

中文摘要 為推動全民綠生活,111-112年度計畫持續進行全民綠生活平台的系統建置與維運,以及進行行銷廣宣,提升綠平台之資訊豐富度,增加和民眾間的溝通互動。 於平台更新方面,共更新68篇平台貼文、每月更新29個開放資料集,並製作3款綠生活小遊戲由淺入深增加民眾互動,共有3,513人遊玩。此外,將業者端過往為紙本作業的旅遊、旅宿申請轉為線上、並建置英文網站與取得無障礙網頁標章,提高系統友善度。 在綠色採購面,除即時維運環保標章系統,也依年度評核,建置綠色採購與環保局評核系統,共有28.6萬筆綠色採購資料與3,717筆成果;於環保標章後市場追蹤查核制度新建置3階段管理功能;將機關共約資料近年分類異常問題建置管理系統,排除1,605筆採購資料異常問題;對採購網進行改版以符合響應式網頁設計與取得無障礙網頁標章,並依環保局合作需求建置專屬販售通路功能。 計畫除提供客服即時諮詢服務外,亦提供教育訓練、線上影片等多元方式輔導系統使用者,共協助處理6,358通客服諮詢、15場實體教育訓練,並有1,485人在線上完成教育訓練。在資安面,每月研析網站流量,計畫期間共有1,952人次瀏覽,網站持續符合環保署網站檢核標準,且在環保署與計畫自主額外資安測試中,皆無重大資安問題,並也對環保署舊主機完成升級作業。 綠生活行銷共設計大頭貼特效框一式並舉辦響應活動,拍攝世界環境日串聯影片及環標30宣傳議題行銷,同時與五位不同風格KOL合作推廣綠生活各面向,曝光次數皆超過100萬次,並派員出席擺攤活動加以宣導及刊登捷運廣告,協助申請公益託播擴大宣傳,設計平面文宣六式並以電子形式刊登。總行銷效益互動人數達5048人次,觸及人數共15萬人次,曝光次數958萬次。
中文關鍵字 全民綠生活、環保標章、環保標章


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 11120 千元
專案開始日期 2021/12/24 專案結束日期 2023/04/30 專案主持人 邱顯皓
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳建中 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111-112 年全民綠生活網絡經營管理專案工作計畫成果報告(定稿).pdf 19MB 111-112 年全民綠生活網絡經營管理專案工作計畫成果報告(定稿)

Project for the operation and management of Green Life Platform (2022-2023)

英文摘要 In order to promote the National Green Life Movement, we continued the system construction and maintenance of the platform, as well as conducted marketing and publicity to enhance the information richness of the platform and increase communication and interaction with the public. In terms of platform, we updated a total of 68 posts and 29 open datasets every month. We also produced 3 Green Life mini-games to increase public interaction step by step, with a total of 3,513 people have played the game. In addition, we have transformed Group Travel and Eco-friendly Hotel applications that used to be done on paper to online, built an English website, and earned a webpage accessibility mark to improve the user-friendliness of the system. In terms of Green Purchase, we provided instant maintenance and operation of the Green Mark System. Based on annual assessments, we also built a Green Procurement and assessment system for the departments of environmental protection. A total of 286,000 Green Procurement records and 3,717 results. We built a three-stage management function for the market tracking and inspection system of Green Mark, and built a management system for the abnormal classification of the Implementation of Inter-entity Supply Contracts data in recent years, eliminating 1,605 abnormal purchase data. At the same time, we revised the Green Product Online Purchase Platform to conform to Responsive Web Design and obtain the accessibility conformance level A. Also, we built exclusive sales channel functions according to the cooperation requirements of Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government. In addition to providing real-time customer service consultation services, the website also provides education and training, online videos, and other multi-modal to guide the users. It assisted in handling 6,358 customer service consultations, 15 physical education and training sessions, and 1,485 people who completed online education and training. In terms of information security, we analyzed the traffic of the website every month. During the project, a total of 1,952 people visited the website. The website continued to meet the website inspection standards of the Environmental Protection Administration and our additional information security tests without major security issues. We have also completed the upgrade of the old mainframe of the Environmental Protection Administration. In the marketing of Green Life, we designed a special effect frame for photo stickers and held corresponding activities, filmed a series of videos on World Environment Day, and promoted the 30th anniversary of the Green Mark. We cooperated with five KOLs of different styles to promote various aspects of Green Life. The number of impressions exceeded 1 million times. We also sent staff to participate in stall activities to promote and publish MRT advertisements, assisting in applying for public welfare support broadcasting to expand publicity, designing six forms of graphic literature, and publishing them in electronic form. The total number of marketing benefit engagements reached 5,048, with a total of 150,000 people reached and 9.58 million impressions.
英文關鍵字 Green Life, Green Mark, Green Procurement