英文摘要 |
In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution at factory site from affecting national health and environmental quality, the Environmental Management Administration (EMA) has been carrying out the four phases of “Applying Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Potential in Operating Factories” since 2014. A total of 622 factories with potentially high-pollution processes have undergone on-site inspections. Employing a systematic screening mechanism, the EMA conducted pollution investigation operations on 113 factories. Among these, 65 factories (about 58%) were verified and confirmed to have soil and/or groundwater contamination exceeding pollution control standards. The investigation results have been sent to the EPB for subsequent control according to the law. Starting from 2022,with contamination prevention and management as the main focus, the EMA has been promoting a mindset of self-prevention management within businesses. Based on factors such as business type, pollution source, and operational characteristics that contribute to pollution potential, businesses are categorized into “A: Strengthen management groups” (Around 4,000 companies), “B: Self-managed groups” (Around 16,000 companies), and “C: Inspection groups” (Around 124,000 companies).Each year, these groups are established through a classification process, and subsequent on-site inspections, investigations, and preventive management activities are conducted for businesses with potential soil and groundwater contamination issues.