

中文摘要 已完成5場急救人員訓練、2場3公噸以下移動式起重機訓練、8位3公噸以上移動式起重機訓練、1場鏟裝機訓練、1場挖掘機訓練及8場在職教育訓練專班及於每月之工作月報彙整統計213個清潔隊之符合相關規定之情形。 已完成15場「清潔隊職業安全管理現場輔導會議」及15場「清潔隊員健康保護措施現場輔導會議」,並追蹤受輔導單位改善情形。 已完成3項高風險作業之可行性替代方案,研析所需之人力及設施需求。 已輔導26個鄉鎮市公所自動檢查計畫並追蹤落實情形,及提出適用清潔人員之特定健康檢查項目及頻率之建議,並完成6場「清潔隊員健康保護措施講習會」。 已辦理22個清潔隊現場作業訪查,及滾動檢討並研擬「清潔隊員安全作業標準參考例」之修正建議,同時完成4場次「地方環保機關推動清潔隊職業安全衛生業務觀摩活動」。 已完成2場1日、2場2天1夜行程之「清潔隊職業安全衛生業務聯繫會議」、6場「清潔隊工作安全促進會議」及3場「清潔人員職業安全衛生促進小組會議」,並持續協助機關行政事務至履約期限。 隨著今年度本計畫執行上述各式證照訓練、講習與會議,執行機關於職業安全衛生組織人員及相關法規規範文件上,符合法規程度已有大幅度提升。
中文關鍵字 清潔隊、職業安全與衛生、健康檢查


專案計畫編號 EPA194111014 經費年度 111 計畫經費 7300 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/10 專案結束日期 2022/12/09 專案主持人 陳吉隆
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 謝心色 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年清潔人員職業安全衛生促進計畫_成果報告(部分版).pdf 73MB

2022 Cleaning Staff Occupational Safety and Health Promotion Project

英文摘要 This project has completed 5 training programs for emergency personnel, 2 training programs for below 3-ton mobile cranes, an over 3-ton mobile cranes training program for 8 people, 1 training program for skid-loaders, 1 training program for excavator,8 training courses for on-the-job education, and tracking the law compliance of 213 cleaning unit’s and summerizing in monthly reponts. It completed 15 on-site consultation meetings for occupational safety management of cleaning units, and 15 on-site consultation meetings for cleaning unit health protection measures, and continued to track the improvement of the counseled unit’s It completed 3 feasible alternative tasks for high-risk operations on analyses of human resources and facility requirements. It counseled 26 cleaning unit’s in local townships with automatic inspection plans and continued the implementation tracking. Furthermore, completed 6 workshops for health protection measures of the cleaning unit with the consultant firm’s proposal of the specific health check items and frequency. This project has visited the filed aperaion of 22 cleaning units, then proposed a rolling wave review to standard references of cleaning unit work safety. Additionally, 4 observation activities had completed for cleaning units’ occupational safety and health promotion from local authorities. This project has hosted 2 sessions of 1-day and 2 sessions of 2-day itineraries of contact meetings for cleaning unit’s occupational safety and health operation, 6 meetings for cleaning unit’s work safety facilitation, and assisted 3 meetings for facilitation group of cleaning staff occupational safety, then continued to assist the administrative affairs until the contract completion date. With each training, meeting, and formulating template conducted under the project this year, the compliance with occupational safety and health requlations on 213 cleaning unit’s has significantly improved.
英文關鍵字 Cleaning Unit, Occupational Safety and Health, Health Examination