譽感,並讓其餘檢驗站業者獲得見賢思齊之效。 三、 製作機車排氣定期檢驗通知單,寄發設籍臺北市機車車主進行排氣檢測 本計畫截至12月合計寄發機車排氣定期檢驗通知單611,953件,退件數合計2,835件,退件率為0.46%,皆已建檔完成。 擴充計畫期間已寄發機車排氣定期檢驗通知單90,263件,退件數合計621件,退件率為0.69%,皆已建檔完成。 四、 電子化定檢通知宣導及推廣,逐步將定檢通知電子化 今年度規劃策略以「註冊推廣」及「在地服務」為主題,除提供100,000點Line Points點數、咖啡兌換券及保修折扣券獎勵響應無紙化之民眾外,年度新增本市排氣檢驗站競賽推廣機制與提供推廣獎勵,提高定檢電子化通知系統註冊率及到檢率。系統內好友已累計至10萬人。 五、 定期與機車排氣檢驗站維持連線並加強定檢資料之查核 為有效提昇資料處理作業之效率及提供往後之資料統計分析,本計畫維護「臺北市機車排氣檢驗站即時資訊管理系統」,該系統能隨時掌握檢驗站檢測及查核資料,並提供課程網路報名系統,同時具有統計分析等功能,以盡監控、輔導之責任。 六、 推廣老舊機車汰舊換購及新購電動機車補助 臺北市政府環境保護局運用行政院環境保護署補助,辦理加速老舊機車汰舊換購及新購電動機車等相關補助作業,統計111整年度已完成老舊機車換購電動機車為2,705件,新購電動機車為7,924件。 七、 提昇本市機車排氣檢驗之空氣污染減量成效 本市1月至10月底1~4期老舊機車汰舊數共33,702輛,其中二行程機車總汰舊數為4,629輛,四行程機車總汰舊數為29,073輛,計算年度汰舊對於空氣污染物減少CO排放量為332.54 Tons/Yr,NMHC為74.97 Tons/Yr,NOx為26.98 Tons /Yr。
中文關鍵字 機車、排氣定檢


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 14740 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/25 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 曾德民
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇育慧 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年北市評鑑期末(含擴充)正式報告.pdf 18MB

The project of evaluating the inspected procedures of the motor-exhaust inspecting stations 2022

英文摘要 The project was implemented from February 25, 2022, to February 20, 2023. The project was evaluated the inspected procedures of the motor-exhaust inspecting stations. The aims of the project include improving the service quality of the stations, enhancing the public trust, ensuring that all the stations are doing well, improving air quality of Taipei city, sending inspect notices to motorcycle owners, assisting people to inform the authorities of unlawful pollutant motors and promoting the replacement of old scooters to electric scooters or gas-powered scooters. The first draft of the final report was submitted by November 20, 2022. The first draft of the report of the expansion plan was submitted by February 10, 2023. The following are as follows: 1. Improve service quality and public trust This year, quality evaluations for 666 stations were completed. The failed stations had taken the corrective actions and passed the re-examination immediately or within three days (not including holidays). Staffs reviewed again the failed stations for station qualified. The recommendation was made as inspect the station in different levels of quality. 2. Assuring stations performance the inspections appropriately (1) Auditors training The training class was completed on April 13, 2022, respectively. The training class including project introduction, working methods and job arrangement were provided to the auditors. The auditors who completed the training are expected to execute their job with a better standard. (2) Inspectors training The first and second inspector training classes were completed on May 30 to June 6, 2022 and October 24 to 31, 2022, respectively. The main subjects of the training not only introducing new rules of decree ‘The set up and management approach of the checkpoint for the air pollutants emission scooter.’, but explaining the added or modified items of inspection and evaluation this year, the plan of execution items for assessment evaluation, and the guide for enhancing on-site inspection rate. Furthermore, it covers the review past statistics and checkpoints. Upon the completion of the training, the inspector of the stations is expected to not only fully understand the rules, ordinances, and activities but also provide the highest quality of service. 3. Making and sending the periodic motorcycle exhaust inspection notices to Taipei motorcycle owners There were 611,953 pieces of the periodic motorcycle exhaust inspection notices have been sent. There were 2,835 pieces were returned; the return rate was 0.46%, all of these were archived. During the expansion plan period, there were 90,263 pieces of the periodic motorcycle exhaust inspection notices have been sent. There were 621 pieces were returned; the return rate was 0.69%, all of these were archived. 4. Establish on-line communication with motor-exhaust inspection stations and enhance inspection documentation A management system, “Taipei motor-exhaust inspecting station real-time information management system” was maintained to improve the efficiency of data processing and provide information for statistical analysis. The system monitors the data flow of the inspection station and allows online register. The system also has the statistical and analyzing functions for the responsibility of monitoring and counseling. 5. The promotion of old scooters scrapped to redemption electric motorcycle or gas-powered scooters In 2022, Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government uses the allowance from the Environmental Protection Administration to apply accelerated the old scooters scrapped for low pollution electric motorcycle. In 2022, the numbers of 2,705 scooters got subsidy for redemption of electric motorcycle and 7,924 scooters got subsidy for redemption of gas-powered scooters. 7. Improve the efficiency of reducing the air pollution According to the statistics of the Environmental Protection Administration, From January to October 2022, subsidized two-stroke engine scrapped there are 4,629 scooters, and four-stroke engine are 29,073 scooters, there are 332.54 Ton/Yr of CO, 74.97 Ton/Yr of NMHC and 26.98 Tons /Yr of NOx reductions per year.
英文關鍵字 Motor-exhaust inspecting stations, Exhaust-analyzing machine calibration, Pollutant motor cases